
A Friend in the Mirror

Faint footsteps echoed through silent library and made Seolhyun looked up from her physic book. Kai also floated down from top of book shelf then stood beside her. With a green lunchbox, Jimin made his appearance.

"Oh! It's only you.", she said and continued jotting down questions.

"I've been looking for you, sunbae."

"Me? If I'm not mistaken, I told you that we have no tutor session today so you can prepare better for tomorrow, did I? Is there any formula or question that you don't understand?"

"N-no. It's not like that.", he stuttered and scratched his neck.


"I made choco-mint brownies for you. I heard from other employees that you really like mint besides Americano.", he put that lunchbox next to her black bag.

"Well I really do. Thank you, Jimin hoobae. I'll eat it later."

Seolhyun smiled and drowned back to her questions. But Jimin still stood there, shuffled his feet uncomfortably.

"Is there any problem?", she asked once she realized Jimin hadn't moved.

"I... Actually I like you, sunbae."

She abruptly stopped writing and looked up. She looked at Jimin with one raised eyebrow but he looked away with face and ears completely red. She took a deep breath and exhale.

"Told you before. He likes you.", Kai said flatly.

"I like you too. But maybe not in the same term as you do. You'll find a better person than me. Sorry I can't return your feeling."

"It's okay. I just want you to know and relieve my heart."

"I'm sorry. But I hope this won't make us awkward."

"Of course not. Well I have to go now. Enjoy the cake."


Jimin smiled forcefully and retreated back slowly. Seolhyun stood still without any voice until she heard sound of library door closed. She took a deep breath again and started working on questions.

"You broke his heart."

"I know."

"And you're so cool about that."

"I can't help it."

"Don't you feel sorry?"

"I said sorry, didn't I?"

"You did."

"I don't want to force a relationship, Kai. If I don't like him, Ii shouldn't accept him. That's easy."

"It is.", Kai finally answered after short silence.

Seolhyun nodded and kept calculating, writing and mumbling formulas until her brain and body screamed for a rest. After her phone screen displayed a large 19:27, she finally put down her pencil, stretched her hands then twisted her neck.

"Finally. If I could sleep, I think I have arrived in LA.", Kai mumbled and she showed him apologetic smile.

"Come on. Let's go home now so you can recharge while I asleep."

She gathered all her book and put back some of library's books. Kai followed her silently but a wide grin tucked on his lips.

"You've changed so much, Seolhyun-ah."



"Seolhyun noona!"

Seolhyun's breath came to ahitch when Zelo suddenly ran and attacked her with tight hug.

"C-c-can't breathe."

Zelo released her and smiled sheepishly. Seolhyun punched her brother lightly and pouted.

"Sorry noona. You were too busy and I can't help missing you so much. You hadn't gone back when I arrived then you closed your curtain instantly when I hadn't had enough time to say goodnight to you."

She giggled when she heard his rant and pinched his cheek.

"Sorry. I was tired okay. Wanna have a sleepover if I'm not busy tonight?"

"Your invitation is always accepted, miss."

Seolhyun's heart dropped into her stomach when she heard Mrs Park told all olympiad participants to enter school's bus which would take them to Queen Edu Center where science olympiad took place. Knowing her anxious state of mind, Zelo ruffled her hair and hugged her lightly this time.

"Don't worry. You know you can do it. Don't be nervous because it will mess your brain, okay?"

She only replied with big sigh.

"Come on noona. Kick their and grab your gold."

She sighed but nodded. She got on bus with trembling legs and took a seat beside window. Her hand waved slightly to Zelo who mumbled 'Fighthing'.

"You know what? He is right. You can do it. Don't worry. I'm always beside you."

Although it was almost the same words with Zelo, Kai's soothing voice made her calm and lifted a little bit of her burden.

"Thank you Kai."



"Seolhyun! Yah Kim Seolhyun!"

​"What?", she turned to her back coldly.

There stood her biggest and strongest rival in olympiad, Kim taehyung, with smirk attached to his lips. Not only a rival but it's really obvious that Taehyung really hated her down to her bones because she could always win over him in every competition.

"I just want to hand your participant number, ."

She took a small piece of paper with #1026 written there.

'Something's strange', she thought but shrugged.

"Thank you, I guess?"

"Sure.", he smirked then le his quite scary laugh out before strolled away. 

"Is he crazy?", Kai finally let out his voice.

"Probably.", she mumbled and looked at her #1026 paper again.

"I can do it, right?"



"That was super easy! I don't know that olympiad is this easy."

"That's because you've prepared well, Jimin-ah."

