Touch of Fear repost

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INFO: So, the following chapters from ToF basically contain what Miyoung did. Her actions were... well... stupid in a way but also comprehensible. To explain it, and to show her perspective without having to re-write everything: Miyoung felt like she couldn't let herself lose Sehun. After the argument with her father, she's sort of in a slump. She hates being weak and she connects being weak with all her failures. And losing Sehun would be a failure too. And of course Sehun is her first and only friend and a person whom she can be a really fuzzy and fun persona with. She simply does not want to let go of him and her new self So, she confronts Ara as a very two-faced girl (which she is, and she knows that, since it's her mask for society). 

However, she did not want any violence to happen. Since Byunghee offered her his help, she accepted. But she did not know that he would not keep his promise of not using violence. Her way of justifying her actions is sort off, and I'm not saying she's doing the right thing, but what's important to me is that she's got backbone and shows it. I prefer that to a passive protagonist. 


During the break Ara left the classroom to get her books from her locker. As she opened her locker, an empty one faced her – no books, no gym shoes, nothing – and she stared at it confusedly, before her gaze fell upon the little sticky note of the locker door's inside.


Come to the rooftop, if you want your stuff, .


Ara narrowed her eyes at the message. How childish, was all that shot through her mind and she blew some hair strands out of her face. She knew there had always been people at this school who disliked her very much, but during the past few months that had decreased. So something like this came really unexpected – wait a moment. Now that she thought of it, it could be Lee Byunghee. And that bastard still owed her.


Positive that it had to be Lee Byunghee and tired of his childish games, she stomped to the stairs. Besides, she needed to get her stuff back before the next period began. Within a few minutes, she already arrived at the rooftop. But instead of a male, she was met with a petite girl. Lee Miyoung.


Ara immediately stepped back, but the sound of the door to the stairs being snapped shut made her turn around. And there he stood. Lee Byunghee, a smirk on his lips while he locked the door. “What the hell,” Ara muttered as she turned halfway around and stepped back to have both Miyoung and Byunghee in her field of view.


“You two actually plotted something? Are you being serious?” She mumbled, trying not to laugh. This situation was just too absurd. Too ridiculous. For them to be actually so childish. She didn’t even know whether to take this seriously or not, but she was still on the alert. It was two against one, after all.


“No, I only wanted to have a talk with you, but he offered to help me,” Miyoung answered with a soft voice. “And how he's responsible for my safety while I'm talking to you. Who knows what you might do,” the petite girl finished as she eyed Ara from head to toe. It had been a preventative measure to agree to Lee Byunghee's help. Ara was taller than Miyoung and seemed so be quite a bit stronger physically. Besides that, Miyoung was afraid of physical harm, as it brought back bad memories


Ara kept quiet, not interested to engage herself in a conversation with the other girl. She eyed Miyoung. She was small, her arms and legs were thin, looking like a single gust of wind could yank her off her feet. She absolutely looked like the kind of girl who needed protection. The opposite of Ara.


“Ara-ssi, I know about you and Oppa,” Miyoung began and Ara in a sharp breath. How?, she wondered mentally, not wanting to say anything aloud.


Miyoung took a deep breath as she thought about how to phrase the next thing she wanted to say. She had done research on Park Ara. A lot research about her family, her grades back then, her part-time jobs, anything she could get access to. She had even sent her driver to the places Park Ara was working at to ask the employers if the said was a good worker. And she'd also asked that one girl in class, whom she has seen how she talked to Ara once or twice, and asked if Park Ara was a nice girl. And her driver told her that all employers had been very satisfied with Park Ara, calling her diligent and responsible. And the girl, Kim Minah, also said that Ara was much nicer than people would think she'd be. Together with the knowledge that she lived alone with her sister, mother dead and father elsewhere, Miyoung thought that she could relatively define how Park Ara had to be like. She had to be nice, for Sehun to have spoken of her with an expression Miyoung had never seen on his face. She had to be very nice, for Sehun, whom Miyoung thought was one of the kindest people she knew, to love her. A hardworking and nice girl.


Maybe even too nice for her own good, Miyoung smiled to herself. Sehun had said that he wouldn’t waver, and she had seen and realized that she really couldn’t unsettle his feelings for that girl. But how about that girl, Park Ara? Miyoung was sure, she could pressure her to let go of Sehun. And she wouldn’t even have to use force – Lee Miyoung wasn’t very fond of any intense methods. She'd simply use the other girl's kindness, of which she was sure that Par Ara possessed too much of, to make her step back. To make her leave Sehun voluntarily. It was a strategy; a mental game Miyoung had always been good at. Reading people and using that as an advantage.


