The Past that brought the Present

Night Prince



It was dark and cold nothing out of the ordinary they were after all, creatures of the night. Kyungsoo weaved through the legs of the palaces’ attendants feeling the chill seep into his bones with every step he took towards his parents’ room. This part of the palace was usually empty and private, only Seungsoo and Kyungsoo could come and go freely. Tonight however, it was b with grim-faced guests and servants alike, none of which took notice of the tiny confused Kyungsoo. It was his uncle who spotted him among the sea of legs, his usually sunny tempered uncle looked weary as he scooped Kyungsoo up into his arms. Kyungsoo leaned against his uncle trying to make sense of the somber mood,

“Is everyone here to see my sister?” he questioned quietly, his father had repeatedly reminded him to keep his voice low for the past few months telling him his mother needed to rest. The surrounding people lowered their heads as his uncle shifted uncomfortably,

“Kyungsoo ah,” his uncle began gently not sure how he should break the grave news to his young nephew, “your sister didn’t make it,”

“Didn’t make it?” the child asked confused, his uncle nodded, “didn’t make what?” his uncle’s eyes watered as he lowered Kyungsoo to the ground. He knocked on the door behind him, pushing it open when the king granted entry. Kyungsoo walked towards his standing father and brother,

“Where is Yunsoo?” he asked, he looked around for his promised younger sister but the room was empty save for his father, uncle, brother and mother. Kyungsoo glanced at his sleeping mother, the space on the bed beside her was empty. He frowned when no one answered his question opting to ask his mother instead, he climbed onto the bed not noticing his father’s hand twitch at his side.

“Mama,” Kyungsoo called out, gently shaking his mother’s shoulder. The queen did not answer, Kyungsoo’s lower lip jutted out,

“Mama,” it came out louder this time, Seungsoo took a step forward.

“Mama, wake up,” Kyungsoo raised his voice getting upset at being ignored, “wake up, wake up, wake up-“

“Kyungsoo,” Kyungsoo stopped chanting eyes lifting to his father,

“Mama is not going to wake up anymore,” he said slowly voice hoarse, Kyungsoo’s eyes narrowed his father had said the same thing about Kyungsoo’s favorite dove months ago and he had never seen it again. Seungsoo had buried it deep in the ground, Kyungsoo shook his head he didn’t want his mama to be buried deep in the cold ground. He wanted her here with him, he shook his mother’s shoulder again,

“Mama, wake up. Mama, please-“

Kyungsoo’s voice cracked, he pulled his trembling hand away when Seungsoo started sniffling behind him. Kyungsoo’s eyes watered as he gave his mother one last shake before promptly bursting into tears. That day Kyungsoo learned why vampire childbirths were so rare, the queen’s death was a painful reminder for all that vampires were meant to be made, not born.




 Kyungsoo swung his legs over the window ledge, the wind slapped against his face cold and unforgiving. Barely a year and a half had gone by since the Do court had lost their queen, Kyungsoo leaned against the window border shutting his eyes willing the tears to disappear. There was a constant hollow feeling in his chest which increased with every passing day, hollow yet suffocating and it was slowly driving him insane.

 He sighed as music rang out from the opposite side of the castle, his father and brother were entertaining visiting guests some constantly traveling nobleman and his company. The door to the tower creaked open behind Kyungsoo, he glanced over his shoulder narrowing his eyes at the boy that slipped though the crack. He paused when he saw Kyungsoo,

“This is my tower, kindly leave,” Kyungsoo said dully after a second turning back to look outside, the intruder shut the door behind him unheeding to Kyungsoo's request. Kyungsoo stiffened up as he felt the other approach him,

“My name is Baekhyun,” Kyungsoo ignored the introduction, “you must be Kyungsoo,” “

Prince Kyungsoo,” he said correcting Baekhyun who stood behind him trying to look out of the window, curious at what held the prince’s attention, “I would like to be alone please,” he ignored the dejected look on Baekhyun’s face. He was not in the mood to make any friends,

“I heard you were very kind,” the young lord said brows furrowed thoughtfully, “my mother-“

The weight on Kyungsoo’s chest seemed to intensify pressing down harder choking him mercilessly, his vision swam in and out in front of him. He rubbed his eyes trying to focus on what Baekhyun was talking about, but his words seemed mumbled and distorted. Kyungsoo frowned tilting forward grip on the border loosening, the last thing he remembered was Baekhyun’s scream followed by excruciating pain and finally relief as the pain in his chest lifted.

