
Animal Love

Hwa Young P.O.V

I could hear strange noises as I started to regain consciousness. One of them was water, the next a small sigh… coming from a man, followed by a small hum. Suddenly I felt a towel on my forehead at which I slowly started to open my eyes. The first thing I saw was the ceiling, gently I turned my head to the side and saw CAP sitting next to me “CAP? What are you doing?”

“Oh you’re up” he simply said, then after a few moments he continued “you fainted yesterday”

“I did? Why? I can’t remember anything after I got home”

CAP once again was silent looking at me oddly. “You can’t remember anything? Anything at all?”

I just shook my head. He took a deep sigh, and look back at me. “We need to see your father”


“I did what???!!!” I suddenly yelled. I couldn’t possibly…. Well now that I think about it….. Even if I wanted to I don’t think I would have the guts to say those words anyway…… I guess you never know anymore….. Maybe I can try that with Niel…… Or Kwangmin….. Yeah Kwangmin sounds nice…….

“And this morning she woke up not remembering anything, I’m worried about her” CAP explained to my father.

He looked over at me while I was still lost in thought and sighed “She’s even making weird faces now too” then proceeded to hit me on the top of my face “YA! Stop daydreaming!”

“Huh?” I said blinking multiple times

“I see, I’m sorry for the trouble my daughter has caused you” my father apologized. I just simply rolled my eyes, ‘like HE ever taught me manners……’



Later that same day I had arranged to meet up with Kwangmin.

I planned to sneak out of the house since my father instructed me to stay home, he said I would be a danger to society if I went out. Apparently he didn’t know what I was capable doing during mating season, well neither did I, and I didn’t care as much as him…. I mean, I’m a teenager, it’s alright if I make stupid choices, if not, what would I tell my grandchildren when I was old? When I was young I turned into a cat and stayed home all the time? HECK NO!! I would much rather tell them that I was turned into a cat, and did soooo many things they couldn’t possibly imagine, besides they’ll just think I’m delusional and think I’m lying anyway.

Sneaking out was a success, it was rather easy actually. Now for the fun part…. Kwangmin you better be ready… there is a high possibility of me going crazy today… the good thing is that we BOTH will have something interesting to say to our grandkids now.

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Chapter 16: Please update soon~!
Chapter 15: O.o what happen to her? Update soon authornim~~
Chapter 15: O.o wowowowo
Chapter 14: :O I like her with Kwangmin
minyoungunnie #5
Chapter 12: The feels! XD
Chapter 10: Update soon really good story^^ can't wait for the next chapter ^^
Chapter 8: Busted big time!
Chapter 7: This is a funny cute chapter lol good job ^^
anetcat #9
Chapter 6: Nice chapter. Update soon ^^