Chapter 4

Je t'aime Forever and Ever

Hyukjae turned around to see where Donghae is. He is not sure if he is looking at him because he is wearing a shade, but he waved his hands at him. To his surprise, his best friend waved back. He smiled before he continued walking along the beach.

He was thinking again, he is analyzing the feelings the is so strange to him, and yet it felt just right. The problem is he still can’t make a conclusion of what he really felt. It was new he doesn’t know who to tell about it.

The only close friend he had aside from Donghae is his hyung’s boyfriend Kyuhyun but for sure if he tell this to him he would just , and of course he can’t tell Donghae about this.

He doesn’t know what to do? Should he call his mother and ask for some advice? But what would he say because he is still very confused.


That voice snapped Hyukjae from his trance, he look at the person who greeted him. He gave him a friendly smile after all that was he is known for. He could say the guy is an America

Hello.” He replied.

Seems like the guy was so happy for his friendly gesture.

You are so cute, and you’re all alone. So supposed you need some company.”

Hyukjae seems to become furious understanding fully what the guy said but he felt awkward when he is looking at him from head to food and especially in his but which made him frown a little. He was just being polite but the stranger thought otherwise. He knew the meaning of the word “company” and what the foregner meant.

“Michinsaeki.” He muttered in Korean, yeah the guy is good looking but he is one hell of a bastard and a ert to be exact.

Need something from my wife?” A voice asked from behind it was Donghae, he puts his arms around Hyukjae’s waist and pulled him closer.he can feel from his gripped that his best friend does not like what the foreigner said. His glare can’t be jusdge as well, and Donghae can be a very good fighter as well.

“Oh I’m sorry” The foreigner said walking away.

Hyukjae faced him and laughed at Donghae slapping his arms. “hae you scared the hell out of him, but thank you he’s a chauvinist.”

His smile suddenly vanish when he notice Donghae puts his arms around his waist, he could feel the heat of his body traveling in his every vein. Hyukjae felt his heart beating faster, he looked in his best friend’s eyes, he thought he could read the expression in it but he was wrong.


“Yes?” he replied his voice almost sounded like a whisper, his eyes still fixed on him. Before he can reply Donghae suddenly carried him.

“Remember what we used to do when we are at the beach? Suddenly he saw Donghae smirked, and he knew he is up to something and it’s not good.

“Yah, Lee Donghae don’t you dare throw me at the sea, you’ll be dead if I drank any water from it!” he warned him.

Donghae has this hobby of throwing him in the sea, and in the end when he got water of course he cough badly and his best friend will woo him.

Donghae still smirking, walking unto the sea, his body got wet even he was carried by him.

“Yah! Hae, I don’t know how to swim! Don’t you forgot I can only go in part that is not too deep!. He suddenly panic. Yes it’s a fact Hyukjae does not know how to swim, even at their home, he would just play with the water and hell would prefer the baby pool.

“Hyukkie relax, I won’t let you drown, and don’t you trust your friend?” Donghae asked him.

He held onto Donghae, he was a little taller than him so he just wrapped his arms around his neck, it was not enough so he s his body onto him. He was practically hugging him while his hands were on Hyukjae’s back.

“Hae, this is not funny anymore, I want to go back now!” he said pretending to be angry, because of the awkwardness he felt who won’t be, he is like a leech next to him. And the soft flesh of his chest crashing against his, he can feel like his heart is making a sound of a drum beating, he doesn’t know if it’s because he is nervous or because of excitement, whatever it was he is affected being close to each other.

The water is not a hindrance for him to feel Donghae’s warmth, he could really how handsome his best friend is.

Donghae stared at him. “Hyukkie, do you know you’re really beautiful, do you know that? Any person existing on this earth would fall in love with you, I was afraid if that day would come, I was used to you being beside me, like you’re attention is only for me.” He said in a tone Hyukjae can’t understand, he can smell Donghae had drink alcohol, he was his back and it was giving him different sensation all over her body.

“E-eventually, it’ll com Hae, I would fall in love and if that happens, we can’t be this close of course my special someone will be jealous, and I don’t want it. M-maybe I might look for for that someone.”

Donghae pull him closer. “Damn! Your love hasn’t existed yet but I already feel jealous.” He said he read what Donghae want to said to him, he lowered his stare and see his lips how much Hyujae wants to touch it but he resisted hisself.

Goodness Hae, why am I feeling like this, why do I feel like I want to touch your lips and kiss it. Hyukjae thought to himself.

“Hyukkie, don’t find love, let love find you, that’s why it’s called falling love cause you don’t force it yourself to fall, you just fall…

Hyukjae’s eyes widened when he said those words but he shrugged it off.

“P-please put me down I am shivering from cold.” He pleaded.