"Thanks to sunbae who had suffered tutoring me."

Seolhyun only smiled slightly. She could solve those questions easily. Even had a small nap time. But somehow, she felt something bad was going to happen.

"I'll go for a walk.", she mumbled and headed to backyard.

Although Queen Edu Center wasn't a school and only a course center, it really had good facilities especially its backyard.

"You looked... Desperate?", Kai asked once she lied down under huge oak tree.

"Nothing. Just worried, I think."

"You'll win. There's no wrong answer at all."

"It's not like that. I have a bad feeling Kai. Something bad is going to happen. I don't know what but I just have a feeling."

"There there. Calm down, Seolhyun-ah. You're just too paranoid over petty things. Everything is gonna be okay."

She nodded unwillingly and looked at clear blue sky.

"Everything is gonna be okay, hm?"



"With total score of 991, our bronze medalist is... Congratulation for contestant number 867, Kang Jiyoung from Golden Kamilia Academy."

Seolhyun nodded slightly. This Jiyoung girl also won bronze medal last year.

"So nervous."

She hear Jimin's mumble beside her and she rubbed his shoulder. She was also nervous as hell.

"Next, silver medal is snatched with total score of 996 by... Contestant number 1031, Park Jimin from West Wing Academy! Congratulation."

Jimin's loud scream pierced her eardrum but she still smiled and clapped. And it meant that Kim Taehyung was out from his big 3 position this year because she was sure she would get gold again. She chuckled when Jimin almost tripped on his own foot on his way to podium.

"Get ready for your speech, gold medalist."

"Don't tease me, Kai.", she snarled but still smiled.

"The last one, our gold medalist. Let's just cut it short, shall we? I'm sure all of you are excited and nervous right now. Our gold medalist, with perfect 1000 score, is also snatched by West Wing Academy. Contestant number 1026."

Seolhyun had stood and ready to walk to podium when next words made her froze.

"Kim Taehyung!!!"

​"What?", Kai and Jimin's shout from podium echoed together.

Taehyung, with wicked grin on his lips walked pass her and made his way to podium. Seolhyun squinted his eyes to Taehyung and quickly analyzed her situation.

It should be her who accepted that gold medal. She had made sure twice to write her participant number correctly because even 1 digit difference changed everything. There, you didn't write your name on answer sheet. Each contestant was given a participant number which represent that student's data. And to prevent cheating, those numbers were distributed right before the competition held by teachers so other students won't know other's number.

THAT'S IT!!! She was tricked by Taehyung! He should have cheated on her by trading their participant number beforehand so that she would be the one who filled Taehyung's answer sheet and vice versa.

"! Just !", she mumbled and stormed out of Queen Edu main hall.

"What happened? Shouldn't your name called? Why were that Taehyung guy called instead of you? Your number is 1026 right?"

"Just shut up Kai. I don't want to talk about this now."

She hailed a cab and went straight to her house.



"You didn't even get bronze medal for bloody sake!"

"It was a misunderstanding."

"What misunderstanding? Your brother always won every olympiad that he joined."

"Seolhyun-ah, keep your mind blank, okay? Don't listen to anything."

Kai whispered beside her and she slowly took a deep breath. She kept her face straight while her father kept ranting and complaining.

"You know what? You're such a disgrace to this family."

And that really sent a hard blow to her limit. She stood up and gave his father cold stare.

"Sit back. I haven't finished with you."

But she only left living room and sent a loud bang from her door.



A/n: Yeah. An update finally. I typed this right after I finished big meal with my family. Happy Chinese New Year ^^ Please comment below and give lots of love ^^


Kim Taehyung/BTS V (I don't hold any grudge to him but sometimes he looked cool and mischievous so I make his character as a bad boy here. But actually he's really a cute person ^^)

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Chapter 22: Update please
x3Youngji_ #2
Chapter 17: i liked chapter 17 alot. ^-^ Pls do add more suga ><
Bbomoo #3
Chapter 22: jjang story!! updates please author-nim^^
emotionalbabe_ #4
More updates juseyoooo~~~~ T_T
Chapter 20: You're an awesome writer; keep it going!
Chapter 19: I love your story . Update more jeballll
Little_Miss_K-pop #7
Chapter 2: Seolhyun and Zelo! I've been searching that for 24 mins! It's a shame that Kai gets her or something. But whatever! I am loving your story so far ~ :-)
Chapter 18: I see kaiseol moments but zelo&seol is also cute- I don't know- I should just ship both xD

Ps. Who's ur favourite member in exo? Kai??
KewlBeansQuxxn #10
this is good