Unexpected Meeting

Animal Love


Hwa young P.O.V
I woke up to loud noises, again. It was morning, time for everyone to go to school. Before leaving Chunji came up to me and softly caressed my back. "I'll be back after school to take you back to Niel ok?" he smiled at me, I have him a soft purr, and then he left.
'Gosh why does everyone have such a lovely smile around here?'
I waited a little to make sure that no one would come back, and turned back into a human.  I can finally stretch, this feels so good! I took a good look around his room. He had a simple bed with a black bed cover, on his bed were three black pillows, nothing really interesting there. The walls were white with teen top posters, 'I guess he really likes himself....' I thought as I tilted my head to the side. I walked out and into his little twin sisters room. It was a bright pink, in fact almost everything was pink; the bunk beds, the lamps, the bed covers, the walls, the princess sign on top of their shelf... it was just too much! I quickly shut the door and headed towards the kitchen. Boy was I hungry, my human form hadn't eaten yet after all. I opened the fridge and ate anything I could find, in the end I ate ramen and drank some coke. After I had eaten I cleaned up the kitchen making sure to leave everything just as I had found it. Next I went to the living room, it was very elegantly arranged, but what caught my attention the most was the glass table with pictures of the family. It was the five of them, Chunji, his father, his mother, and his two twin sisters. I picked up the pictures one by one and suddenly I noticed that tears were running down my face. 'I miss my omma!!' I tried to fight the tears but ended up giving up, I cried until I had ran out of tears. ' I'm craving ice cream' I thought through tears. After all, all I could do to distract myself was to eat. I went to check the fridge one more time but found no ice cream... Hmmm.... suddenly I got an idea. I went back to Chunji's room and looked through his closet, his clothes surprisingly fit me. "I'm not sure whether this is a good thing or a bad one" I said to myself... As I was putting my clothes on the washing machine I checked the pockets, luckily for me in the clothes I had was money, more than enough to buy ice cream. 
Kwangmin P.O.V
I was at a park, ditching class, when I saw a very beautiful girl pass by. She had long wavy black hair and bright green eyes. She had a somewhat lonesome look to herself. I noticed that the clothes she was wearing were boyish 'boyfriends maybe?' I thought, I just shrugged and made no attempt to move. 
I'd say that about an hour had passed when I saw 'her' again. She was holding a lime ice cream cone, this time she was smiling making my heart skip a beat 'what is this?' I asked myself, I had never experienced that. As I was looking at her, I noticed that she passed two weird looking guys that started to follow her. This time I got up, 'she might need my help.' 
I heard a soft scream and started running to her aid (I am so cool!). When I got there I was surprised by what I was seeing. She didn't need my help at all, she was a very good fighter. Swiftly she kicked one of them on the side of his face causing him to fall down (I think a saw a couple of teeth come out), the other surprised by her movement, went straight at her from behind, she turned around just in time and punched him several times on his stomach, his face, and one last one on his nose. When he fell down I saw that his face was all bloody. I looked at her, she looked back at me and she started crying. I went up to her slowly and held out my hand "are you okay?" I asked her. "What kind of questions is that?! Of course I'm not okay! My ice cream fell!!!!" She said crying harder now. I couldn't help myself and started cracking up. That's a new one.
"What?!" She yelled at me, "want me to beat you up too?!"
"No no! It's just that your response was funny" I told her still laughing. 
"My ice cream..." She whined
"Here I'll buy you another one" I suddenly said, 'what did I just say?this is the first time I've ever done that...'
"Jinjja?" She said  with a smile on her face
"Yay! I'm happy!" She exclaimed.
I smiled once again. "I'm Kwangmin by the way" I said and extended my arm towards her. She looked at it and finally shook my hand "Hwa Young."
After getting ice cream we chatted some time. She was really cheerful. "After all" she said "if I'm negative nothing good will come out, but if I try my best maybe I'll reach my father, and we can go back to the way it used to be" Hwa Young said with a sad expression. She suddenly got up and asked " what time is it?" 
"It's about to be four, why?" I asked curious
"Oh no!" 
"What? Do you have to be home?" 
"N-ne something like that" she said and looked at me "kumao" she said quietly. I looked at her and she continued "for the ice cream, I had a nice time" she said with a nice smile making me blush.
"Can we do this again?" I asked her.
"Don't you have school?"
"I can always skip it, don't you have school too?" I asked curious, 'I hope that she's not a noona'
"Skipped it, I think I'm transferring though..." She said looking down
"Come to mine" I said holding her hand. She looked at me weird, realizing what I had done, I quickly let go of her hand. "Err, I mean so that you could have a friend already" I said blushing looking anywhere but her face. She smiled and said "I'll think about it" suddenly she kissed my check and said "I'll see you later then" she started running and I looked at her go, she stopped, looked back, smiled at me and waved, then this time she ran without looking back.
Hwa young P.O. V
I can't believe I told Kwangmin about my father! Then again I didn't say everything to him, that's good; if he knew I could turn into a cat I wonder if he'll treat me the same...
I reached Chunji's house just in time. I hanged back his clothes, took a quick shower, and changed back into my clothes. Before turning back into a cat I made sure that everything was in the place it was supposed to be, after I finished checking I peacefully changed back.
"Annyeong Mint"  My ears perked up when I heard my name. Chunji had called out to me as he walked into his room. "Ready to leave?" He asked with a sweet smile, all I could do was meow.
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Chapter 16: Please update soon~!
Chapter 15: O.o what happen to her? Update soon authornim~~
Chapter 15: O.o wowowowo
Chapter 14: :O I like her with Kwangmin
minyoungunnie #5
Chapter 12: The feels! XD
Chapter 10: Update soon really good story^^ can't wait for the next chapter ^^
Chapter 8: Busted big time!
Chapter 7: This is a funny cute chapter lol good job ^^
anetcat #9
Chapter 6: Nice chapter. Update soon ^^