“I want you to leave Sehun. Please,” Miyoung said after figuring out how she'd process with her plan. She looked at Ara with big, pleading eyes.


As she had relatively expected, Ara first didn’t show any reaction, only presenting a blank face. Of course. Miyoung hadn't even truly begun yet. “I don’t think you know, but his parents are really strict. Especially about a relationship that's not business-related. Mine are like that, too,” Miyoung continued, her voice ever so soft. “You two wouldn’t be able to hide forever, and even thinking about what his parents might do sends shivers down my spine.”


Miyoung pressed her lips together, barely noticeably, upon seeing that Ara still didn’t show any reaction. “Do you even know how much trouble Sehun Oppa is going to face because of that? He could lose his chance of being the next CEO because this way, he is ruining the partnership between our companies. By having a relationship, the marriage our parents planned to have in the future would be nullified. The partnership would suffer from that,” Miyoung said. Some of the things were half lied as she didn’t really know a hundred percent if Sehun would lose his chance to become the next CEO. But even so, the fact that he'd be facing a lot trouble was true. Absolutely true. And even pushing all jealousy aside, she was worried about him. Did he really want to go through so much trouble and risk so much just for one girl? He could avoid all of the trouble and risks by returning her love for him. And yet, he still remained unwavering about his feelings for that Park Ara. Something had to be amazing about this girl. And Miyoung was sure, it was her kindness.


And she could see that finally Ara seemed to show some reaction. Seeing the light twitch of Ara's eyebrows and the lips that were now pressed together, Miyoung quickly continued. In such moments – moments of indecisiveness – of her opponent, she had to make the best of it. “The partnership means so much to his parents. It would help expand their hospital line not only in Korea but in the whole Asia.” Miyoung closed her eyes for a moment. Ara wasn’t looking at her anyway; she was looking at the ground. “Logically, Ara-ssi, for Sehun Oppa it would be easier to be with me. I wouldn’t hold him back in his career. Instead, the bond between our companies would benefit him so much. His parents would be so happy, too.” She opened her eyes again. “It would only have positive effects, Ara-ssi.” The other girl was looking at the ground.


“And not to offend you, but you wouldn’t be able to benefit the hospital and therefore him. You might be a good student, but please think of your position in this society. Have you ever attended meetings or charity parties? Do you know about all the mannerism of the elite?” Miyoung asked. Her voice sounded so soft that no one would find it offending. Ara, too, didn’t. It was the truth, after all. She didn’t know anything about mannerism of the elite and the likes.


“It's better for him to be with me. But he is too nice to leave you, even if it is for his own good,” Miyoung whispered. And that was absolute for her. It was what she sincerely thought. To her, it was clear that it would be better for him to be with him. To her, it was Sehun's kindness that kept him loyal to Ara. Everyone would say that it would be better for him to be with Miyoung. The petite girl could see in Ara's posture that the latter also couldn’t argue on that. It was absolute.


“Do you love him?” Miyoung asked Ara, her voice still soft.


The taller girl still stared at the ground as she replied, “Yes.” Her voice was clear, unwavering – exactly what Miyoung wanted to hear.


“Then you should want the best for him,” she said, “and that's for the two of you to part. You know that, Ara-ssi. I know that you are smart.” Miyoung looked at her with soft, convincing eyes.


Ara shifted a bit. “You're right,” she mumbled, still facing the ground. Miyoung had to bite back the smile that wanted to form upon her lips. She did it! “I knew you were understanding enough–“


“–but I still won't leave Sehun,” Ara finished, finally looking up. Her eyes were filled with pure confidence and determination, and a smirk slowly formed upon her lips.


“What?” Miyoung immediately questioned, eyes wide in shock. How in the world could the other girl say so?! Hadn't she just agreed that Miyoung was right?


“You're right about almost everything. I know, you would benefit him and the hospital more. I know, there's going to be a lot trouble, there will be many risks, problems, obstacles. It would be easier for him to be with you. And yes, he'd be too kind to leave me, even if it were for his own good. But you forgot one thing,” Ara still smirked as she stepped forward.


“Who said I was willing to let him go, even if it's for his own good?” Ara asked and her eyes were glistening with so much confidence that it was close to arrogance.


“B-But you said you l-love him! You should want the b-best for him!” Miyoung stuttered, completely confused as to why her strategy didn’t work out, as she had thought it would.


Ara continued, undeterred, “I do want the best for him, but I am not wiling to let go of him for that.”


“But that's selfish!” Miyoung whispered, still in shock.


“So?” Ara raised an eyebrow, “I've never said I was selfless anyway.”