Kyungsoo’s first fall from the tower window was a complete accident.

 When he woke up the next day he felt pretty slim fingers wrapped tightly around his hand, a warm feeling spread through his chest filling in the previously hollowed area. He gave the hand in his hold a small squeeze, Baekhyun lifted his head in surprise,

“Prince Kyungsoo!” he squeaked,

“Just Kyungsoo,” Kyungsoo smiled stunning the young lord.




“-7- 8- 9- 10”

 Kyungsoo uncovered his eyes looking around the area, the sun had set hours ago. Kyungsoo darted off in search for Baekhyun, the elder was a king at hide and seek, Kyungsoo almost never found him when it was his turn to seek. He deviated from his usual route going south instead, towards the start of colorful meadows he could just barely spot for his tower window. He grinned to himself, Baekhyun could wait for a while.

 Kyungsoo let out a small exclamation as he bent down to pick another flower, his other hand was already full with various flowers of mismatched colors and varieties. Baekhyun was forgotten as Kyungsoo wandered deeper into the meadow getting lost among the flowers and grass.

"Blue, pink-‘" Kyungsoo trailed off as the hairs on the back of his neck stood, he spun around seeing a flash of brown dive behind long wild grass, "B-Baekhyun?"

Kyungsoo approached carefully pulling aside the grass with shaking hands. He gasped as he was greeted by a growling beast, he let out a cry stumbling backwards flowers flying everywhere. Kyungsoo’s lower lip trembled as thorns dug into his palm, the wolf came out from behind the grass slowly no longer growling at the sight of the sniffling prince. Kyungsoo scampered backward letting out a cry as the wolf advanced, he squeezed his eyes shut waiting for the blow but he was greeted with a whine.

 Kyungsoo’s eyes flew open looking at the whining wolf fearfully, the wolf nosed at Kyungsoo’s scratched up hands trying to get its snout under his palm. A few seconds of silence passed before Kyungsoo hesitantly lifted his left hand turning it over. The wolf at the shallow cuts, Kyungsoo watched quietly as they healed over. He held up his right hand shakily and the wolf gave it similar treatment. Kyungsoo reached out with his left hand bravely carding his fingers through the wolf’s fur, it moved closer nudging its head against Kyungsoo’s chest. A slow smile graced Kyungsoo’s face,

“You are no normal wolf, are you?” he questioned fear dwindling as he continued to pat the wolf, the wolf shook his head. “Thank you for helping me…and not eating me-“ the wolf snorted, Kyungsoo stood up making it whine again.

“I have to go-“ the wolf bit on the hem of Kyungsoo’s coat protestingly, “my friend must be looking for me-”

'Let me show you a place,’ Kyungsoo’s jaw dropped as he stared at the wolf, its eyes were twinkling delighted at Kyungsoo’s reaction

“You spoke! I could hear you in my head!” he exclaimed, “I thought you could only telepathically speak to other wolves….”

It is because you are a prince,’ the wolf explained tone amused, Kyungsoo found himself liking the wolf’s voice, ‘I would like to bring you to see something, will you come?’

Kyungsoo nodded following the wolf who started walking west,

“What is your name?” he asked hand coming up to run through the wolf’s fur again,

‘My name is Chanyeol, your highness, please hurry it is not that far,’ the two traveled through the tall grass in amicable silence, only coming to a stop when Chanyeol stopped.

‘Wait here,’ the wolf bounded off, Kyungsoo waited almost jumping out of his skin when a disheveled boy appeared trying to straighten out his  rumpled clothing. His efforts were futile and he gave up with a dejected sigh.

“Who are you?” the boy grinned canines slightly protruding at Kyungsoo’s cautious tone,

“Chanyeol,” the boy grabbed Kyungsoo’s hand not giving him time to think as he used his free hand to pull aside the tall grass. Kyungsoo’s mind blanked out at the ocean of white petals presented before him, Chanyeol let out a disappointed sound.

