I Push You Away Because I Care

The Lawsuit (Story On Hold)

Jonghyun raised his fist for the sixth time, sending a hard jab into Key’s stomach, causing him to yell out in agony. It was agony itself for Jonghyun to see Key in so much pain, even worse for him to be one the on dealing it. “J-Jonghyun... Please s-stop it...” Key choked through sobs, making Soo-man smile with pleasure.

“Shut up! You’re nothing but filth to me, just someone who broke my heart! You’re not to be trusted!” Jonghyun shouted, pushing Key to the floor. Jonghyun bit his lip, muffling a squeak as he almost started to cry. Key looked up at him, his arms were shaking so much that he fell back when he tried to support himself.

Soo-Man put his hand on Jonghyun’s shoulder, nodding at his son who looked at his Appa. “I’m sorry I doubted you. Looks like you have this under control after all. I’ll be leaving for bed now. Make sure that you get some rest too. Don’t tire yourself out now.” Jonghyun smiled and nodded, watching as Soo-Man walked out of the door and left the pair alone.

As soon as the door shut, Jonghyun ran to Key as fast as he could, taking the shivering boy into his arms. “Oh my god, Key I didn’t want to~”

“It’s ok, I know you didn’t.” Key smiled at Jonghyun, just happy that his brain had finally returned to its normal state. Jonghyun’s bottom lip began to tremble and he eventually broke into sobs, pulling Key into a cuddle.

“I want to get out of here Key... I want to escape and have everything as normal again. I want to have you again.”

Key the back of his hyung’s head, almost in tears himself. “I never left you Jonghyun; I always knew that something was wrong. I never doubted for a second that you wouldn’t come back to us.”

“H-How did you know that?” Jonghyun pulled away from Key, wiping his tears as Key looked at him with caring eyes.

“Umma’s intuition I guess. But the important thing is that we can get out of here soon.” Key pulled Jonghyun into a hug again, cooing him to calm down.

“H-How are we going to get out? He has weapons and security, we can’t get out!” Jonghyun wept again, shaking as he felt helpless.

Key smiled and held out his little finger in front of Jonghyun’s face, making him look up with teary eyes. “I don’t know how, but I promise we will get out. I never break a promise.” Jonghyun smiled and linked his little finger with Key’s making the promise official.

“I trust you, but if you screw up and we die, I’m telling everyone it was your fault!” Key had to stop himself from commenting on Jonghyun’s stupidity, but maybe now wasn’t the best time. “Can you walk?” Jonghyun stood up and held a hand out to Key, who gratefully took it and pulled himself up, only to fall back into Jonghyun’s arms.

“J-Just give me a second to adjust; I’ll be ok in a minute.” Key tried to push himself back up, but Jonghyun wrapped his arms around his waist, and pulled him back so his lips were next to Key’s ear.

“Don’t worry about it, just remember to resist me.” Jonghyun whispered into Key’s ear, before wrapping his right arm around Key’s torso, pulling him up high enough so he could carry his legs with his left arm.

“W-What are you~”

“Shut up and just be thankful that I’m not letting you to rot on the floor.” Jonghyun spat, clearly acting again to trick the guards.

“I’d rather rot than have your dirty, discussing... strong, well toned...”

“Thanks, but not the time and place...” Jonghyun whispered, slightly blushing as Key put his head next to his. Jonghyun walked down the hall, carrying Key bridal style to his bedroom where the others were waiting for him.

Two guards stood with their arms folded, smirking as they watched the pair disappear down the hall, hidden in the shadows so they weren’t easily spotted. “Should we tell the boss about this?” the younger guard spoke up, looking at the taller one who shook his head.

“Not yet. Let’s give them the benefit of the doubt. I want to see how this plays out first. If they are planning anything, we will report back to the boss then.” The guards smiled wickedly as they walked in the opposite direction to Jonghyun and Key. 

“I’m going to have a quick wash, then get my pyjamas on. Will you two be ok for a few minutes?” Onew looked at Minho and Taemin, who were sat on their own beds.

“Neh, we’ll be fine. Take all the time you need hyung.” Minho replied, forcing a smile as Onew picked up a pair of white pyjamas and towel, and walked into the ensuite bathroom. Minho looked at Taemin, who was messing with a loose piece of cotton on his bed sheet. “Tae, can we talk?”