Miyoung's whole mind was spinning. No. No. No. Park Ara wasn’t supposed to react this way. She should have been willing to do what's best for Sehun. Because Park Ara was the kinder one of the two girls, wasn’t she? Miyoung had been so sure of it. She had been so sure …


“True, I’ve also thought about all that. But even if this is selfish of me, I won't change my mind. I have once experienced what it's like to have him leave. To be without him. To live my life without him. I'd decided to ignore him, too. And you know what? I never want to experience that again. Ever.” Ara's gaze bored into Miyoung's with so much finality that Miyoung felt small under her gaze. “Letting him go would be kind, of course, but it would also be stupid. I won't suffer voluntarily. Besides, I know that he would suffer, too. I know how he feels towards me, and he knows I do towards him.”


Ara stepped even more forward until she was right in front of Miyoung.


“So, Miyoung-ssi, don’t even try to talk me into being all selfless and retreating,” Ara finished before she turned around, leaving a completely dumbfounded, shocked and confused Miyoung back.




As Ara turned around, she noticed that Lee Byunghee was still standing in front the door, the key in his hand, therefore blocking her way. Her books and gym shoes were next to the door. She eyed him for a moment before her eyebrow twitched a bit. Actually, she could finally confront him on what he did in the forest. She had pushed away the anger at that moment, in order to concentrate on the most important thing – which had been trying to get out of the forest at that time – but now things were different.


“Step away from the door, Lee Byunghee,” she said coldly. Thinking about it, class had already begun since a few minutes, so causing ruckus on the school's rooftop wasn’t such a nice idea. Confronting him would probably be better after school and without having Lee Miyoung, who was still standing at the handrail, behind her. However, if the said male wasn’t going to retreat that easily, she had no other choice.


“No,” was his answer as he put the key inside his pocket. He shot Ara an arrogant glare. All the time he had been listening to what Miyoung said. And even if he hadn't heard everything due to the girl's soft tone, the bits he did hear were more than enough to grasp the most important point. Park Ara and Oh Sehun were in a relationship. A smirk spread across his lips. Oh, how sweet the feeling of knowing one will taste victory soon was. He could use this knowledge to go against Park Ara. He could spread it at school and therefore cause all the girls to go against her, to gang up on her.


“Step away, Lee Byunghee. I won't repeat myself.” Ara returned the glare with coldness.


Seeing that the girl seemed fairly annoyed with his answer, his smirk only widened. “Try me.”


Annoyed by his answer and attitude and still extremely angry about what happened in the forest, Ara rushed forward and violently pushed Byunghee against the door. Not only was she angry about the incident, but also about the fact that she couldn’t even properly make him receive his punishment by informing the school – all that because of money. She knew, she couldn’t. And she wasn’t stupid enough to try out to only end up as the victim of the school's hunger for money.


The boy hadn't expected such a move, since Ara had always ignored him the past three years whenever he annoyed or insulted her. She had never gone on the offensive. But instead of being satisfied about her silence, which would have amused him if it had been due to fear, the cold glares had only provoked him even more. So, when his back hit the hard door, his eyes widened in surprise, before he instinctively grabbed her arm, ready to get his revenge.


He stopped, though, having grabbed her arm. “I wouldn’t be so cocky, if I were you, little . With a snap of my finger, I can cause the whole school to know about what you and that Oh boy have. Know your place, Park Ara,” he spat.


Ara narrowed her eyes, both in pain due to his strong grip and in anger that he was threatening her.


Damn it.




Having closed the door, Sehun immediately ran to Ara's locker. Class had already begun since a few minutes and the girl hadn't returned from her little detour to get her books. Where could she have gone? He knew that something had happened. Ara wasn’t someone to simply come late or skip. His first thought was the infirmary and he immediately made his way to the room in the school's fourth level – the highest.


Besides the nurse, however, the infirmary was empty and as he asked the older woman if a third year female student had come here, she shook her head. Uncertainty rose in him. Just where was Ara?


As he was about to go downstairs again, he heard the faint sound of a thud coming from the opposite direction. Frowning in suspicion and assumption, he walked towards where he thought the sound was coming from.


When he was faced with the door leading to the rooftop, his mind began working. Maybe Ara was up there. And chances were that she wasn’t alone on the rooftop. Although there were many possibilities as to who could be with her, Sehun reduced his suspicion to – as much as he didn’t want be suspicious of her – Miyoung, Lee Byunghee, or a few female students who adored Sehun a little too much for their own good.


He opened the door and walked up the stairs. The closer he got, the clearer did his ears perceive voices.


