
Animal Love


Hwa young P. O . V
'I have to do something about school' I thought as I waited for the twins to come back home. Sigh. I have to tell someone about this otherwise it'll be hard to manage everything... 
As I laid on Kwangmin's bed, I kept thinking back to the conversation the twins had yesterday night. 'Kwangmin likes me!' I thought to myself blushing. 'Well he's not bad looking...wait!! get a hold of yourself!! You can't think about that' I scolded myself. 'Back on track! School, school, school....' It was rather easy to transfer schools for me; after all, I always did everything for myself, my father had always neglected me. 'When they take me back to Niel maybe I can go and check out their school,I'll see if I like it and then maybe transfer, sounds like a plan!' 
As we were on our way to the studio, we somehow managed to bump into LJoe. "Sure I'll take the cat back to Niel" he told them. 
"Bye Mint" the twins said. I liked their fingers to demonstrate my gratitude towards them, and for giving me very juicy information :p 
LJoe P.O.V
"Alright fur ball times up" I said to the cat as soon as the twins were out of sight. It looked at me oddly, and I smiled at it. "Since Niel isn't here right now I'll...." and I squished its face. It tried scratching me but I just found it hilarious. 'This could be fun' I thought to myself, "I've been dying to do that to you" I said, explaining. The cat looked at me very intensely in the eyes like it could see my soul and then to my surprise rolled its eyes at me. 'Weird cat, how can it possibly roll it's eyes at me, I mean, come on, its me..' We reached the studio faster than I expected, and as soon as Niel saw the cat his face beamed. "Mint!!~ hello have you missed me?!" He asked the cat. Mint jumped out of my arms and into Niel's softly purring 
"Hey! You purr at him, and try to scratch me! Dumb cat" I said to her. She looked at me and I could have sworn that she stuck out her tongue at me. 
"Don't be mean to Mint" Ricky told me "she's not used to so many strangers, isn't that right Mint?" He said petting her head, she meowed. "See LJoe hyung, she agrees with me" 
"Whatever" I said rolling my eyes at them.
"Don't be a downer and start practicing" told me CAP with a smile 
"She likes you too huh?" I asked
"Of course, why wouldn't she?" He said casually, and then went towards Niel and started caressing fur ball. 
I was looking at them, thinking until I heard someone behind me."Stop making ugly faces" said  Chanjo, "you'll make us look bad when we preform" 
"Ya! How dare you talk like that to you're hyung, huh?" I yelled at him
"Don't get angry, it's true" Chunji butted in smiling. 
"Okay enough, lets practice" said CAP "we have a concert soon."
We all looked at him and nodded in agreement.
Hwa young P.O.V
'Hahahaha that's what he gets for squishing my face, meany!' For some reason I enjoy making fun of him, it's... I don't know...rewarding in a way.
Once again I was mesmerized by their dancing abilities. As I was looking at them something caught my eye out the window, it was a bird. My ears shot straight up, my body stiffened, my tiny paws became lightless, I WANTED that cat. 'No! What are you thinking?! You're not really a cat, calm down' I said to myself but my body didn't listen to me. I started running towards it and as soon as I was going to get it I hit my body against the window. 'Damn you window!!!! My nose! My pretty little nose!'
I could hear everyone in the studio laughing at me, but the bird as well. "You are one stupid cat" it told me
"Hey! You better watch out, or I'll eat you for real" I snapped back at it. It looked at me oddly and flew away.
"Mint could you possibly be hungry?" Niel asked me. I turned to face him and I meowed, 'yes! The twins didn't feed me before coming!!' He smiled at me and after they finished practicing he took me to his home and feed me to my hearts content. 'Niel~ saranghae!!!!' I thought eating everything I could set my eyes at. 
Following morning:
'Okay! Everyone seems like their gone...' I said when i finished going through the house, I changed back to my regular self and went through Niels closet this time. I picked a salmon colored t-shirt and black skinny jeans 'It fits me! Still not sure if that good or bad..' I went to the bathrooms and fixed up my hair with some rubber bands, (probably his mothers) and decided for a high ponytail. I went out of their house and went to my school. I requested transfer papers and was able to get them no questioned asked. "Next it's Kwangmin's school" I said. I walked a couple of minutes and reached my destination.
 I entered the school, it was very big, nothing compared to my previous school. As I walked around I saw several fountains, one of them in particular caught my attention, Niel was there. 'No way he comes to this school too?' I asked myself surprised.  Niel was with a girl, so I decided to get a closer look. It looked like he was being confessed to but it as I got closer and closer it looked like he was the one confessing. I felt a little pain in my chest. 'No... You can't like her! You have me, you babbo!'
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Chapter 16: Please update soon~!
Chapter 15: O.o what happen to her? Update soon authornim~~
Chapter 15: O.o wowowowo
Chapter 14: :O I like her with Kwangmin
minyoungunnie #5
Chapter 12: The feels! XD
Chapter 10: Update soon really good story^^ can't wait for the next chapter ^^
Chapter 8: Busted big time!
Chapter 7: This is a funny cute chapter lol good job ^^
anetcat #9
Chapter 6: Nice chapter. Update soon ^^