Taemin looked up for a second, before shrugging and looking back down. “I guess, but there’s nothing to talk about.”

Minho gulped as he got off his bed and walked over to Taemin’s sitting next to the depressed maknae. “There’s plenty to talk about. I just think that you don’t want to talk about it.”

“So leave me alone then...” Taemin replied harshly, causing Minho to bite his lip in guilt.

“I’ll talk and you can just listen then, ok?” Minho looked at his dongsaeng, who shrugged again, not making any eye contact. “I’ve been a bit of an lately, and we’ve had a few fall outs over the past few days. I just can’t stand the way you treat me at times... It’s just so... harsh...”

Taemin bit his lip and looked up at Minho, trying to think of the correct words to say. “I...It’s not because I don’t like you hyung~”

“Well it seems like it. Everything I do isn’t good enough for you. You look up to everyone else but not me, and it’s killing me inside Tae!” Minho grabbed hold of Taemin’s hands, biting his lip in desperation. “Please Taemin; tell me why you don’t look up to me like your other hyungs. I need to know what I’ve done wrong!”

Taemin shook his head, smiling at Minho with a loving gaze that Minho had never seen before. “I push you away because I care. I care about you more than anyone else in the group Minho, I never want to lose you!”

“Then why~”

“If Soo-Man knew about us, he’d split us up like he did to Jaejoong and Yunho, and Jonghyun and Key. I don’t want to be pulled apart from you! I want to stay right beside you.” Taemin admitted, sending Minho into tears of joy. “Yah, are you crying?” Taemin laughed as he reached out and wiped the tears away with his thumb.

“I-I ever thought that you’d feel that way Taemin! I’m so happy! I love you so much!” Minho pulled Taemin into a hug, wiping his tears on Taemin’s fluffy hair. “I’ll keep it a secret; I’ll make sure that Soo-Man won’t find out. No one will take you away from me again."

Taemin smiled and bowed his head to Minho. “Sorry for not saying anything earlier, but it was too risky.”

Minho lifted Taemin’s head with his index finger, leaning towards his cheek. “I understand Taemin. From now on, we will always be~”

“Is anyone missing a Key?” Jonghyun sang, walking into the room with Key under his arm. Taemin quickly jumped off the bed and ran to his hyung’s, hugging both of them in great relief.

“Sure... Thanks Jonghyun...” Minho rolled his eyes and got off the bed, walking to Jonghyun with caution, there was no way in hell that he was going to let Jonghyun forget what he did to them. Mind controlled or not, he was still fuming at what he did to his Taemin.

“Are you ok hyung? What happened?” Taemin escorted Key to his bed, lying him down comfortably and sitting next to him.

“Neh, I’m just a bit sore. I’ll be alright though.” Key smiled as Taemin hugged him, his hair as he had done many times in the past.

Jonghyun flinched as Minho took another step closer to him, getting a few inches apart from him. “What the hell do you think you’re playing at? You hurt us all, and now you’re coming in here, trying to get on our good side and claiming you’re sorry?”

Jonghyun bit his lip as he tried to come up with an explanation. “Just listen to me for a second...” Jonghyun quickly ran to the door, looking into the hall to make sure no one was close and quickly closed it. Minho raised an eyebrow as his hyung came closer to him, ready to attack if he tried anything.

“Did I just hear Jonghyun?” Onew came out from the bathroom in his pyjamas, drying his hair with a towel. He stopped as soon as he caught sight of him, almost trembling in shock.

“Hyung, I’m ok now. I realised what I was doing was wrong, Key spoke to me and I’m sorry. If you could just forgive~”

Jonghyun was quickly cut off by Minho, who backhanded him on the cheek, glaring at him with a look of anger and distrust. Everyone went silent with shock, long enough for Jonghyun to break into sobs. “Thank god you’re back!” Minho smiled and pulled Jonghyun into a hug, kissing his forehead to calm him down. “Sorry hyung, but I didn’t know what else to do, I panicked.”

“T-That really... Freaking hurt Minho!” Jonghyun muttered in-between sobs, making the taller singer giggle to himself and hug him tighter.

“You kinda deserved it after what you dealt to us... I’m just glad Key talked you out of it!” Minho let go of his hyung, patting him on the back as he wiped away his tears. “Isn’t there someone else you want to apologise to?”