When Sehun finally reached the door, he grabbed the handle in an instant, only to assess that it was locked. He squinted his eyes in an attempt to detect more through the alabaster glass that took up a square in the door, but he could only make out the contours of two figures. At least, though, he could detect that the smaller figure, whom he immediately recognized as Ara, was being held or grabbed by the taller one, whose identity was still unclear.


“ … so cocky, if I were you, little . With a snap of my finger, I can cause the whole school to know about what you and that Oh boy have. Know your place, Park Ara.” He had to prick up his ears to understand it, but one thing he was absolutely sure of: it was Lee Byunghee.


At first he felt alarmed as the other boy knew about his and Ara's relationship, but that worry got immediately replaced when his mind whirled around the thought of Ara and Lee Byunghee being alone on the rooftop and the door being locked. Although he knew that Ara was strong, he wondered if she was physically on par with a male. Strength-wise Lee Byunghee was stronger. Sehun was sure of it. And the thought of Ara being in danger sent shudders down his spine. What if Lee Byunghee– before he could think about it further, the said male's voice snapped him back, “Tch, to think the oh- so-great heir of the Oh hospital line was seduced by a like you. Your methods must be too dirty to be said aloud.”


Upon hearing what the other one said, Sehun could feel it: pure, burning anger filling him up. His grip around the door-handle tightened as he gritted his teeth. How dare that bastard insult Ara this way … Calling her , calling her dirty. But Sehun shook his head. There was no time to waste on what this bastard thought of Ara. Ara's safety was his priority and so he quickly exited the stairs and the little corridor. He needed to get the key from the teachers' lounge in this instant. Who knew what Lee Byunghee might do?


And so he ran, filled with both anger and worry.


In the teachers' room, he swiftly lied about having forgotten something on the rooftop, and as a teacher opposed him, he, even if he hated having to use it, flaunted his family name to quickly get access to the key and therefore make sure Ara was going to be unharmed. There was no time for any pride and so he used his family's reputation as one of the biggest donators of this school.


As he arrived at the rooftop door again, four minutes later, he hastily unlocked the door and pushed it open without thinking further or looking through the alabaster glass. His mind was spinning from worry. What if Lee Byunghee lost it and pushed Ara off the – No! Sehun reminded himself firmly. He had to forbid his mind to think about such things. It would drive him crazy otherwise– the sight he was faced with made him widen his eyes and all his thoughts were washed away. Contrary to every single scenario his mind had created, the reality was that Lee Byunghee was currently back-facing Ara, with his arm twisted and grabbed by her one hand and her other one forcing him to cower a little, determination and confidence evident in her eyes. “Lee Byunghee you are a bastard.”


Sehun, too surprised by the sight, could only stare. He was too immersed in what he was seeing, his mind still taking it in, to spot the third figure standing at the handrail. Miyoung was still standing there, watching everything. She had seen it all. The worry, panic and anger in Sehun's eyes as the door was suddenly being pushed open. Anger directed towards Lee Byunghee, and once he'd see her, only towards her. Panic because of his worry. Worry that was directed towards Ara. And only her.


Miyoung could feel nausea take her over as a strange bitterness corrupted her sense of taste. Jealousy. Defeat. Ache.



Ara hadn't realized the door opening. Nor had she realized Sehun entering the rooftop. Her mind was focused on one thing. Compensation. Compensation for all the time Lee Byunghee had used her to vent his anger on. For all the time he had insulted her, her family. For all the time she had kept her anger inside to avoid trouble. For all the time she had had to put away her pride. For the pain when he had pushed her off the road in the forest. It was in a way revenge. And some might call it the wrong option. But Ara wasn’t going to back off. She wasn’t going to do the same as him. But she was going to make him realize his own wrongdoings. And she had never been able to use kind words.


“Three years. You wasted three years venting your anger on me. Your frustration, your disappointment. Are you now happy? Have you achieved anything? ” She glared at him coldly. “No. Because instead of working hard to achieve what you were failing to achieve, you only drowned in self-pity. What for? Nothing,” Ara said, her voice quiet and cold.


“You are a coward, Lee Byunghee. Instead of facing your problems and dealing with them to improve, you just ran away. My grades are better than yours because I know how to study properly and don’t waste my time putting others down. I have never used any of those low methods you accused me of. I don’t need that. I'm not so low. But you …” Ara's eyes were so cold and honest that one couldn’t help but listen to her words. “ … are lower than everyone I know. Immature and spoiled. Uncertain because of your own failing. And you are too childish to deal with it properly.”


