Troubles in preparation

Night Prince



The usually silent library bustled with noise as the King and crown prince went over their guest list, they argued to and fro not able to agree on anything as Kyungsoo watched on silently from his place between them. Their individual advisors looked weary as the length of the list went on. They were still finding places their arriving guests could stay in and it was not going so well, Kyungsoo wondered if this was why Baekhyun had mysteriously disappeared today.

“We must invite-“

“This should have been done a month ago!”

“Seriously father, we only have two weeks left! You-“

Kyungsoo inwardly groaned as another disagreement broke out, he stood up pausing their argument.

“My throat feels parched, excuse me,”

“Sit down Kyungsoo, get a maid to fetch a drink for you,” Seungsoo said brows furrowed as he looked over the paper in his hand, the King made a noise of agreement. 

“I’ll get it myself, I need to meet Baekhyun anyway. My robes are done and I need to try them,” Kyungsoo lied leaving before they could protest. He held in his glee as he successfully escaped from the library, he turned into the hallway leading to the kitchen. He might as well get something to drink, Baekhyun had been a terror lately watching both his drink and food consumption. Now was the best time to stuff himself with the absence of the other breathing down his neck constantly reminding him to watch his weight.

Kyungsoo slowed his pace and glanced out of one of the open windows, some maids were hanging up tapestries and drapes that usually decorated their halls and ballrooms to dry. They went about their work happily, chattering and some even singing making the young prince smile. The sight made him truly believed their kingdom was the most harmonious, it gave him peace to know it.

“It is truly amazing,”

Kyungsoo jumped startled, as usual he had not picked up on Tao sneaking up on him, the hunter smiled knowing it irked the prince whenever he failed in detecting Tao's presence.

“Before you came no one had ever snuck up on me,” Kyungsoo commented failing to hide the childish whine in his voice, “I would appreciate it if you stopped trying to give me a heart attack, Huang Zitao,”

“You know it is not possible for you to have a heart attack, what a human-like thing to say,” the corners of Kyungsoo’s lips lifted involuntarily at Tao’s comment. The prince shrugged,

“Nothing is impossible,” he said as he continued to walk, Tao followed falling into step beside him, “what are you doing here anyway? I thought you went back with Yifan to handle the ferel Were problem in his Kingdom,”

“YIfan told me to stay and guard you,” Tao glanced at him from the corner of his eye noting the annoyed look that passed over his features, the other hated being seen as something weak. Kyungsoo crossed his arms in front his chest seemingly irritated.

“He’s an idiot for leaving his best hunter here,” was all he said as his pace quickened, Tao grinned at the unintentional compliment, “why has there been a sudden increase in attacks?” Kyungsoo asked as he entered the kitchen, the workers paused at his entrance but continued their work when he waved their attention away.

“I am not sure,” Tao replied tersely, shaking his head as Kyungsoo offered him a drink, “I drank an hour ago.” He told the frowning prince, “Luhan was the one who informed the king, he said that the forest was b with dark energy and that the creatures were restless.”

Kyungsoo held back his shiver,

“Prince Luhan is brave to stay in the forbidden lands,” Tao snorted shaking his head,

“Not brave just crazy,” Kyungsoo frowned at Tao’s remark, “you’ll understand when you meet him,” Kyungsoo’s eyes brightened eagerly,

“I’ll get to meet him?”

“Of course you will, he will be at the wedding.”

The eagerness from Kyungsoo’s expression faded,

“Will Yifan be alright with Luhan attending?” he asked worried,

“He was the one who told his parents to add him to the list, they were delighted and told me to extend their thanks to you,”

The odd fluttering against Kyungsoo’s chest returned, had Yifan done it for him? The fluttering in his chest multiplied.

“I think I’m coming down with something,” he said eyes suddenly widening in fear, “I feel as if my insides are being tickled,” Tao’s brows furrowed with worry,

“Is it causing you discomfort?” he questioned concern lacing his usual teasing tone, Kyungsoo shook his head slowly as he thought,

“I feel as if I could fly,” his eyes widened further along with Tao’s, “Perhaps I’m transforming into a creature that can fly?” his voice was laden with terror, “am I a shifter? I don’t understand my parents are both of pure blood,”

A high pitched laugh broke through the air, Tao spun around with a relieved look. A man stood behind them trying to munch on a bun but failing due to his laughter, the man a warlock by the intricate markings along his arm wiped a tear away from the corner of his eye before continuing to laugh almost breathlessly.