“I had hoped we would be on time to watch them bloom, we are too late. I apologise your highness,”

"Thank you,” Chanyeol looked surprised, “It’s beautiful, thank you Chanyeol,”

“I-I can bring you to them again when they bloom,” Kyungsoo smiled at the flustered Chanyeol,

“I would love that,”




Kyungsoo leapt over the wall panting as he reached Chanyeol’s side, he threw himself over the big wolf nuzzling his face into his warm brown coat, Kyungsoo had not seen him for two months. The court was preparing for their arriving guests for Seungsoo’s birthday and his father would not let him leave the castle, Baekhyun too had been keeping a close eye on him suspicious from all Kyungsoo’s disappearing acts throughout the past few months.

“You’ve grown so much bigger!” Kyungsoo laughed when Chanyeol a wet stripe up his face, burrowing his wet snout into the prince’s collar after his slobbery greeting.

“Are you that happy?” The wolf barked, Kyungsoo smiled,

“You are more dog than wolf,” he commented teasingly. “Well then, what shall we do first?”


 The two ran side by side through the dense forest, Kyungsoo could hear Chanyeol’s laughter ring clearly through his head, the other still in stitches from when he had tackled Kyungsoo into a muddy bog a few trees back. The prince had emerged mud caked from head to toe and was now in pursuit of Chanyeol intending to fully pay him back.

The two were so caught up in their game they didn’t catch the dangerous scent lingering in the air until it was too late, Kyungsoo’s ears picked up the strange vibration in the air before he lunged at Chanyeol. The two rolled down a slope as dozens of arrows rained down on their previous positions, Kyungsoo got up first pushing the stunned wolf to its feet.

“Run, Yeol,” the wolf whined sticking to Kyungsoo, “run!” he barked, Chanyeol’s ears flatted before he darted off. Kyungsoo crouched down low running in that position, he would fool the hunters. He barely made it past the lake when an arrow grazed his cheek drawing blood, Kyungsoo’s eyes widened as he spun around drawing up to his real height exposing his true nature.

The hunter lowered his bow but it was too late the arrow had already left its place, Kyungsoo felt the arrow pierce through his skin embedding itself deep into his upper chest. He dropped onto the ground writhing in pain as the poison tipped arrow did its job, the metallic taste of blood filled his mouth and he realized in horror that he was going to choke to death on his own blood. His pupils dilated as the hunter approach bow clenched in his trembling hand, another man appeared running to Kyungsoo’s side pressing on the wound.

“Prince Kyungsoo-“ the man was cut off by the young hunter

Prince Kyungsoo?!”

“My prince, Yifan, run to the castle. Inform the k-“

Kyungsoo’s eyes fluttered shut as his brain ingrained Yifan’s name in his memory.




Baekhyun looked up from the book he was reading as the sounds of approaching horses drew near, he stood up puzzled and left the book on the bench he was previously sitting on. The castle’s main gate was raised as the riders rode in coming to a stop near the main entrance, Baekhyun recognized Tao and a few others in their armor.

He took a quick look around Kyungsoo’s mare remained without a rider, its owner sat with Yifan dozing off against the hunter prince’s back arms wrapped loosely around his waist. Baekhyun approached them brows furrowed,

“Back so early?” he questioned quietly as Tao assisted in getting Kyungsoo off the horse without waking him, the sleeping prince was then passed to Yifan,

“There was a slight change in plans,” Tao answered when Yifan brushed by them wordlessly attention only on the other prince, Baekhyun followed.

Yifan laid Kyungsoo down gently removing his mud covered boots, Kyungsoo grumbled non-intelligibly but allowed himself to be striped to his inner clothing and tucked into bed. Yifan drew back smoothening Kyungsoo hair before nodding at Baekhyun and Tao, he left without a word leaving the two with Kyungsoo. Baekhyun frowned knowing immediately something was off,

“What happened? Why have you returned so early?” he asked demandingly, Tao avoided his gaze.

“I would have thought you’d be ecstatic that Kyungsoo has returned,” he commented trying to avoid the questions, Baekhyun’s lips thinned.

