
I can't afford to fall in love
HanKyung's POV-

I acted almost by instinct. When Sayuri screamed my name I knew exactly what to do. I grabbed HeeChul and placed him across my lap, and he was shaking and trying to cover his face. So I grabbed the helmet and put it on his head. The whole action only took a couple of seconds. If it was any other member I'm sure they would have just left him there to get caught, but I would never do that.

I remember once he told me that if he was ever to leave the gang than it would be against his will, and I saw that. I met his parents once, they weren't exactly what you would consider the nice, kind, or even gentle. There was this one time in middle school when he came to school with a giant bruise on the top part of his arm so that even the school summer uniform could barley cover it and Sayuri made a big fuss about it.

And now the once self centered, confident, and fear-no-one Kim HeeChul is hiding from a teacher. His hand barley gripping onto my shirt and him facing away from me. He was still shaking. But before I knew it, we had already arrived.

As soon as Sayuri opened the garage and we all parked our bikes, HeeChul rushed off and ran to Sayuri's side. I can't say that it didn't hurt me when he did that, it really did.

Your POV

I unlocked the door to the appartment. Or it was more like a town house but anyways, after I unlocked it I felt someone hold my arm. I turned to see who it was, and it was none other than HeeChul, still shaking of course.

I walked in and sat on the recliner in the living room.(the living room had two large couches facing each other, with a coffee table in between them and the recliner was in front of the coffee table). Soon after I was followed by the others. HeeChul stood to my left and Taeyong to my right and the rest sat on the couches.

"Before we start anything, do you mind to tell us what the hell those two are doing here?!" Kyuhyun shouted as he reached the living room followed by Hankyung. I swear leave it up to this kid to make a fuss about ever little thing, seriously he hung out way to much with HeeChul in the past.

"Calm down, Kyuhyun, he's here because I brought him here." I told him, this kids going to give me a serious headache.

"Why the heck would you do that?! It obvious that no one wants him here!" he screamed, I was like, did this kid just scream at me?! Oh hell naw this punk is going down. I glared at him and got up from my seat, and walk till I was right in front of his face.

"Who do you think your yelling at, hmmm?" I said as I gritted my teeth.

"I'm clearly screaming at you aren't I? Your the one to bring this low life traitor back into our gang!" he yelled again, I swear I'm never leaving him in HeeChul's care again, their temper is just to damn the same.

"I ganna break that pretty little neck of yours in-"

"Stop it you two," Kangin said and some how we did, we just stood there and stared at him, "Now, tell us why he is here," he said as he pointed to HeeChul, his head lowered, holding his arms.

"Because if I left him there he would have been in trouble," I said as I looked down.

"But he's a traitor, why would you protect him?!" Now it was EunHyuk's turn to yell.

"He didn't betray anyone," I said as I walked toward HeeChul and grabbed the pendant that was under HeeChul's collar, "If he did, I would have taken this away a long time ago," I just stared at the pendant, and remembered how I got each of them specially designed for them, none was the same, just like them, all different. And then I thought of them and my eyes started to water-

"It's okay that you brought him, but you can't expect us to except him back so easily," SiWon said and the others just nodded except for Hankyung who was leaning asingst the wall and looking away from it all.

"I know that, but he is still part of the gang, and you guys have to accept that as well," I said as I sat back on the recliner.

I crossed my legs and leaned back and pinched the bridge of my nose, as to try and prevent the headache that was to come. Then I leaned forward.

"Now, tell me, when exactly are the other three to come out of the hospital, hmm?" I said I'm not really amused with this situation.

"LeeTuek will be released later today, YeSung will be released later in the week and well DongHae, he is . . . Umm well he . . ."


Yes update still dabating on HanChul but it's an update.



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iheartheartsnsd #1
good story!
Plmokn #2
Update soon
ukissmekevin16 #3
This is really good! Update soon please!! Poor ryeowook!
Obata-sama #4
I'll subscribe, seriously. I normally only read complete stories since I hate waiting for update but this seems interesting and I really adore Sayuri's character. Read my text carefully fo suggestions and stuff. I hope it helps some cause I really wanna see what happens...
yay, its here, like a christmas gift to a child! lol anyways great story! Cant wait to know what happens next.
VeeVeeEnn #6
new reader (: update soon hehehe
Man She is mean!! Can't wait For another update!!! Totally love the story so far
I like your story can't wait for the next update!!