“Yixing!” Tao cried grabbing the still laughing warlock’s hand, “you must help the prince!” The laughter died down,

“Oh,” Yixing cried calming himself down, “You delightful naïve fools,” he continued so fondly that the two were not even insulted by the fact he called them fools. He shook Tao off and held Kyungsoo’s hand between his, he smiled gently and Kyungsoo felt the tension leave his body as he relaxed.

“You’re not coming down with anything or transforming, Prince Kyungsoo,” he reassured the poor prince, Tao let out a barely audible sigh of relief. Yixing chuckled,

“I forget that you two are young,” he commented, “what you feel,” he said as the two leaned closer curiously, “is the beginning of love,” he finished holding Kyungsoo’s gaze. He took delight in the array of emotion that ran through the princes eyes at the revelation. Kyungsoo wretched his hand from Yixing’s grasp as Tao snorted stupidly,

“How dreadful,” Kyungsoo said head lowered embarrassed at his close meltdown, “I would have rather transformed into a bird,” he said before fleeing the room as Yixing burst into elated laughter. The kitchen staff continued their work with smiles wide across their faces. Tao chuckled,

“Poor Yifan, his fiancé would rather be a bird than be in love with him,” Yixing smiled,

“He is charming,” he said referring to Kyungsoo, Tao nodded agreeably and gestured for Yixing to follow him. The two exited the kitchen and ended up outside the castle,

“How is everything? I thought you would have stayed until the trouble was over,” the hunter commented,

“Yifan demanded I come here to-“

“Protect Kyungsoo,” Tao finished predictably with an exasperated roll of his eyes, Yixing nodded, “does he think they’re after Kyungsoo?”

“He didn’t tell me but seeing as you and I are here, the answer is quite obvious. But we need not worry about Yifan, Minseok has offered his help and he has called his sister over to put up more restrictive wards with him.” Yixing glanced around purposely eyes taking in his surroundings, “If anyone can stop Weres it’d be Minseok, his aura is impressive,” he commented as a second thought, Tao agreed before changing the topic asking Yixing what he thought of the Do Kingdom, Yixing’s eyes lit up excitedly,

“It seems to have come right out of a book, I have never been to a kingdom so diverse yet peaceful. Are you aware the Weres guard the humans in the village?” the look Yixing supported was incredulous.

“I was surprised as well, but I have something more shocking to show you. Follow me,” Yixing followed Tao obediently always liking things that stunned him into silence.




 Kyungsoo escaped the kitchen mortified at making a fool of himself in front of the warlock Tao called Yixing. He was already halfway to his room and he planned to lock himself inside until he was summoned, but he stopped abruptly when he caught scent of something. His brows furrowed in thought, surely he was mistaken he told himself as he changed directions approaching the doors that led to the yard where the maids were previously hanging up clothing. It was empty save for the items that were hung to dry under the sun, Kyungsoo let his hand slide over a silk tapestry before he ducked under it. The scent was getting stronger, he pulled aside a tablecloth smile sliding into place as he spotted a pair of feet scuttling away as silently as they could. He ducked under another item and another in mock search pretending not to feel the hand inching out to grab his shoulder.

“Got ya-AW!” Kyungsoo spun around grabbing the outstretched arm and bringing the person into a quick headlock, Chanyeol whined as Kyungsoo giggled arm tightening around Chanyeol’s neck,

“I’m going to pass out,” Chanyeol warned tapping Kyungsoo's arm around his neck franticly,

“It would serve you right!” Kyungsoo said releasing Chanyeol who rubbed his neck chest heaving exaggeratedly, “you know better than to sneak up on me,” he scolded not even feeling guilty as the other whined about his recent recovered health being put into jeopardy because of Kyungsoo.

“I wanted to surprise you,” Chanyeol said sulkily with a pout,

“I am surprised, why are you here?” Kyungsoo asked pulling Chanyeol’s hands down and replacing them with his own, he massaged the sides of the Were’s neck.