Jonghyun nodded, before walking over to Taemin and kneeling down in front of him, looking at the maknae who sat on the bed, terrified of his hyung. “Taemin, I treated you really badly today, and I just wanted you to know that I meant none of it. I love you dearly and would never hurt you on purpose. You understand me right?”

Taemin nodded, biting his lip to stop his tears. “I-I know... I was just scared that you weren’t going to come back~”

“And leave you guys alone? Never! When I said we will stay as a team, I meant that. We can’t be on the same side for now, but once this is over we will be together again. Screw what he says, I won’t be his son.” Taemin smiled and jumped in his hyungs arms, knocking them both to the floor in a heap.

“Ahem...” Onew crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow as Jonghyun quickly got up to his feet and walked to talk to him directly.

“Hyung... I’m sorry for~”

“Shouldn’t you bow and do this properly?” Onew criticised, causing Jonghyun to quickly bow a full 90 degrees.

“S-Sorry... I- My mind wasn’t working~”

“Do a formal bow Jonghyun!” Onew quickly interrupted, cooling checking his nails as his dongsaeng got on his knees and bowed to his feet.

“Hyung please forgive me! I’m really sorry...” Jonghyun started to cry again, making Onew laugh at the sight.

“Yah, I forgive you already. I just wanted a bit of fun.” Jonghyun quickly stood up, almost pouncing on his hyung in anger and surprise.


“Not as humiliating as wearing a dress!” Key spoke up, watching as Onew pulled Jonghyun into a hug of forgiveness.

Jonghyun broke away from the hug and winked at his dongsaeng. “Get used to it babe!” Taemin gave a confused look to his hyungs, wondering what the hell they were going on about.

“So now that short- is back to normal, what do we do?” Minho picked Taemin up from the floor, sitting down on Key’s bed.


“We act for now.” Everyone turned to look at Key, who looked very confident. “I managed to dilute Jonghyun’s water at dinner so he won’t be completely gone. The water will affect him, but not as bad as it has done. He will act like he’s still under the drug, and we act like Soo-Man’s servants for now.”

“I will figure out how to get us all out of here. Not sure how yet, but I’ll think of something tomorrow. Soo-man will be too busy with TVXQ; he’ll probably leave me to look over you four.” Jonghyun stated, heading to the door to leave the room.

“Jonghyun...” Onew spoke up, making the idol quickly turn around before leaving the room. “Thanks for coming back man. I believe that we will get out of here.”

Jonghyun smiled at his band members. “Thanks hyung. Sleep well, you have a busy day ahead of you.” 

“So we have two double beds... Jaejoong will take one to himself as he has to rest. You three take the other bed, and I’ll take the sofa.” Yunho announced, sending everyone to their designated beds.

“Are you sure? I don’t need a whole bed~”

“Jaejoong don’t argue with me. You need to rest, and I don’t mind sleeping on the sofa.” Yunho announced, grabbing a spare pillow from the wardrobe.

“If you insist hyung, its fine by us” The three younger members sang in unison, diving on the bed and fighting for a large space to sleep in.

“Ow Yoochun, you elbowed my ribs!”

“Changmin, you’re sitting on my leg!”

“Whoever’s hand that is, please remove it from my~”

“WILL YOU THREE JUST SHARE AND STOP FUSSING!” Yunho shouted, making the three quickly lie down so they shared the space equally. “Goodnight everyone, hope you sleep well.”

“Goodnight hyung.” The trio sang, quickly closing their eyes to sleep like trained dogs.

Jaejoong laughed as Yunho rolled his eyes and got comfy on the sofa, closing his eyes to sleep. “Night guys...” Jaejoong sighed and lay down on his back, trying to fall asleep like his dongsaengs. 

“Jaejoong~ Oh Jaejoong... This is your entire fault you know... Soon everything will be in place, and SM will fall down for good, and it’s all thanks to you...” Jaejoong quickly sat up, looking around for the source of the mysterious voice. “SM will hate you. The fans will hate you. Yunho will hate you.”

“Shut up! Yunho won’t ever hate me! He cares about me!” Jaejoong shouted, looking around at Yunho who was still asleep.

“Is that so? That’s not he said to the others... He’s going to leave you after this. Why would he want to stick around? What have you ever done for him?”

“I’ve done plenty for him!”

“You’ve put him in danger. You put everyone in danger, and why? You’re selfish Jaejoong!” The voice got closer, making Jaejoong hide his head under the covers.

