Chapter 18

Je t'aime Forever and Ever

Hyukjae frowned for many minutes because he did not like his husband’s joke t all to calm him Donghae kissed and apologized to him.

“Sorry Hyukkie.” He said as he put him down of the desk.

“Oh there’s one thing I forgot.” He opened the drawer of his desk and from there he took the a necklace that is familiar to him. The half of the shell that says To the one I love the most.

“This is just for you.” He said before putting it into his neck. “it took me a long time on how to give this to you.

Hyukjae bit his lip reading the engraved message.

“We look crazy Hae, we hide our feelings to each other and we shouldn’t have done that.” he wiped his tears that flow to his cheeks. “Hae, I don’t care how  many lips you have kissed, how many shoulders you have embraced, and how many times you have said the word ‘I love you’ to someone else. All I care is not being the first but being your last.”

Donghae cupped his face. “Hyukkie, I won’t deny having kissed a quite number of women before, but believe me you’re the only one that I have said ‘I love you’. Because you really are the one that I love, I will love till the rest of my days even in another life. You were my first love and definitely, you will be the last. I love you so much that I’m so overwhelmed every time you’re in my arms.

Hyukjae embraced him tightly, same with Donghae. God has been nice to him giving him the man to love n the form of Donghae his best friend.

He already asked Donghae to go home

Donghae puts his hands on his shoulder, and his hands is around his waist while walking through the parking lot. A picture of a happy couple, that what he and Donghae are, and with the birth of their baby they will be a picture of a happy family.

Thank you God! Thank you very much for hearing all my prayers. Hae and I, and the children that you’ll give us, we’ll live according to your will.  Hi silentlythinks to himself.

As they were approaching the parking lot Hyukjae panicked.

“What was that?” he asked hearing a commotion, he felt it’s from the other subdivision.

“It’s a demolition, it should have been done yesterday, but the illegal settlers perhaps they just do it again.”

“Oh” he muttered. He suddenly flinched hearing a sound of a stray bullet. “I-I think something’s bad’s happening HAe.”

“Donghae hold him. “Don’t panic, it’s not good for our baby.” He said as they reached their car.

Suddenly Donghae stopped his actions when he was opening his car. His eyes grew wide in horror as he put his hand on his chest. He leaned on the car.

“Hae, what happened? Does something hurt?” he got terrified when he saw Donghae’s shirt reddened. It was blood!

“Hae! Help! Help!” he shouted hysterically. His tears flow right away while Donghae is trying to calm him.

“Help! Please someone call an ambulance!” he screamed. Some workers approached him right away. Some hold their phone calling for the nearest hospital.

“Mr. Hyukjae what happened.” Asked by one of the man, he knew he was one of the architects there. He helped him right away to carry Donghae before it totally collapsed.

“I-I-I don’t know, oh God, I don’t know, D-donghae’s chest suddenly bleed.” He said crying.

“Stray bullet, he could have been hit by a stray bullet.”

He became more terrified because blood gushed out of his chest. All he could do that he was not hit critically.

He holds Donghae who is already pale. “H-Hae please hold on… the amblance will be here soon, please hold on…”

“I-I love y-you H-Hyukkie.” He said in a small voice.

“I love you too, P=please… please hold on baby” he said trying to be strong.

He was able to be relief when he saw the ambulance coming. They gave Donghae right away a first aid, then put him inside. In just minute the sirens are heard all over the road.

“H-Hyukkie…” Donghae called him.

“H-hae, don’t talk… please, HAe, don’t talk anymore. Please… you’ll be alright.

He wiped the tears off his face he should show him that he should be brave but he can’t stop it at all. He wanted to scream  because of fear and worry but he knew it won’t help him. “B-be strong Hae, I need you, our baby  needs you….”

“H-Hyukkie.” He said holding his hands tightly, “I-I’m so sorry…” His eyes is filled with tears. “I-I have sinned against you…” Donghae’s eyes were pleading for forgiveness.