“I know you’re hiding something hunter,” he hissed persistent, Tao shrugged not in the mood to explain everything that had happened knowing it would only create more problems. He was in no place to reveal anything and it seemed as if Kyungsoo did not want to dwell further on what had occurred. The prince himself had stuck to Yifan’s side throughout their journey back, it was clear he bode no ill feelings towards him despite their rocky past.

“Nothing significant happened, Lord Baekhyun,” Tao answered politely as Kyungsoo shifted in his bed mumbling inaudibly, Baekhyun lowered himself beside the prince running a hand through his hair calming him instantly.

“Are you sure?” Tao’s hunter skills kicked into place as he lied flawlessly,

“Of course, Prince Yifan merely wanted to leave earlier. He is trying hard to earn Prince Kyungsoo’s favor and knew he would love returning home earlier than expected,” Baekhyun scoffed disdainfully but let the subject drop, Tao excused himself off in search for his master.


 Yifan exited the throne room having already properly informed the king and crown prince of their safe return, he glanced at the setting sun and decided to satisfy his curiosity before Kyungsoo woke up. He glanced around the courtyard eyes immediately spotting the guards spread across the premises, he watched them for a few seconds before finding the loophole in their watch.

 He stealthily approached the unguarded wall easily scaling it and landing on the other side, he frowned this must have been the exact spot Kyungsoo used to escape everytime he went out. Yifan was far from dumb he knew his fiancé loved to venture into the woods either with Baekhyun or alone, what he wanted to know was, why?

 It had scarcely been a few minutes when Yifan picked up an unusual scent nose wrinkling as he tried to pinpoint it, his pupils dilated as he realized it was familiar something he had smelt before. The whole area smelt like it, the trees, the bushes and even the shrubs were coated in the increasing familiar scent, a sign that whatever this creature was it came by this place often.

 He continued to walk around searching for the place where the scent was the strongest, his nose led him to an area near the lake where many trunks had fallen. His sharp eyes immediately zeroed on what he was finding, he approached the tree trunk gently pulling away hair-no fur shed by the creature. His eyes narrowed as he finally remembered why the scent was so familiar it belong to a wolf- the wolf. The wolf he had mistaken Kyungsoo for, a twig snapped behind him.


The hunter stepped forward revealing himself at Yifan’s call, his master was glaring at the fur between his fingers trying to figure out how he could have mistaken Kyungsoo for the wolf all those years ago. Why had the Do prince smelt like it so much? Why was he running away crouched down in the dark as if he had wanted them to think he was-

Yifan paused halting his racing thoughts before turning to the unusually tense Tao,

“Is he- is he friends with wolves? Weres?” Tao feigned confusion holding back a cringe as Yifan’s eyes narrowed not at all fooled by him, “don’t test my patience, Zitao,”

“Forgive me, Sire. I do not know,” Yifan’s eyes filled with something akin to disappointment at Tao’s lie but didn’t question it, he opened his palm letting the wind blow away the fur between his fingers.

“I do not want to smell this,” Yifan hissed angrily waving a hand in the air, nose starting to feel offended at the wolf’s scent, “on Prince Kyungsoo, make sure he doesn’t stray too far from the palace,” Tao nodded not daring to speak up, Yifan’s orders were clear, keep Kyungsoo away from Chanyeol.


A//N: Hey guyssss!!! Just a quick filler hopefully it clears any questions on the boys' relationships, how they met and whatnot, etc.... ;) till next time au revoir <3 <3 <3

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esther_noyel #1
Chapter 16: I want this
love_fic_kush #2
Chapter 16: Please authornim give us more krisooo~~
Chapter 16: Tq for the update... sweet krisoo is the best
diyozzi #4
Chapter 16: ❤❤❤
sugarystatic #5
THIS FIC IS ALIVE!!! Welcome back--how I've missed you so ^_________^ love how affectionate and sensitive krisoo are with each other even after marriage <3
Chapter 16: Ohhhhhh!!! How I long for this!!
yumgums #7
Chapter 16: ooooooh update!!!! I love the affection that's starting to develop between kyungsoo and yifan. Makes me feel all warm and giddy. ❤❤❤
Chapter 16: omg yessssss more lovey dovey actions! ♥
Chapter 16: Hi!!!!!!!! Omg you make me so happy!
More krisoo pls.YAY!!! Good story.pls update