“Leave me alone! I’m not selfish! I’m a good person! I’m a good person!”

“Jaejoong hyung, are you ok?” A new voice appeared beside him, pulling the covers away from the scared idol. Jaejoong sighed as Junsu sat on his bed, looking worried at him.

“Junsu... Y-Yeah I’m fine, just a bad dream. II heard someone... It was nothing...”

“It’s your fault we’re here... You deserve worse than a bad dream!” Junsu spat at him.

“Yeah, you just left me and Yunho to take over so you could make your own band! You’re a jerk!” Changmin stood up, walking to Jaejoong with a deadly glare, followed by Yoochun.

“I say we just beat the backstabber at his own game! What do you think Yunho hyung?”

Jaejoong turned to his right, seeing Yunho holding a knife in his hand, staring at him with hatred. “That sounds good to me!” Yunho suddenly raised the knife, smiling as Jaejoong began to sob in fear.

“Y-Yunnie... What are you~”

“Goodnight Joongie!” Jaejoong screamed as the blade made contact with him, piercing through his milky white skin, and stabbing his heart. 

Jaejoong suddenly jumped awake, sitting up on his bed and feeling his body for any wounds. “My entire fault...” Jaejoong croaked, breaking into sobs in his bed.

“Jae? Are you ok?” Yunho had woken up from hearing Jaejoong scream himself awake, and quickly ran to his side, sitting on the edge of the bed. “Hey, it’s ok. I’m here now. Nothing or no one will harm you while I’m here.”

Jaejoong broke into more tears, remembering the awful dream about Yunho killing him. “Y-You wouldn’t h-hurt me right Y-Yunnie?” Jaejoong asked, wiping his tears away with the back of his hand.

“Of course I wouldn’t Jaejoong! I’m here to protect you, I promised.” Yunho pulled Jaejoong into a hug, rubbing his back as the older began to shake in terror.

“W-Will you s-sleep in the bed with me t-tonight?” Jaejoong asked, earning a cheeky smirk from Yunho, who quickly climbed in the bed and lay next to him.

“Don’t have to ask me twice for that, if you get what I mean...”

"Yah... Not in front of the kids." Jaejoong whispered as Yunho wrapped his strong arms around him, pulling him closer. Jaejoong smiled as warmth soon took over his body.

"Will you be ok now Jae?... Jaejoong?" Yunho looked down to see his hyung had already fallen asleep. Yunho smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek, before getting comfy himself. "Night Joongie."

Changmin sighed as he watched his hyungs cuddle up together. It was so relieving to know that they had found piece at last, and he knew that nothing could get in their way. Soon he found himself mumbling to himself. "Wish I could have something like that..."

His wish soon became reality, when Junsu wrapped his arm around the younger singer from behind. "I'll look after you Min-Min..." Junsu said in a sleepy voice, making Changmin blush in an awkward way.

"Hyung, are you asleep?" Changmin waited for an answer that never came. "Huh... Guess he's just sleep talking..." Changmin shrugged his shoulders and closed his eyes again. Although it was sudden, it was pretty nice to have someone cuddle you at night. Somehow it felt right...

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Interesting… if you're going to continue will you put Kris in there?
it seems like a thousand years since I last saw a DBSK fanfiction on this site.
omg I'm going to read this!I miss DB5K..
I plan on reading your other stories!!!....I wish you all the best in your future stories and thanks for being awesome!^_^!
This story is by far one of the best ones Ive ever read since joining this awesome website. Thank you so much for writing an amazing story and I hope you still plan on finishing it.....omggggg!!!! Lee sooman u ahhhhh!!! Hurting my babies like that.....Hehe sorry had a moment
youaremypierrot #5
Love this story !
wheres-my-cookie #6
Chapter 67: I would really like to find out what happens next so of course I hope you don't delete it but then it's up to you ^^ But don't take a long long time okay? Keke~ XD
sofie93 #7
Chapter 67: I would like it more if you finished it all and then improved the writing (just because I'm dying to know what happens) but hey it your story! play with it as you please :)
foodiemin #8
Chapter 67: pls do continue fast!!
i am still dying to know how they escape..
and hwaiting!!
Chapter 67: I say, if you think your writing has improved, rewrite it. If you think it's going to be better quality, then whats the harm?
I'm sure the current readers will understand.
Chapter 67: If you want to rewrite it go for it, But why not finish it first then rewrite it :)