Chapter 7

Je t'aime Forever and Ever

Hyukjae opened his eyes. He felt a great pain in his head. He groaned and bury himself in the pillows, this time he does not only felt a pain in his head but in his whole body. He can feel pain in his lower half. His eyes widen and he feel shiver he was under the sheets.

“God! What happened?!” he asked hysterically, he leaned on the headboard of the bed, as he moved he saw some stains in the white bed sheet. He cried in disbelief. Something happened to him, he knew it. But how did he ened up there? He pulled his hair until he felt the pain. And everything came back to him all that happened that night, he got mad at ODnghae and he drown hisself in alcohol, and there was a man and he can’t even remember the name, he gave him a drink and then his libido rose.

There was a fire inside him and the need consumed him, one thing was on his mind, he needed to release that tension. He went to his car and the man entered as well and…

His eyes grew in horror. “He put something on that drink.” He concluded. He can’t stop himself and cried. He’d been ! That’s the painful truth. He wanted to scream but he was shocked to do it. He went to the bathroom and scrubbed his body while the water never stopped running like his tears in his eyes. He felt dirty and tainted.

“Oh God!” he said as he suddeny sat on the floor, he cried and cried he felt his world crushed.

He was a good son for God’s sake, he never offended anyone but why does he felt that he needed to be punished ike this.

He felt cold but the pain is the worst feeling he has now. If only it can be just a nightmare, but he knew from that day on his life will change he is tainted, that was the sorry truth. How can he face the world? He cried his heart out with that hurtful fact.

He wrapped himself with a towel, all his life, he had taken care of himself, he was still young he already like fairytales where he could find his prince charming and they would live happily ever after, someone that he will give his everything. But now, his dream was ruined. He was ruined.

As he went back, his vision seems blurry but he noticed his clothes are neatly arranged, aside from his clothes there is a food and a bouquet of flower, and his key to his car, also he saw a medicine for hangover. If only it can cure the nightmare he is felling now perhaps he would jump for joy seeing these things.

He is still crying as he wear his clothes, and took his key and went out of the room. He does not want to stay in that place anymore, that place would remind him how he was being humiliated.vhe went near the bed and thre the bedsheet in the trash and leave.

He lowered his head walking out of the room, he felt belittle like he was some kind of a e, he went to his car and finally left the hotel.

As he arrived in his unit, he was surprised with lots of flowers in his place, he knew it was from Donghae but he ignored it, he went to his bed locked the door and just cried.

Suddenly he felt someone open his place, he knew it was his best friend, even his parents and brother has the duplicate key in his place, but he knew it was Donghae who came.

“Hyukkie!” he said in a loud voice, his bedroom is the only place that only Hyukjae has a key.

“Where were you last night! I came back here and you were not around, you scare the hell out of me. Please open the door, I want to talk to you Hyukkie.”

He closed his eyes before he replied.

“L-leave me for a while, H-hae let’s talk some other time.” He said even his voice is shaking.

“You can’t just tell me to leave! I know you are having a problem, come on open this door, if it’s about my sin I am ready to face your punishment.”

“H-hae, p-please leave me alone, don’t you understand it?” His tears fall again, his voice is trembling. He sat on his bed and hug his knees feeling pity for himself.

“Hyukkie, how many times do I have t say this, I know you have a problem, why can’t you share it with me? I am your best friend and you never keep secrets from me, NOW YOU’RE GONNA OPEN THIS GODDAMN DOOR OR I’LL BREAK IT RIGHT NOW! DON’T DARE ME HYUKKIE.”

He got upset, couldn’t he spare him the time he needed yes they were close friend but he really don’t want to talk to him.



“If I need a friend, I’ll call you, don’t force yourself on me! Before you fix my problem, fix your personal issues first!”

He knew he was hitting below the belt but he needed an outlet to release her emotions or he is going to have a breakdown.

In the first place this is all your fault hae! I got jealous and look what I got out of that goddamned jealousy! It ruined me! It’s your fault! He wants to say it but he is not that irrational to blame his best friend. He knew every action there was equivalent reaction, he just doesn’t want anyone to know what happened he want to forget everything.

“I’m sorry then.” Donghae said with a sad tone distancing himself from Hyukjae’s bedroom. He left his place, he wanted to take back all the things he said but Donghae left. He buried himself in bed until his eyes become puffy because of crying and suddenly he find himself drifted into sleep.

-Triple update I know Hyukkie seems to be upset, I feel like Donghae's words has meaning but anyway enjoy. I might update by tommorow after i got back from an out of town trip for now enjoy this and I will sleep for a while please comment so I could be more inspired to update this actually it does now Love you all. I watch Morning Musume in Music Station oh so love them! I remember when they release Help Me! they beat the KRY's Promise You single in Oricon weekly chart I was half sad and happy becuase I lvoe them both!


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Chapter 19: Love this story so much... I'm glad that it is happy ending... They reserve for the happiness... Thanks for the wonderful story...
Chapter 19: Amazing! Im so in love with this story... :-)
Hyeri04 #3
Chapter 13: okay.. this is too sweet!!>< when they wake up together and hae playing with hyuk and when he's smiling and those eyes!!>< I can imagine it!! akkhh!! I can't!! this is too much for my heart!!♥ukkhh ㅋㅋㅋ
haehyukluv2000 #4
Chapter 19: awww..... soooo sweeettt :3
Chapter 4: I really love this story so much! Its so sweet my heart tingles, but theres to many typographical error regarding the his its always typed as her, but im super in live with the story. Keep up the good work.
sjmunchkin #6
Chapter 19: Your story was great,i can really feel what donghae n hyukjae's feeling in ur story...keep writing ne,hope to read more story from u...keep up the good works ♥♥
najinpi #7
Chapter 20: I'm reading this again... I really love it so so much.... Thanks again for sharing this awesome fics with us.... please write more haehyuk fics in the future.. thankyu
maedeh #8
Chapter 20: hi
again thanks for update and nice story
lemon-deulop #9
Chapter 19: *____* Oh, this was so touching. ^^''

I loved it. Thank you so much for this, it was lovely.