Ferris Wheel

Animal Love

Hwa Young P.O.V

We went inside the haunted house, hand in hand, and walked slowly making sure that we wouldn’t trip over anything because of the darkness. The dolls randomly popping out were really bad looking, you could tell right away that it was all fake. The haunted house wasn’t that scary, my house was scarier than this. I looked all around me and found nothing worth of my interest. Then I felt Kwangmin’s grip on my hand tighten. I looked up at him, he wasn’t facing me at all, he was facing straight ahead but even though he wasn’t looking at me at all my heart was beating miles per second. Now that I think about it this place is perfect to make a move *wait…..what am I thinking?* I tried to make all erted thoughts go away, but I couldn’t. My walking came to a halt making Kwangmin look at me.

“Is something wrong?” he asked quietly.

I looked him right in the eyes and started reaching for his face. I placed my hand along his jawline and started coming closer to his face. I couldn’t control my body, it was acting on its own.

“Hwa Young?”

Right when I was centimeters away from his lips a strange looking doll appeared out of nowhere ruining the mood. Kwangmin jumped and started looking around to see if something would pop out again. I giggled at the sight.

“Are you scared Kwangmin?” I asked him with a grin on my face.

“A-aniyo why would you think that?” he said defensively.

“Oh no reason” I responded smiling.

He looked at me strangely and sighed. “Are you disappointed that I am?”

“No, why would I be?”

Kwangmin shrugged and continued walking making me follow him. We reached a more secluded part of the haunted house. This part, I’ll have to admit, was a bit scarier than where we just were. It had strange creepy music playing, it was the sound of drums playing hard, wind rustling against the trees, and there was even a bit of mist in the room. *I wonder how much this would have cost….now is not the time to think about that* I scolded myself *then again…* I kept looking around me and without noticing I wondered around getting lost.

“Where the heck am I?” I said, not really expecting an answer. This was by far the largest haunted house in earth! “Aish! What am I supposed to do now?” I kept wondering around until I heard a faint voice in the distance. A shiver went down my spine making me nervous. *This is a first*. My instincts told me to turn the other way but unconsciously I walked towards it. *I must be crazy* I started to see a figure “Kwangmin!” I yelled at the figure but it didn’t move. “What? Can he not hear me?” I muttered to myself. As I got closer I noticed that it wasn’t at all Kwangmin it was just a mannequin. I sighed and ruffled my hair out of frustration “where is he?!”

As I finished that simple sentence arms wrapped around my waist making me jump. I tried to free myself but the grip was very strong. I panicked and elbowed whatever was holding me by the stomach, then heard a familiar voice.

“Kwangmin?” I asked as I turned around.

“You’re pretty strong” he said wincing in pain.

“I am so so so sorry!!! BUT that’s what you get for scaring me!” I said as I slapped his shoulder

“Hahaha you’re a strange one” Kwangmin told me smiling.

“You have no idea” I whispered

“Huh? What was that?”

“Oh nothing…” I grabbed his hand and helped him get up. “Come on, we still have other things to see”

“Yeah” he said weakly.


I had so much fun. We rode so many different roller coasters, ate many different things, took lots of pictures, and bought several souvenirs from the amusement park.

“OK, what should we do now?” Kwangmin asked me, “It’s getting late already”.

I looked around and saw the Ferris wheel. “That one” I told him pointing at it.

He looked at it and gave me a warm smile, “Sure”.

We waited in line for our turn, talking about the entire day. When it was finally our turn, I grew nervous. I was completely afraid of heights. Kwangmin noticed right away how tense I became when we entered the small capsule. “Is everything okay?” he asked concerned.

“Y-yeah” I managed to say. I felt it starting to move and looked around me to see if there was any way of keeping calm. Kwangmin got up from his seat and sat next to me. He held my hand and looked at me in the eyes. “Are you afraid of heights?”

I weakly smiled at him “are you disappointed?”

“Why would I be?”

I shrugged imitating his earlier response to my question. Then we reached the very top the ferris wheel, and it stopped moving. I felt the weird sensation again *Arggh! I thought I got rid of you!* My entire body tensed up trying to resist any sudden urges and I started shivering. I didn’t want Kwangmin to see me like this and lowered my head. “Hwa Young?” I heard Kwangmin say my name. I looked up at him and stared at his face for some moments. Without being aware of it, my free hand started tracing his face; I started with his eyes, moved to his nose, then his soft lips, and finally his jawline. I rested my hand there and started moving closer to him. *what am I doing!!!* I lost all control over my body in that moment and was focused on only one thing. His lips. “H-Hwa Y-young?” this time Kwangmin’s voice was nervous but I could sense that he was felling something else as well, excitement maybe? I kept getting closer until I could feel his breath on my face. My body was by that point almost on top of his lap, I had him cornered. There was no way he was escaping this time. I went straight for his lips claiming them as mine. There was no stopping now.

*I’m sorry Niel oppa*

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Chapter 16: Please update soon~!
Chapter 15: O.o what happen to her? Update soon authornim~~
Chapter 15: O.o wowowowo
Chapter 14: :O I like her with Kwangmin
minyoungunnie #5
Chapter 12: The feels! XD
Chapter 10: Update soon really good story^^ can't wait for the next chapter ^^
Chapter 8: Busted big time!
Chapter 7: This is a funny cute chapter lol good job ^^
anetcat #9
Chapter 6: Nice chapter. Update soon ^^