Friday, 11th April, 2050, (3/3)

Gin & Turtle

Argh! I can't believe what a mess I've made, why do I always have to be so stupid?

...Am I really a ?

I can't believe he said that. How can I get him to talk to me again? Either way I have to make it clear to Umi that I am not interested. Why's my life so crap?

'Oh, Jinnie bear!'

Oh yeah, that's why.

' off Misuzu,' I snapped.

She tsked and tossed her auburn curls like she was the queen of bloody sheeba, and how dare I say something so uncivil to her.

I snorted, 'Bish please, get over yourself.'

'Hmph,' she pouted and flopped onto my lap.

'Off,' I glared. Before I have to disinfect these jeans.

'I dare you to say that out loud.'

'Yah! Stop reading my mind.'

'Oh shut up Jin.'

Ugh. How dare she? Getting too big for her boots...and those shorts.

'Oi, you!'

'I told you to stop,' I reminded her oh so politely.

Well, what do you know, the disease can also be the cure. I feel much better.

Snarling, Misuzu skelped me across the back of the head. Oh hell no.

I shoved her off of my lap roughly and brought her up my the hair so that her face was level to mine.

'Hit me again, I dare you,' I growled in her ear as she squirmed on the floor trying to break my hold on her over produced hair.

'What-ever,' she spat back at me through clenched teeth.

Letting go, I pushed her away from me and wore my special I'mma-hurt-you- look that I used more and more these days solely for the little witch.

'Oh, get bent Jin.Ah, my bad, you already are,' I opened my mouth to retort but she shushed me with her hand and grinned, ' Inran wants to see you, something about an enemy getting past you today.'

I felt my hackles raise automatically, 'And how would he have found out about that?'

Misuzu did her best impretion of innocence as she told me, 'I have absolutely no idea why anyone would want you to get in trouble Jin. After all, isn't everyone sleeping with you these days?'

My jaw dropped. 'How dare you?!' I roared.

'Whatever, just be there,' she yawned in the most stuck up rich way she could.


Inran's place~

'I don't care how it happened!' Inran yelled, spraying stagnant saliva all over my face. Lovely.

'Yes sir.'

I kept my eyes on the ground and he paced back and forth like a caged leopard. Jeez, you would think it was his son that was with the way he was carrying on. Of course, I hadn't told him about the part though - bad enough that he thinks I'm incompotent and incapable without being someone's damaged .

...I will kill Ueda for that; I don't care what it takes.


I yelped as a leather clad hand struck my cheek, snapping me out of my thoughts.

'This is unacceptable,' he seethed, ' and you shall be punished for your incompetence. Misuzu!'

'Hai?' Misuzu questioned, suddenly appearing out of nowhere - sounds chliché, but it's true.

'Take Jin to Matsumoto.'

'Yes Inran-sama,' she said, placing her fist over her heart.  up.


Matsumoto's lair/dungeon-prison~

'Hello Jin my dear, back so soon.'

'What can I say? I missed your witty banter and... dashing good looks.'

I'll be honest I wasn't quite so focused as I normally would be with someone so feral.

Matsumoto pouted, 'Well if your not going to play then lets get started. Misuzu, leave.'

The grin she had been wearing instantly disapeared, 'But-'

'Beat it.'

I smirked, if Matsumoto wasn't so far up Inran's that he'd be lucky if he ever saw sunlight again we could actually be quite good friends....Maybe.

Misuzu stomped her foot like petulant child before stropping off out of the room - she would have used her magic (for more flare) but Matsumoto's was a magic free zone, he wouldn't risk any trouble with the witches. Smart guy.

'Well then, let's get started. In the Iron Maiden, if you please.'

'Why certainly sir,' I bowed like an eighteenth century gentleman and stepped delicately into the torture device. Outside, I imagined that I looked quite calm, dignified even, but on the inside I was already screaming in terror.




A/N- Jin's final words: Someone! Help me! Please!

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Wow! Another chapter up, How good am I? I know...I'm awesome. XP


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Chapter 23: So Kame is a vamp? Gosh, that was unexpected.. :D
Chapter 23: *gasp* what ?!?! kames a vampire!?!? and umi?!?
haha i love this story and i sooo wasnot expecting that....hahaha and still everything jin wen through he still makes me laugh :D cant wait for an update i love it!!! :D <3
Chapter 22: I'm REALLY sorry I wasn't around all this time... I was just moving (to Japan, actually :D), and didn't have internet for some time.. Now I'm catching up, and DAMN, this is so awesome!!! Please, do continue this story <3
IsaSweetsin #4
nlkwenflksngnwlsdlvganegknawelgblekrnblawjengsmblkaner'lbnslnlk;fdnbl;jerng kbvas;ngvkjdbnkjgn;ksgphwekgnorhbewghoisjghefrgivherpghwajehgkerjgerg derp/
IsaSweetsin #5
i screeched when i saw it was Kame!!!! AHHHHH! (:
Wow, what a twist!!!! Honestly, I didn't see that one comming oO This story just keeps getting more and more interesting <3
IsaSweetsin #7
jinnie poo~ you keep getting in trouble.