“I work here now,” the other announced cheerily, Kyungsoo’s hands stilled,”

“Why?” he asked apprehensive at the news, Chanyeol grinned,

“So I can spend time with you of course!”” Kyungsoo’s fingers circled around Chanyeol’s neck squeezing threateningly, the grin on Chanyeol’s face wavered.

“Don’t lie to me, Chanyeol,” Kyungsoo hissed making the grin on Chanyeol’s face completely drop, “I’m not stupid, why is everyone trying to protect me?” Chanyeol lowered his eyes,

“There’s a price on your head, Soo,” he whispered, Kyungsoo’s knees buckled. Chanyeol grabbed him before he could fall, he lowered them onto the ground slowly.

“Ever since the news of your engagement to Yifan came out, a mysterious order came from the forbidden lands. They want you Soo, alive,”

“Why?” Kyungsoo asked terrified at the thought of being hunted and brought to the forbidden lands,

“I wish I knew, I figured that’s why Jongin-“ Chanyeol trailed off as he caught sight of the people approaching them, his eyes narrowed. Kyungsoo looked over his shoulder. Yixing and Tao slowed down as they locked eyes with Kyungsoo, they knew, Kyungsoo thought as he saw the guilt in their eyes.




Yixing stopped as Tao held up a hand pointing the other in the direction of the yard, Yixing squinted as he glimpsed the prince and a taller man among the laundry. He tilted his head as he tried to pinpoint the abundant amount of contained energy the taller radiated, it was as if he possessed two souls. Yixing’s mouth fell open,

“A Were,” he whispered in disbelief, “he is friends with a Were, does Yifan know?”

“Yes,” Tao replied with a satisfied grin taking pleasure in Yixing’s reaction, “this is the Were the prince almost died for, Yifan-“

Tao paused as Kyungsoo staggered forward, he and Yixing rushed towards the two as the Were gently lowered his friend down.

“-they want you Soo, alive,” Yixing and Tao traded looks as they caught the end of the Were’s sentence. Their eyes met his narrowed ones as Kyungsoo turned to look over his shoulder. They slowed down unable to hide the guilt in their expressions as the prince found out his fate. Tao braved up and crouched down beside the trembling Kyungsoo,

“I swear upon my allegiance to Yifan and to yourself, that those things,” he spat in half-anger, half-disgust, “will have to get through me before they can even dream of touching you.”

“I too swear to protect you,” Yixing assured gently yet reassuringly, “as much as my body and magic can will it,”

“Me too,” Chanyeol promised voice gruff with emotion, “they’ll have to get through me as well,”

Kyungsoo was silent before he gathered the three into a strong hold surprising them,

“I’ll rely on you then,” he said thankfully eyes shiny, he pulled away, “what about Yifan?” he asked eliciting groans from the three,

“It is my duty,” Tao reminded Kyungsoo.

“I am kind of his best friend so I guess it is an obligation,” Yixing said as an afterthought.

“If I must,” Chanyeol said resigned when Kyungsoo turned to him expectantly. The prince’s smile was bittersweet,

“I guess I just have to be careful from now on, right?” the three nodded and helped Kyungsoo to his feet.

“I think I’m going to rest for a little while, Yeol if you see Baekhyun send him to my room,” Chanyeol nodded leaving the three to continue his work.

“I’ll walk you to your room, are you coming Yixing?”

The warlock shook his head,

“I have some things I need to take care off,” he bowed to Kyungsoo and walked off as well. Kyungsoo turned to Tao look pensive,

“Yifan’s best friend?”

“More of a tormentor actually, I’ve never seen someone so delighted in making Yifan suffer,”

A look of alarm filled Kyungsoo’s face, Tao placed a hand on his shoulder steering him towards the castle.

“You need not worry apart from embarrassing Yifan whenever he visits, he’s loyal and a great warlock.”

“If you say so...” Kyungsoo said unconvinced, Tao smiled,

“Just be thankful he is on our side Kyungsoo, he might look frail but his power is great,”

“If you say so…” Kyungsoo repeated still worn out by the shock of the news he was presented with, he was more wary of strangers now. Tao seemed to sense his mood,

“Do you want me to call Yifan back for you?” he asked, Kyungsoo wanted to say yes, but shook his head instead.

