another morning

I can't afford to fall in love


Your POV

When I woke up, I was on my bed. The weird thing was that I could have sworn that I had fallen asleep in front of the door. ‘After I cried all night, but I really don’t know why I did. I ponder about these things often, but somehow I feel it was because of Tabi. I have not cried once about him. So why now? Now that I think about it he has never once told me about his girlfriends, not even when I knew about them, he never dared to bring them up to me to meet them. Well since it’s a new day I might as well take care of my un finished business and leave that school as soon as I can.’

Before I knew it I had made the lunches again. I guess that when your mind is occupied with thoughts you don’t realize the world around you.

I checked me watch and now it was time for me to get going. I picked up my things and headed out the door. Walking to the bus stop isn’t much. I could have called someone to pick me up but I prefer not to because I really rather not see anyone in the morning especially anyone that has to do with that guy.

“Yo, Saiyuri-ah!”

I heard a voice coming from behind, the voice was oddly familiar. I turned around and I saw him.

“Wah, Siwon-ah! Why are you here? Ah, and the rest of you.” I asked being quite shock by their appearance.

“Ah, well we meant to pay our respects yesterday at school but we had forgotten that you were going to a different high school.” Shindong said.

“Pay your respects? And why must you bring your noisy motorcycles, huh? Plus don’t you guys have to go to school?” I asked as I stared at them.

“Well we brought them because it’s faster to get here. And as for school we got today off, because someone through a stink bomb down the hall way.” Siwon said as he glared at the maknae.

“Well sorry, it fell out of me back pack and then it busted.” He arrogantly answered Siwon.

“Kyu hyun?” I asked because that was the last person that I’d expected to see here.

“Yeah?” he said questionably.

I ran towards him and hugged him really hard. “When did you get released from the hospital?”

“Uh, two days ago, I guess.” He said.

“And you’re riding a motorcycle?”

“Well yeah I don’t see why I can’t, I am 100% fully recovered.”



“Plus why were you in such a hurry?” Shindong asked

“Ah, that’s right I was going to go to the bus stop,” I said to them and then I looked down at my watch, “Ahhhh! No I missed the bus! Now I’ll be late for sure now!”

“Ah, Saiyuri-ah, why don’t we take you to school, I mean we don’t have school to day anyways. Plus we were just going to hang out at our usual place.” Siwon said

“Really? You’ll do that for me?”

“Well duh, we would do anything for our jjang.” Kyu hyun said

“Yup come on let’s go!” Siwon said excitedly.

“Well then let me drive yours” I said as I looked at Siwon.

“What, why mine?” Siwon said in a shock voice.

“Don’t worry I won’t wreck it like I did mine, plus I’ll let you ride with me if you do.”


“Yeah now hurry or I’ll be late.”

“Okay, come on guys let’s get going.”


I walked towards Siwon’s motorcycle, and he helped me get on. It’s not like I needed it, it was just because he was being nice. After I had gotten on, Siwon gave me the extra helmet he had, and then he got on after me, and we both put on our helmets.

“Hold on tight,” I said and we took off. I felt him hold on really tight, I guess I really scared him when I wrecked my bike last time.


We got there faster that I had expected, 5 minutes to be exact. We stopped a little bit away from the school gates. Siwon let go of my waist and then helped me off. ‘What a nice guy’ I thought to myself.

“Well I guess you have to go now don’t you?”  Sungmin asked in a slight depressed voice.

“Yeah if I don’t then I’ll be late,” I said

“Okay, but today were picking you up,” Siwon said as he got on his bike and put on his helmet, “We have a surprise for you, so don’t you dare go anywhere.”

“Yeah, I know. Hey wait why are you giving me orders?”

“Haha just don’t get in trouble, and just know that if you leave, then you won’t get the surprise, got it?” you said.

“Yeah, whatever, I’ll see you then, plus I changed the lock on the door.” I said as I threw them the keys, “I changed it just two days ago, I rearranged things so don’t mess then up got it?”

“Yes!” all of them said simultaneously.

“Good, now I really have to go, bye.” I said and then walked through the gates, and then the sound of the motorcycles faded away.

Ahhhh I feel better now, I have to find that person soon, so I can get out of this school!


Yay new update and I hope that you guys liked it

Yay SuJu in this chapter I love them.

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iheartheartsnsd #1
good story!
Plmokn #2
Update soon
ukissmekevin16 #3
This is really good! Update soon please!! Poor ryeowook!
Obata-sama #4
I'll subscribe, seriously. I normally only read complete stories since I hate waiting for update but this seems interesting and I really adore Sayuri's character. Read my text carefully fo suggestions and stuff. I hope it helps some cause I really wanna see what happens...
yay, its here, like a christmas gift to a child! lol anyways great story! Cant wait to know what happens next.
VeeVeeEnn #6
new reader (: update soon hehehe
Man She is mean!! Can't wait For another update!!! Totally love the story so far
I like your story can't wait for the next update!!