Worst day ever

Animal Love


Hwa young P.O.V
There were many times I contemplated leaving that house (if you could call it that) but I always remained there because I had no where else to go. I lived in that house with my father (a supposedly mad scientist) who didn't see me as his daughter anymore, all I was to him was a person to test his experiments on; a lab rat, I guess you could say. One day, after getting home from school, my father was being extremely nice to me and gave me a drink claiming it was coke, so I drank it...... HUGE mistake, I should have seen it coming.  
He started laughing, scaring me. 
"What you just drank is something I've been working on" he said still laughing 
I gasped and took a step back. 'What is it this time?'
"You are supposed to turn into an animal after some time but since you're a girl and your hormones are all over the place" he continued watching me carefully " your emotions will of course get in the way"
"I hate you!" I yelled at my father, tears accumulating in my eyes. 'He's gone to far now, an animal!!'
I ran as fast as I could out of that place, tears already dropping from my face. How could he do this to me?? Am I nothing to him but a mere lab rat? What happened to all those times when he was a loving father? Where did that man go?
I ended up getting lost. I had a blurry vision from all that crying and the thought hit me, what was I going to transform into? What if it was something dangerous and I'd get shot at? My legs gave out on me and I started feeling dizzy. 'Oh no' I thought 'I'm going to faint' and surely I did.
 Niel's P.O.V
I was walking home from my dance practice for our new music video. Since it was kind of late, I decided to take a shortcut through an alley so I could get home faster. I heard soft meowing and searched for the thing that was making that noise, it was a small grey kitten, it looked like it had been hurt, it was wet and trembling. 'I better just walk away' I thought but as I did the image of the cat kept coming to my head. In the end I headed back and went to go get it. 
"Hyung! What do you have there?"my little brother asked.
"It's a stray kitten, I found it on my way home" I explained to him. 
His eyes glowed as if he'd never seen one before. 
"Let me hold it!" He whined 
"Fine but you have to be gentle" 
"I will I promise"
I gave the cat to him, it was sleeping. My brother after a few moments felt bored and dropped it on the floor. "What did you that for?!" I yelled at him. 
"It's sleeping and it bored me" he said simply
'Note to self: never give animals to my brother' 
A couple of hours later, after I finished preparing dinner for my family I went to my room to feed the cat some bread. It was laying on my bed and the moment I walked in, its ears perked up and it turned to look at me. I got closer and closer and as I extended my arm to it, the cat hissed at me, with its hairs completely up. " I won't hurt you" I said. The cat looked at me suspiciously but after a few moments gave in. 
It was a very clumsy cat, it had bread crumbs all over its face. I started petting it and it softly purred at me. "What happened to you?" I asked it. In return its big green eyes looked intensely at me. Almost as if glaring. "What?" I said, the cat simply turned around and smacked my hand with its tail.
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Chapter 16: Please update soon~!
Chapter 15: O.o what happen to her? Update soon authornim~~
Chapter 15: O.o wowowowo
Chapter 14: :O I like her with Kwangmin
minyoungunnie #5
Chapter 12: The feels! XD
Chapter 10: Update soon really good story^^ can't wait for the next chapter ^^
Chapter 8: Busted big time!
Chapter 7: This is a funny cute chapter lol good job ^^
anetcat #9
Chapter 6: Nice chapter. Update soon ^^