“I’ll be fine, it’s just a lot to take in. Living in such peacefulness has not prepared me for the harsh reality that lies outside my kingdom,” Kyungsoo smiled bitterly as he realised something, “I sound spoilt,”

“You are spoilt,” Tao commented boldly getting the reaction he wanted as Kyungsoo broke into a weak smile,

“And you are rude! You should placate me and tell me I am not,” he jested pretending to scowl at Tao,

“I am sorry, Prince Kyungsoo, I do not lie,” Kyungsoo held the urge to stick his tongue out at the hunter at bay, he would not result to childish tactics either Baekhyun or Chanyeol would use. The two arrived at Kyungsoo’s door,

“Thank you, Tao. I’ll see you later,” Tao excused himself as Kyungsoo entered his room. He locked the door behind him before striding over to his bookcase, he eyes scanned over different book titles before they landed on the book he was finding. He pulled it out of place and opened it to the page where an envelope laid. He put the book down and took a seat as he opened the letter,


I am certain that by now Chanyeol has told you I have left. Tell him not to bother looking for me, I will not let myself be found. Unlike him I cannot sit by idly and watch you wed that monster, I wait among others that hate him as well-

Kyungsoo’s hands trembled, was Jongin in the forbidden lands? Were all the recent problems caused by him? Kyungsoo forced himself to read the rest of the letter,

Take comfort that I watch over you and when you decide to leave the hunter I will return-

The door to his room opened making him jump in surprise, Baekhyun tucked the wire in his hand into his belt coolly. It was as if he hadnt just broken into Kyungsoo's room,

“You called your Highne- what is that?”

Baekhyun shut the door behind him and walked towards Kyungsoo who held the letter out to him. He read it slowly before returning it to Kyungsoo with a sigh,

“I always knew he was stupid,” he commented not even surprised by the content of the letter,


“What he is?” Baekhyun argued, “Who is he to demand things? I told you not to spoil him-“ Baekhyun’s eyes softened as he squeezed Kyungsoo’s hand noting the worried look he supported, “don’t worry. Knowing Jongin, he’ll probably be back in a few months the most, tail tucked between his legs begging us all to take him back again,”

“You think so?”

“I’m positive, now get back to the library before your father murders Seungsoo. More guests are arriving tomorrow and they still haven’t figured out where to put them,” Kyungsoo immediately whined and slumped down in his chair,

“Do I have to?”

Baekhyun forced him up and dragged him away from the comfort of his room ignoring his protests. The prince was resigned by the time they reached the library, Baekhyun threw the door open,

“The East wing still has seven empty bedrooms,” he announced, the King, Seungsoo and their advisors turned simultaneously,

“Baekhyun, thank god,” they chorused making the young lord grin.

A//N: Hey guys!! How are y'all doing!! to all the readers who asked or wondered, yes I will be continuing this story. I'm even thinking of making a sequel for my other completed Krisoo story :D Because the beauty of fiction is that what happens in reality doesn't affect it, plus how else am i suppose to fulfil my Krisoo cravings :) I'll come back later to edit any mistakes I missed. Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter <3 <3 <3

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esther_noyel #1
Chapter 16: I want this
love_fic_kush #2
Chapter 16: Please authornim give us more krisooo~~
Chapter 16: Tq for the update... sweet krisoo is the best
diyozzi #4
Chapter 16: ❤❤❤
sugarystatic #5
THIS FIC IS ALIVE!!! Welcome back--how I've missed you so ^_________^ love how affectionate and sensitive krisoo are with each other even after marriage <3
Chapter 16: Ohhhhhh!!! How I long for this!!
yumgums #7
Chapter 16: ooooooh update!!!! I love the affection that's starting to develop between kyungsoo and yifan. Makes me feel all warm and giddy. ❤❤❤
Chapter 16: omg yessssss more lovey dovey actions! ♥
Chapter 16: Hi!!!!!!!! Omg you make me so happy!
More krisoo pls.YAY!!! Good story.pls update