Chapter 22

I can't afford to fall in love

        'There's blood everywhere! Why?! So much blood! My head hurts so bad, did we have a reck? I can't see well, everything is crimson.' I thought to myself, my whole body hurt, but what's worse I couldn't move my leg at all.

        'Where had we gone, I don't remember. Who did we meet? I don't recall. But it's getting harder to breath.' I tried to look at my mother yet all I saw was a crimson bloody figure.

         'Mom!' I tried to call out but nothing came, and slowly I was engulfed by the darkness.


           "Sayuri-ah~" RyeoWook called out to her, "wake up, HeeChul-hyung and Hankyung-hyung are back." he called again as he lightly shook her.

           As if almost by instinct, Sayuri, even though still half asleep, took hold of his hand and twisted it. She didn't let go until, of course, RyeoWook screamed in pain. Her eyes widened and looked at RyeoWook, who by now was holding his hand, almost crying too.

           "Oh, RyeoWook, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to . . . I just . . ." she tried to find the right words but she was totally at a loss. She had hurt the gang's most innocent member, a total accident of course, but hurt him none the less.

           "No, no it's okay I should have known not to wake you but it's just that . . ." he began, tears already starting to form in his eyes, clearly most people knew not to wake her up and less to shake her to wake up, but RyeoWook had clearly forgotten. But she just eyed him curiously, "HeeChul and Hankyung hyung are back with the information you asked for," he continued as he massaged his hand.


           "Ah, I see, thanks . . . sorry" Sayuri managed to say finally. "Where are they?" she asked still not being able to face the eternal magnae.


           "They're in the living room," he replied in a soft tone, which made Sayuri realize that she was not where she had drifted to sleep, but instead on a bed.

          "Oh, okay, but RyeoWook, why am I in this bed?" she asked as she looked around the room. Of course it was her apartment, she payed for it and everything but she didn't live there, it was more like a place to hang out. There were also bed rooms there and she had her own, but this was definitely not her's.

          "Oh, well KyuHyun said that you should not sleep on the couch and so he brought you to his room," he replied calmly still rubbing his wrist.


             "Ah, okay . . ." she said before an awkward silence descended upon them. "Did you get the information I asked for?" Sayuri asked causing RyeoWook to flinch.

           "Y-yes!" he instantly stuttered, "Come, they must be really akword with HeeChul-hyung by now. I mean KyuHyun has been glaring at him since he got back, you better hurry before he kills your precious HeeChul." he said jokingly, as a attempt to lighten the mood but he was clearly at a lost. All he got was a glare from Sayuri as she stood from the bed and walked out of the room.

          You see RyeoWook was never one of Sayuri's favorites, of course he was cute, nice, kind, caring, but also weak. He wasn't much of a fighter nor was SungMin, and that made the gang look weak in her eyes. Always having to have to stand in the side lines to make sure they did not get hurt or anything, so most of the time she didn't get to fight. And the strength of your gang was shown by the leader and most didn't get to see her strength.


            Sayuri entered the living room to a pair of bickering voices. Not really willing to deal with them she walked to the stares that lead to the den. "Han Geng, come to the den and bring HeeChul with you we need to discuss the situation," she said to him in Chinese and headed down the stares, but not before call to RyeoWook to make some to eat and to follow them afterwords.

            Yes, he replied before he went to retrieve HeeChul, but the other refused to follow him. So he grabbed him and slung him over his shoulder, while HeeChul screamed and kicked his legs and flailed his arms. Cursing at KyuHyun about how he would shove something down his throat and make sure would die, and all Han Geng could do was chuckle as he carried HeeChul away.



        Sayuri sat down on one of the couches in the den and waited for Han Geng and HeeChul to come into the room. She didn't have to wait long, because as soon as she was about to sit down Han Geng walked in caring HeeChul. He sat down across from her and placed HeeChul on his lap.

          "Han Geng, why is HeeChul on your lap?" she asked curiously in Chinese.


          "I just wanted to hug 'em" he simply replied as he cuddled HeeChul, of course he said it in Chinese, he didn't want HeeChul to know what he just said.


           "You really missed him, didn't you?"


          "Of course I did!" he said with a huge grin plastered on his face, and cuddled HeeChul once again.


           "YAH! Would it kill you guys to speak Korean?! And will you stop hugging me?! And let me go!" HeeChul screeched and he struggled against Han Geng's embrace and blushing deeply.

           "Quit being a pain HeeChul, just sit calmly. As I remember, you used to love sitting on his lap, or am I wrong?" she said as she leaned back in her seat.

           "Shudd up!!" he said as he blushed madly and he hid him face into Han Geng's chest. Both Han Geng and Sayuri chuckled at the older's actions.


           "Now," Sayuri said in a serious manner causing the mood to become tense, "What have you discovered?"


            "They say that they would like to discuss it in a meeting of all the leaders of the region." Han Geng replied.


            "I understand, make a meeting date for two months from now. That should give them enough time to think," she said as she stood up and was about to leave when RyeoWook rushed into the room with a try of food. "RyeoWook, take the papers to my work room, I'm not hungry anymore, so just serve them make sure to inform me when the other get back we have things to discuses." and with that she left the room leaving the three dumbfounded.



Woot! Update! Don't worry there is more to come!

So I need to know if I should put hanchul in this story, cuz so far they just really close and then I need to know if there are any couples you readers want to see in the story. So please leave your comments below and they will be taken into consideration and most likely be put ing the story. Oh and one more thing I seriously need to know which poster is better so PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!



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iheartheartsnsd #1
good story!
Plmokn #2
Update soon
ukissmekevin16 #3
This is really good! Update soon please!! Poor ryeowook!
Obata-sama #4
I'll subscribe, seriously. I normally only read complete stories since I hate waiting for update but this seems interesting and I really adore Sayuri's character. Read my text carefully fo suggestions and stuff. I hope it helps some cause I really wanna see what happens...
yay, its here, like a christmas gift to a child! lol anyways great story! Cant wait to know what happens next.
VeeVeeEnn #6
new reader (: update soon hehehe
Man She is mean!! Can't wait For another update!!! Totally love the story so far
I like your story can't wait for the next update!!