“Hyukjae…” Donghae said, it could be seen in his eyes like he is trying to tell him something. Hyukjae raise his hand and caress Donghae’s cheeks, his forehead, and touch his nose and his lips. That’s where his kiss landed when they were on the plane.  He does not know the kiss he did cause Hyukjae to have feelings for him.

Shock can be seen at Donghae’s face as he saw his best friend’s actions.

He let his guard down and he did not know if Donghae noticed it. “P-please, Donghae let’s go back.”

He wants to cry, not just cry, he wants to deny his feelings but how can he do it. It’s clear he is in love with his bestfriend. The kiss on the plane triggered  his feelings for him. The feelings he did not know existed. It all happened very fast. All of a sudden, he realized he no longer love Donghae as a friend but his feelings is like someone in love with.

Cupid! Why are you playing with my heart? Of all people why it should be Hae why should it be my best friend?

Looking back all the guy and girls that like him he always tend to compare them to Donghae. Not the Lee Donghae everyone knows but the Lee Donghae that he knew. He had always been happy with his simple thoughts. His birthday will only be complete if Donghae is there. He remembered how cried a river when his best friend chose to take his Master’s in America. He always waited for his call.

Ah Hae…Hae….It had always been Donghae. How would have she missed the signs? He was so comfortable not to see it.

He removed his arms out of Donghae when he see they are now on back on the sand part. He sprinkled the seawater to hide his red eyes due to crying. How can he look at Donghae without him discovering the change of feelings? Things have been complicated ever since that simple kiss. If it hadn’t happened, would she have discovered his feelings for him?

Eventually yes. You can’t escape it Hyukjae, love is meant to express.” His mind replied to him.

He walk with his knees shaking, as he continue walking someone grabbed his hand, he does need to tell it was Donghae. He slide it down to hold his hand. He did not turn around he bit her lip and summoned all his strength to stop his tears from falling.

You know what Hae, I’m in love I just realized I’m in love thanks to that kiss. And guess who I am in love with? It’s you Hae I love you! I’m in love with you who is my best friend!

If only those words are easy to say, but he knew Donghae’s sweetness meant nothing, he loved him as his brother, what he had for him is a platonic love, holding his hands meant nothing for Donghae, whe he hugged him and saying the words Je t’aime Hyukkie”

“Hyukkie” He called him making his hold tighter.

“H-hae, I wanna go back to the cottage I felt sleepy already. He can feel Donghae’s grip loosen and he walk alone.

“I love you Hae, now I am part of the population of the world that secretly loving his bestfriend. It was so sudden, you kidnapped me nd brought me along this trip and look what happen I fell for you.” He muttered to himself.

He knew everything would change well at least for him, good thing they will be back in Korea tomorrow.

Hyukjae hurriedly took a shower, under the running water, he does not know what to do next. How can he interact with Donghae without know wing his feelings?

He sighed and dry himself up and wrap himself with a towel. As he change his clothes he noticed Donghae already fell asleep. Suddenly he got tempted to know what happen to the other half of the shell.

He sneakily took it from his best friend’s bag he saw his things and smile seeing how neatky his stuff are arrang stil the Donghae he know. He took the other half of the shell and he read the words Donghae carved on it.

To the one I love the most

He feel like his heart crushed. Could it be possible that Donghae was already in love? But with whom? Why did he did not say anything of this to him?

He got into bed staring at the sleeping man behind him with a tears in his eyes

-So i made a double update yay! Please leave comments so I would be more inspired to update this story and for those who want to subscribe please keep on subscribing and thank to all comments this made me more inspired to write this story. 

Anyways I am so excited! 5 more days Morning Musume new single is out!

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Chapter 19: Love this story so much... I'm glad that it is happy ending... They reserve for the happiness... Thanks for the wonderful story...
Chapter 19: Amazing! Im so in love with this story... :-)
Hyeri04 #3
Chapter 13: okay.. this is too sweet!!>< when they wake up together and hae playing with hyuk and when he's smiling and those eyes!!>< I can imagine it!! akkhh!! I can't!! this is too much for my heart!!♥ukkhh ㅋㅋㅋ
haehyukluv2000 #4
Chapter 19: awww..... soooo sweeettt :3
Chapter 4: I really love this story so much! Its so sweet my heart tingles, but theres to many typographical error regarding the his its always typed as her, but im super in live with the story. Keep up the good work.
sjmunchkin #6
Chapter 19: Your story was great,i can really feel what donghae n hyukjae's feeling in ur story...keep writing ne,hope to read more story from u...keep up the good works ♥♥
najinpi #7
Chapter 20: I'm reading this again... I really love it so so much.... Thanks again for sharing this awesome fics with us.... please write more haehyuk fics in the future.. thankyu
maedeh #8
Chapter 20: hi
again thanks for update and nice story
lemon-deulop #9
Chapter 19: *____* Oh, this was so touching. ^^''

I loved it. Thank you so much for this, it was lovely.