
A Friend in the Mirror

"I'm really going crazy."

Seolhyun groaned and pulled her hair in frustation. Although she couldn't see Kai, she could hear his laugh echoed through thick wall of silent library.

"Is it funny huh?"

"Very. So this is my expression when I alived and depressed because of these assignments."

"You must be happy that you don't have to make these assignments anymore."

"The only advantage that I get for dying."

She chuckled and immersed herself once again into her study. Only two weeks left before another physic olympiad were held. And with another big invention exhibition that had waited for her, she felt that her body wasn't hers anymore.

"You know I can always help you every exams. And I also have tons of ideas for that exhibition. I passed that with biggest score. you don't really have to work your pretty off that much anymore."

"It's not like I don't want your help, Kai. Thank you for your offer and I appreciate it so much but no. I just don't like it. Why should I ask for a help when I'm perfectly fine with my situation."

"You're not. You MAKE yourself fine. I've lost counts of how much caffeine you've gulped down for past days. You need proper rest, Seolhyun-ah."

"I'm perfectly fine. My body has been set so I can survive without that much sleep. You can safely say that coffee is my fuel so you don't have to worry. I won't sick just because of couple glasses of coffee a day."

"Crazy. You're not a robot. Even spirit like me is tired of following you around without rest."

"A spirit like you can be tired too?"

"Not literally. I can't get sick like you. It's just my energy is kinda drained if you don't get enough rest. When you rest, I'm also charging my battery."

"It's good then. If you're 'low battery', you can't follow me around then."

Kai gasped loudly.

"How dare you? I'm following you around because I'm your guardian."

"Come on, Kai. you're so overreacted. I'm just kidding. And you don't guard me at all. I have to wear mask everywhere I go like a sick person so I can talk to you without people staring me like I'm insane girl."

"Well who told you to talk to me?"

"Because you're the one who talk to me!"

She lowered her head when she heard faint footsteps approached her.

"Did I too loud?", she whispered.


Seolhyun waited for librarian to come and scold her but no one came. With one eyebrow raised, she tiptoed to book shelves and found a boy whom she recognized also from physic club but she couldn't remember his name. That boy was closing his eyes and placed his hand in front of his heart.

"Excuse me?"

That boy yelped and looked surprised as he quickly scrambled his way back, hit his back on shelf then fell on his hard. He hissed and quickly stood up with face as red as tomato.

"Er... Did I disturb you with whatever you're doing?"

"N-no. of course no, sunbae.", he shook his head and waved frantically.

Seolhyun only shrugged her shoulder and was going to go back to her seat when the boy called her again.


"I'm Jimin. Park Jimin from 1-3 class."

Kai laughed out loud and made Seolhyun mouthed 'What the hell?'

"Answer him. He is waiting for your answer.", Kai said, still stifled his laughter.

"Ah... Nice to meet you.", she bowed rather awkwardly.

"I'm new addition in physic olympiad contestant list."

"Yeah I saw you at that time but didn't have time to introduce myself. I'm Seolhyun from 2-4."

"Ne. I know that."

"So, what're you doing in this section of library? It's kinda deserted here and only contain lots of old books. People usually don't wander around until back here. Are you looking for some reference? I can help you. I know this section quite well. Even better than librarian herself."

"It's... Actually I'm looking for sunbae.", he said lowly, barely heard by Seolhyun.

"Me? Looking for me?"

He nodded shyly.

"He wants to confess to you.", Kai whispered next to her.

"What the hell???!!!"

Seolhyun accidently shouted and quickly covered . Jimin's surprised and hurt look made her uneasy.

"I-I'm sorry if I'm disturbing you. I'll take my leave now."

"No! It's not like that. I accidently bit my tongue so... Yeah..."

Jimin still looked suspicious but Seolhyun kept her sheepish smile while her brain made string of profanities for Kai who still laughed madly.

"Forget that. So why are you looking for me?"

"Well.. It's... Since this is my first time joining olympiad so I'm kinda nervous. My brain was blank when we were doing preparation test earlier and I got the lowest score among other contestants. So Mr. Park told me to come and see you. He also told me to tell sunbae that sunbae is pointed as my tutor until olympiad comes."

"Tutor? Until olympiad comes?"

She sighed desperately and rubbed her temple. Another homework to be done.

"It's okay. Sunbae can decline it and I'll ask for another help."

"It's not like I hate it or what. But why me?"

