
Animal Love

Hwa Young P.O.V

I somehow managed to sneak into my own house. My father was passed out in the sofa, as usual... I went up to my room and started grabbing things that I would need, such as money and clothes. It was a good thing that I had saved up my money, if it wasn't for that then I don't think that I would have made it. I put all my stuff on a cardboard box and tiptoed my way down. 'Where am I going to put all of this?' I thought concerned.  Having no other place in mind, I went back to Niels' house and put the box under his bed 'I guess this'll do for now.' As I was going through my things I noticed that I had forgotten my cellphone. "I'll have to go back..." 
Everything was just as I had seen before, even my passed out father. I went up to my room and quickly looked for my phone, it had fallen under my bed. Once again as I made my way down I was as quiet as possible but this time one of the stairs creaked. I heard my father moan in his sleep and turn around in the sofa. I glanced his way, he was still sleeping. I sighed in relief. As I  was heading towards the front door suddenly something grabbed my arm. I turned around and saw my father looking directly at me "Hwa Young" he said. 
CAP  P. O. V 
I was walking down the street when suddenly I heard a glass breaking inside a house and a door slamming. I turned in the direction the noise was coming from and saw a pale looking girl with long wavy black hair running as fast as she could from the house. Something in my guts was telling me to follow her, and I did. When I finally reached her, she was crouching in  an alley way shaking uncontrollably. She looked at me with tears in her eyes and then suddenly she fainted, but that wasn't what surprised me at all. After she fainted she had turned into a cat, the strange thing was that she looked just like the cat that Niel found a couple of days back. 
Hwa Young P. O. V
I woke up to a strange room. I looked around and saw CAP sitting next to me, looking carefully at me. I was a cat again. 'Wait! I'm a cat!' I remembered seeing him before I fainted 'did he see what happened? He's going to think that I belong in a freak show I'm sure!'
"You awake?" He asked calmly
I meowed at him
He looked completely taken back "you're .... Hwa Young... right? I'm not going crazy, right?" 
I looked at him and finally meowed in response. He sighed and shook his head. Slowly he got up and said to me
"You have a lot of explaining to do... Mint" 
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Chapter 16: Please update soon~!
Chapter 15: O.o what happen to her? Update soon authornim~~
Chapter 15: O.o wowowowo
Chapter 14: :O I like her with Kwangmin
minyoungunnie #5
Chapter 12: The feels! XD
Chapter 10: Update soon really good story^^ can't wait for the next chapter ^^
Chapter 8: Busted big time!
Chapter 7: This is a funny cute chapter lol good job ^^
anetcat #9
Chapter 6: Nice chapter. Update soon ^^