
Animal Love


I stayed there, my heart beating a mile per second. 'How can this be?' I asked myself curios. Then after the girl left I showed myself. "Hard being heartbroken huh?" 
He turned around, looked at me a moment, then after finally sinking in, he gasped.
"You saw?"
"I'm really lame aren't I?"
"Just a bit"
"Ya! You're supposed to say no!"
"Hahaha miane miane" 
He smiled at me and said "Niel"
"Hwa Young" 
"New here?"
"Why is that a maybe?"
"Haven't transferred yet" I smiled mischievously 
"Is that so? Are you going to transfer?" he asked raising an eyebrow
 I was incredibly happy! Finally I was able to talk to the person that saved me. I wanted to say so many things.... For example 'wake up more early', 'don't step on my tail', 'what's up with the bunny boxers?' and even if I didn't love him I wanted to tell him that I really liked him, he had such a kind heart; but I didn't. All I could do was smile, if I said that he would think that I'm some sort of creep or something. I couldn't take the awkward silence that was between us "later then Niel" I said and walked away.  
I was wandering around school again trying not to catch anyone's attention, but because of that I was suddenly lost. "Are you lost?" I heard a familiar voice behind me. I turned around and to my surprise it was Ricky. 
"N-ne, were am I?" I asked him.
"This is the art section of the school" he said eying me. "Want me to show you around?" 
"I don't want to be a bother" I said shyly. The way that he carried himself was so different from the way he was at the studio. He was much more manly and had a cool air around him but at the same time he was radiating cuteness, it was rather an off combination...Once again I felt my heart beating at a fast pace. 'This isn't normal... It can't possibly beat for everyone I know...'
Ricky P.O.V
'I wonder what this girl is doing here... Did she come to spy on someone? But then again she truly looks lost' I thought and after some time I sighed. "Do you want me to show you around?" I asked her
"I don't want to be a bother" she said hardly even looking at me
'This girl is so weird' I thought to myself. 
"Aniyo, it's fine, it's lunch anyway" I said grabbing her arm, and I started showing her around the school. It was a bit awkward so I asked her "when were you born? Are you a nonna?" 
"I'm a 95-er" 
"Ohhhh you're just like me then!!!" I said and then because I had looked back at her, I tripped on a stair that I hadn't seen. She bursted out laughing and that was when I honestly thought that she looked cute. Her eyes suddenly caught my attention and I was suddenly reminded of Mint, 'I wonder why that is?' 
"Ya! Don't laugh!" I said a bit embarrassed
"Miane it's just that you're too funny" she said still giggling. I just sighed again and said "any-anyway, I'll kept showing you around"
Kwangmin P. O. V
As I was walking with Youngmin, I heard Ricky yelling at someone and I automatically turned my head in that direction. 'Hwa Young! What is she doing with Ricky laughing so casually? Does she like him?' I thought making myself depressed. 
"Why are you looking gloomy?" asked Youngmin 
"Huh? Uh... Nothing"
He turned to look where Ricky was and when he saw the girl he smirked at me. "Is she possibly that girl you met the other day?" he asked mischievously 
"Wae?" I said defensively 
He seemed pleased with my answer, grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the two of them. "Ya! Ricky! Anneyong!" Hwa Young turned to face us and smiled at me kindly, making me flustered. 
"Ah! Annyeong Kwangmin!" She said bowing
"An- annyeong Hwa Young" I said softly. My brother had a big smile on his face seeing me act like that. "Annyeong, I'm Youngmin, Kwangmin's twin brother"
"Annyeong, I'm Hwa Young" 
He smiled at her and then started talking with Ricky leaving me with Hwa Young. 
"What are you doing around here?"
I asked her nervously 
"Looking around, maybe I'll transfer here. You're 'friend argument' was very convincing" she said smiling.
'She remembered!' That made me extremely happy, I thought that my heart could jump out of my chest any moment now.
"I was lost and Ricky helped me out, he's showing me around the school" she explained. 
Then suddenly someone put their arms around my shoulders, it was Chunji and LJoe. 
"Hey Kwangmin you looked like you were having fun over here so we came over...." Chunji said and looked at Hwa Young "why haven't you introduced us to your pretty friend?" he asked.
"Uhmmm......" 'I don't want too >:p'
"Hi I'm Chunji and this is LJoe" he said in a flirty way.
She smiled at them and giggled an bit before answering "nice to meet you, I'm Hwa Young" 
"Do you come here? I don't think I've seen you around before" asked LJoe. I could see a hint of interest in his eyes.
"More than likely, Kwangmin persuaded me" she said turning to me and smiled. "He said that if I came here I would already have a friend" 
"How do you know each other?childhood friends?" asked me Chunji. 
"Ani, we met a couple of days back" 
To my relief, the bell rang before anything else could happen. 
"Oh" said Hwa Young "I better get going, it was nice meeting you guys"
"Nice to meet you too" they said back at her. 
"She looked at me and said "bye Kwangmin, maybe I'll see you later" and waved at me.
"Yeah" I said, turning my head so that she wouldn't see me blushing.
Once Hwa Young was gone Chunji came up to me and whispered in my ear "is she your girlfriend?"
"Ani, wae?" I hid my embarrassed face
"Oh, just" 
I noticed that he sighed in relief. When I turned to see his face, he was looking at Hwa Young leaving, and smiled in a way that I could tell what he was thinking; she was his new target.
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Chapter 16: Please update soon~!
Chapter 15: O.o what happen to her? Update soon authornim~~
Chapter 15: O.o wowowowo
Chapter 14: :O I like her with Kwangmin
minyoungunnie #5
Chapter 12: The feels! XD
Chapter 10: Update soon really good story^^ can't wait for the next chapter ^^
Chapter 8: Busted big time!
Chapter 7: This is a funny cute chapter lol good job ^^
anetcat #9
Chapter 6: Nice chapter. Update soon ^^