Public Display of Affection (PDA)

Perfect For YOu


I wake up late at about 9:30 in the morning, I look at SeungRi whose sound asleep at that moment. I kiss him in the cheeks and went downstairs to cook for him. When I open the ref…

“He doesn’t have groceries?” I said and went upstairs and get dress to go to the grocery

I went outside, as I walk at the street some people are looking at me. I look at my clothes.

“What’s wrong?” I said to my self

Two teenage girl approach me

“You’re Min Hee right?” one girl asks. I nodded and smile

“Can we have picture with you unnie?” she asks and smiles

“Me?” I ask in confusion, the girl nodded. I agree and after that I continue to walk and went to the grocery.

I finish buying some food. I brought ice cream too.

I pass by a store who sells donut, I bought some since I’m hungry, I will just eat it on the house I’m carrying many grocery.

I walk back to the house…



I wake up and search for Min Hee beside me and she’s not there. I stand up and look for her around the house, she not here I went upstairs and dress

I look again around the house but she’s not here. I run outside and look every where many are looking at me and I don’t care…

I saw a girl carrying groceries approaching and I knew that’s her!!!!

“Yeobo!” I shouted and she looks at me and smile. I run to her and hug her

“What are you doing, people are looking” she said

“Don’t do that ever again, you almost given me a heart attack!” I said to her

I let of my hug, hold her on her shoulder and look straight through her eyes “I cannot ever lose you again” I said to her

“I just went to the grocery” she said and kisses me on the cheeks.

I smiled and took the grocery she’s carrying. She’s right people are looking at me.

“I wish I wore shades or cap” I said to her

“That’s your fault” she said and smiled at me “you want some, take a bit” she said while handing me donut.

I bit on the donut since I cannot hold it, I’m carrying many stuff.

“Why did you buy so many and you don’t even take a taxi?” I ask her

“Walking is a good exercise and the grocery is just near” she said while biting at the donut

“ok” I said and bit again in the donut she’s handing me, she wipe some filling that left on the corner of my lips. I wish were like this all day but I cannot and I get conscious many are looking at us.



Were walking back to the house when a group of girls approach us.

“SeungRi oppa can we have a picture with you and autograph?” one girl said and some of them shudder, he nodded and smile

It’s hard to have a boy friend that’s famous. I look at them I’m out place and just wait when they are done.

When they were the girl are still looking at him and taking pictures, he kiss on the lips that was a soft one and caught me off guard. I look at him and the girls screams and shudder

“Let’s go” he said and smile. We continue walking

 “What’s that for?” I ask him and he looks at me confused.

I stoppedand look at him, he stop too and look at me confused “Oh, never mind!!!” I said frowning at him. “And don’t give me those cute panda eyes of yours!!!”  I said to him and he laughs

“Why are you so cute?” he said and gives me an Eskimo kiss/ nose to nose.

I smiled and continue walking, ther were some who stop and ask for have picture with him and authogarph and even me some ask for pictures. They were mosly guys…

“Don’t wear ever those clothess of yours again!” he said to me

I look at him “why?”

“You attract many guys” he said.

“Jealous?!” I said and he did not answer,

“Well silence means yes” I said to him teasingly

He did not answer again; I hook my arms to his arms and leaned my head to his shoulder while walking.

“What are you doing, can’t you see I’m carrying heavy stuff” he said

I glare at him, tried to looked pissed and walk fast ahead of him

“Yeobo” he shouted

He stop walking and put down he’s carrying, I face him and start walking back ward “what?!” I shouted

“Come back here!” he commanded me; I stop walking and shouted “Lee Seung Hyun I love you!!!”

He smiled and shouted “I love you Min Hee Park forever!!!” people stare at us and I walk to his side, hook my arms around his arms and we continue walking, he kisses me in the forehead.



We arrive home and we went to the kitchen and I arrange the groceries while she cooks food for us. I wish were always like this and I hope the attacker will be caught in no time….



I still follow them, and I envy their relationship but I felt happy seeing them like that, happy and full of love. I wish I didn’t do what I have done, if only I can bring back time, I will just have left and leave them alone. How will I confess to them, Min Hee she’s been my friend and trust me so much it will hurt her and Seung Ri he’s my new friend now and I don’t know what will be his reaction. My conscience!!! My conscience won’t let me sleep at night. What will I do???....


Another update….

My readers I would just like to ask your opinion if you want me to add a chapter or two here in my fanfic… because I have an idea and it’s kind of tragic.

My next chapter will be base on your opinion…

So please drop your comment…

(^/|\^) kamsa hamnida (^/|\^)


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kamalu96744 #1
<3 it!!
awwwww. it ended
Oh my gosh! Seungri shouldn't ignore her. tsk
VeeVeeEnn #4
omg no!!! car accident! update soon (:
NinnaVI #5
Omg! I want more,more n more ^^ I love it! <3
VeeVeeEnn #6
WEDDING! update soon(:
awh~ so sweet!!
ah, wedding *-*<br />
update soon :)
VeeVeeEnn #9
omo! i want more :P update soon(:
More... more... more... i want MORE!!!! LOL!!! :)