Most of the time Ara didn’t pay attention to her surroundings at school, knowing it would be a waste of energy, but Lee Byunghee had forced her to recognize him even if she had always chosen to ignore everything. And all the years she had heard what he said, what he complained about every time he insulted her. She would never let insults from strangers affect her in the sense of hurting her. But they angered her because she always had to put away her pride and decide not to confront them only avoid trouble. But what she heard hadn't been hard to interpret as he always said his thoughts aloud. He had always been so jealous of her grades.


“Only because you're too afraid to get into trouble when you show your jealousy of the other students who are better than you because their families are more powerful than yours, you need to pick on the scholarship student. It's childish.”


As he wasn’t afraid to showcase his jealousy and frustration in front of her, Ara didn’t need a lot skills of analyzing people to see the problem. In fact, the whole class knew that he was jealous of her grades after all the years of the same insults. But no one really bothered as they weren't the one having to deal with his anger.


Ara had enough. People like Lee Byunghee made her sick. People who couldn’t see how easy their life was. It seemed as if school had always been his biggest worry. School, something that didn’t even take up one third or Ara's worry with money, the uncertainty whether the rent for the next month could be paid or not, whether her part-time job was going to last long this time or not. Life was so much more than the spoiled adolescents thought it was.


Ara could show no sympathy to those. “You are pitiful, Lee Byunghee,” she finished, letting go of his arm and pushing him to the ground. And the male was left staring at her with wide eyes. The only time Park Ara had said something was when he had insulted her sister. To think that found him pitiful when he knew, he was so much more than she was. He couldn’t believe what he had just heard. That was so arrogant!


“You little –“ he caught his fall and spun around, ready to beat the girl senseless. Who cares if she is a female? She had just called him pitiful. Him, the great Lee Byunghee.


When his fist was close to meeting her face, though, he was suddenly being

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gogogirl26 #1
Chapter 24: i really like this story. Sometimes i wonder what happen with antagonist story. And im someone that hate if sometime main characters always got they want. I know they struggling and other, but being antagonist and being hated its really another story. And their story usually end up in saddening way. Thanks for making this story and showing that antagonist characters also human at all. I really hate Sehun when he offered about ending the relationship cz he found his gf. Like pls you really didnt care about Minyoung at all, i feel you Minyoung. Hope you gonna update this story again :)
Stay safe and stay healthy ^^
againagainagain #2
Chapter 24: Nooo... did not realize this is an ongoing fic. Just got caught up send knowing I have to edit it jarring. Lol

On another note there are two things in particular that I appreciate about this story. 1) The setup of the story seems to suggest that Miyoung and Luhan will end up together. Over at the very least have a deeper and more involved relationship than what typically transpires between teachers and students. I appreciate that you're taking your time to build the musical understanding between them, that they're both 18 point oldest, ie. "Legal", and that you haven't fallen into the trope of a student- teacher romance. Honestly, I hate that setup more than anything. While it's feasible that kids may have crush on older people, it's unrealistic and socially and morally irresponsible for teachers to be involved with students. And if the student is underaged it's even more irresponsible. It's not to be reciprocated. Instead this story presents a situation where the student and teacher are addressing bullying and developing mutual respect and encouraging each other.
2) that being said, this chapter is a turning point. Miyoung is remembering how to be confident and believe in herself again. I think that is this moment she may not be self-assured, but she's truly self-aware.Her and Luhan have resolved to do something about the bullying. But honestly Luhan came across as a bit of an enabler when he more or justified Miyoung's plan to retaliate. I actually think that Miyoung is right to a certain extent that blackmailing makes her no better than her bullies. If they go through with this then I hope that eventually both Miyoung and Luhan will have a moment of reckoning . We can be confident and self-validate ourselves without adopting the same behaviors that make others monsters. I hope our protagonist's cunningness can help her to fight back in a more subtle or indirect way that brings results. I hope she can maneuver in ways that are wise and effective rather than vindictive. That this be a story of blooming self-assurance, rebuilt trust (I believe this is where Luhan comes in) , and maturity. A coming of age story of sorts.

I guess we'll see!
Chapter 12: And the very moment the world of her and mine hits like Bang !
Chapter 8: Why I'm feeling sad ....
Chapter 1: Love it !
I hope you update this someday, don’t rush though if you don’t want to
Chapter 24: oh my goodness i just found this story again and just realised it's been almost a year since i last touched it!!! still gives me such great vibes. x
Chapter 24: I was looking for a story with antagonist-like protagonist and I found this. I love that Miyoung makes mistakes and learns from them. I hope you will update in the near future since I want to see Miyoung and Luhan become closer!
Cat_that_luvs_kpop #9
Chapter 24: Pls update. This story is extremely well written and even though I haven't read ara's pov yet I can tell it will be very good. I really like the way you write. Miyoung is very cunning which makes her a very interesting person. Happy late new year!