"Because sunbae is more expert and you're our school top achiever. Please sunbae. Please be my tutor.", he begged with puppy eyes.

She could only nod as her weak spot got direct hit. inside, she cursed herself why she was so weak over aegyo.

"Really? Thank you, sunbae. Thank you so much."

Seolhyun froze when Jimin flashed her a small peck on her cheek and quickly ran away. Kai, who was sitting at the top of book shelf also gaped at the sight and floated down until he was next to Seolhyun.

"I must say that that guy has lots of guts to kiss you like that. Knowing your reputation as 'south pole iceberg', he must be having crush on you."

"What the hell, Kai. You made him misunderstanding things.", she snapped and saw a very blurry Kai beside her.

"Your aura is changed easily recently, huh? You've changed so much these past weeks, Seolhyun-ah. You've become more like a human with emotion than a living humanoid like before."

Seolhyun stunned. Two person had said that. She had changed into human with emotion. Was that right? She sat down and rested her chin on her hand.

She imagined herself, living like when she was a child. With that laugh, with her dead oppa and Junmyeon, and her mother. In conclusion, when her life was perfect.

But then, she remembered Soojung, her hateful remark, her father's poisonous scolds, her tears that had spilled before she shut herself. Even after she had become cold, she kept getting hurts. What if she didn't? And living a happy life only exist in fairytale and dreamland. It never exists.

"No.", she whispered in horror.


"No. I'm not changing at all.", she said coldly but her voice trembled.

"You're in denial, Kim Seolhyun."

"I know myself the best, Kai Kim. So stop saying nonsense. i don't want your words distract me from my study."

"I just stated fact though."

"Stop! Just stop saying bulls!"

Seolhyun glared to Kai, who still blurred in her eyes but clearer than before. She didn't understand. Kai told her if she sad, she could see Kai better. But why she could see Kai better now when she wasn't even sad at all.

Kai knew Seolhyun was just afraid. He could see fear and sadness swam in her eyes. And he could also see her aura though. He sat down at table facing Seolhyun. Pangs of guilty hit his dead heart when he saw tears brimmed her eyes.

"I'm sorry.", Kai said.

His hand ran to Seolhyun's cheeks and wiped those tears away. He didn't know why but he didn't want to see tears came from her. Getting closer with Seolhyun totally opposed his main purpose, but urges to keep Seolhyun safe, happy and close to him kept growing like wild flowers. He was hesitant at first but then he sat next to her, put his hand on her shoulder and pulled her closer to her chest.

Seolhyun shivered at Kai's cold touch. But his touch became warmer as she kept squeezing her tears out.

"I don't want to change Kai. I don't want.", she said along with her sniffles.


"It's gonna be hurt, Kai. Emotion comes along with great pain."

Kai said nothing. His fingers tapped Seolhyun's shoulder and formed a steady rhythm. Without his knowing, Seolhyun slowly closed her eyes, enjoying the weird and faint warmth then fell asleep in Kai's embrace.

"I won't let you get hurt. Even if you do, I'll always here to guard, protect and support you."

A soft snore replied his remarks and he chuckled.




A/N: I'm deeply sorry for not updating for weeks. You can skin me alive if you're that angry to me. I've finally finished my exams so I have lots of time to update this baby here ^^ Tell me what you think about this fic. Is it that crappy or it's just fine? I'm open for all of your comments so give me lots of comments, ok?  And what about double update for next week? I love you my readers <33333


And this is the little cutie boy, Park Jimin from BTS (hint: next chapters will have various BTS members as cameos ^^)

Does he give you 'warm next door cute guy' feeling? ^^


Byebye <3

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Chapter 22: Update please
x3Youngji_ #2
Chapter 17: i liked chapter 17 alot. ^-^ Pls do add more suga ><
Bbomoo #3
Chapter 22: jjang story!! updates please author-nim^^
emotionalbabe_ #4
More updates juseyoooo~~~~ T_T
Chapter 20: You're an awesome writer; keep it going!
Chapter 19: I love your story . Update more jeballll
Little_Miss_K-pop #7
Chapter 2: Seolhyun and Zelo! I've been searching that for 24 mins! It's a shame that Kai gets her or something. But whatever! I am loving your story so far ~ :-)
Chapter 18: I see kaiseol moments but zelo&seol is also cute- I don't know- I should just ship both xD

Ps. Who's ur favourite member in exo? Kai??
KewlBeansQuxxn #10
this is good