He coughed up blood. Hyukjae almost shrieked, good thing he was able to control it but he still trembling in fear.

“W-whatever it was Hae, I forgive you.”

They were able to reach the hospital. Donghae was out in a stretcher and will be brought to the emergency room.

Donghae raised his hands, asking him to go near him. Hyukjae put his ears near his lips to hear what he is going to say.

“T-that night, I-I was the one w-who wronged you. I-I fathered your child… he’s my blood. T-that man on the bar, h-he’s in jail.” He whispered in a voice he can’t understand.

Hyukjae’s body froze. He let Donghae’s husband hands go while he is wheeled in the stretcher. His steps became slower leaving him alone.

He can only view Donghae entered the emergency room. Before the door close he can see I that his husband’s eyes is still sad. Looking at him asking for forgiveness.

It was Hae, But how did it happened.

Hyukjae walked through a direction he doesn’t know where to go. He went to a chapel in the hospital. He can’t believe what Donghae admitted to him.

He closed his eyes, trying to bring back all the events that happened that night. It’s the first time he had done it and realized the man that he was in his car is different from the man who he gave himself.

He won’t deny he liked the way the man touched him, and he remembered he was drawn how he was drawn to his manly scent— it’s because it was Donghae. He was not able to see the man’s face because of the darkness at that time.

“God!” he exclaimed going back to the night he heard him said. “Je t’aime”

It was him it was Hae. He was shocke confirming the truth, but how did he went there?

He doesn’t know what to feel, should he be angry with Donghae? Should he cursed him or thank him because he was there when he needed a savior. He tried to put in his mind if Donghae was not there that unknown man might have him.

He save me, a corner of his mind is trying to tell him. That’s the only reason he could think about. He does not have control to himself and he wants to believe Donghae love him that’s why that night happened.

Of all people, it was Donghae that he loved is the father of his baby. That’s why he was so determined in marrying him and took responsibility for is unborn child.

But why Donghae did not tell truth to him right away? Is it because he was afraid that he would be angry? Knowing Donghae he knew he does not have any bad intention. He doesn’t know what to do at that time. All he knows is that he can’t afford to lose him.

He wiped his tears. Please, God don’t let the father of my child die, we need him I love him…please save him.

Hyukje stands up and fasten his steps through the door of the emergency room. Donghae is still in surgery. He suddenly remembered to call their parents and tell them what happened. He went through the nurse’s station and used the telephone there. He went back to the waiting area still praying for Donghae’s safety. 

-Finally Donghae said the truth don't kill me I didn't mean to put Donghae in danger. No silent readers >< Kidding! just comment if you want. I woke up a little earlier than I expected.

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Chapter 19: Love this story so much... I'm glad that it is happy ending... They reserve for the happiness... Thanks for the wonderful story...
Chapter 19: Amazing! Im so in love with this story... :-)
Hyeri04 #3
Chapter 13: okay.. this is too sweet!!>< when they wake up together and hae playing with hyuk and when he's smiling and those eyes!!>< I can imagine it!! akkhh!! I can't!! this is too much for my heart!!♥ukkhh ㅋㅋㅋ
haehyukluv2000 #4
Chapter 19: awww..... soooo sweeettt :3
Chapter 4: I really love this story so much! Its so sweet my heart tingles, but theres to many typographical error regarding the his its always typed as her, but im super in live with the story. Keep up the good work.
sjmunchkin #6
Chapter 19: Your story was great,i can really feel what donghae n hyukjae's feeling in ur story...keep writing ne,hope to read more story from u...keep up the good works ♥♥
najinpi #7
Chapter 20: I'm reading this again... I really love it so so much.... Thanks again for sharing this awesome fics with us.... please write more haehyuk fics in the future.. thankyu
maedeh #8
Chapter 20: hi
again thanks for update and nice story
lemon-deulop #9
Chapter 19: *____* Oh, this was so touching. ^^''

I loved it. Thank you so much for this, it was lovely.