Another step closer

Night Prince


 Kyungsoo savoured the comforting feather-light feeling of Yifan’s palm resting above his waist as they greeted and accepted well wishes from their guests. Once done with their greeting obligations, Yifan guided him towards the main table where their families and friends sat waiting for the feast to commence once the two joined them. Kyungsoo sat beside his brother who clasped his shoulder tightly face filled with unmasked pride, the King raised his goblet silencing the merry hall,

“Ladies and Gentlemen, and all of our honoured guests. I thank you for joining us in this momentous and joyful occasion. I welcome you into our Kingdom and hope that your stay remains pleasant during the rest of the celebration.”

“To our first dinner as a united family! Long live the union!” he announced not prolonging the speech much to everyone’s’ relief, thousands of voices echoed his words merrily. Kyungsoo’s eyes flickered to Yifan who had taken the seat across his, the hunter raised his glass to Kyungsoo’s touching it gently,

“Long live our union,” he murmured sending a shiver of thrill down Kyungsoo’s spine, the prince nodded feeling unusually shy at the attention. He broke their gaze to search for Baekhyun but paused when he caught sight of a pristine ivory mask, he unconsciously frowned at the oddity. There was no doubt on who wore the mask, Kyungsoo would never forget the eyes he had seen the former night. Minseok’s blue eyes twinkled mysteriously from behind his mask, he tilted his head to the side towards the seat between him and Yifan. Kyungsoo obeyed the gesture’s intention and met eyes he had only seen in paintings, Luhan grinned when he saw he had Kyungsoo’s attention. He leaned over the table eagerly, nearly tipping his flute over in his haste.

“I have been dying to meet you,” he stage whispered making Minseok chortle quietly,

“We would not want that to happen,” the warlock commented playfully making the smallest of smiles appear on Yifan’s lips.

“Yes, I cannot even begin to imagine how distraught you would be if I were to perish,” Luhan said completely missing the sweet sarcasm in Minseok’s works. Minseok shook his head,

“Not so smart,” he mouthed to Kyungsoo eyes contradicting his harsh words and b with fondness for his spouse, the joy in Luhan’s eyes dimmed as his line of thought steered from his initial one.

“Oh Minseok,” he continued voice suddenly distressed as he glanced at the warlock, “you would spend the rest of eternity grieving if I died,” his sureness took Kyungsoo by surprise. The Queen laughed as she caught tail of her eldest son’s worry,

“Luhan, I believe it is you who will grieve on the other side. After all, Minseok has so many suitors he is bound to forget you,” she teased winking at the grinning warlock, Luhan glared at her pulling the entertained Minseok closer to him threatened.

“Shouldn’t the elders stay out of our conversation? The generation gap is much too wide,” the sudden spark of amusement in Yifan’s eyes told Kyungsoo the crown prince enjoyed Luhan and the Queen’s banter.

“Oh hush Luhan, I am not that old. It is only your papa who is ancient-“

“Why am I being slandered?” the Wu King asked turning from his conversation to frown at his wife as Kyungsoo’s father chuckled thoroughly amused at his friend’s wounded expression.

“It is nothing, your son is trying to rile me up,” the Queen complained prettily, tossing a golden lock of hair over her shoulder.

“Ah, we cannot let that happen,” he said appeasing his wife who stared at Luhan in triumph,

“She started it,” Luhan muttered petulantly, resting his head on Minseok’s shoulder. The elders laughed at the childish retort before resuming their conversation, Kyungsoo watched as Minseok slipped an arm around Luhan’s back rubbing it comfortingly,

“Eat my love,” he whispered sweetly to the sulking prince who turned to face him eyes sad, Luhan raised a hand to Minseok’s face trailing his finger along the edge of the mask,

“You did not refute my mother’s words, would you really not grieve for me?” he questioned seriously eyes unhappy.

“Of course not,” Luhan’s hand fell to his lap in shock, Minseok smiled softly,

“Why would I grieve you when I’d be right beside you?” Luhan’s face lit up, previous worries swept away with Minseok’s words, “now eat. You said you would accompany me later. I will not bring you if you are weak,”

“I’m eating, I’m eating,” Luhan said quickly, he straightened up before proceeding to stuff his face shocking the guests close enough to see.

“Luhan,” the Queen scolded half disgusted, half embarrassed, “slow down,”

“I do not have time!” Luhan cried between mouthfuls, Kyungsoo internally cringed thanking Minseok when the warlock began to dab at the mess Luhan had made on his face.

“Horrifying isn’t it?” Yifan asked conversationally eyeing Kyungsoo’s reaction.

“Not as horrifying as your face!” Luhan shot back surprisingly sharp after the fool image he showcased earlier. Yifan spluttered in shock before recovering, he glowered at the elder.

“Did I say you could speak to me?” he hissed making Luhan roll his eyes.


“Luhan,” Minseok’s voice was just as sweet as it usually was but his blue eyes were slanted, Yifan and Luhan fell silent eyeing the warlock warily as he cut his steak into even pieces, “Let’s enjoy our first meal together after so long in a civilised manner,” they nodded visibly threatened, Minseok smiled sending a quick wink to Kyungsoo who grinned agreeably in reply.

 The feast went on smoothly and Kyungsoo listened attentively to his father who was going over their traveling plans for the next day. The wedding would be held in the Wu Court and everybody was to leave the next day to get to the other kingdom on time. Minseok who was speaking to Baekhyun caught Kyungsoo’s attention when he suddenly stilled cocking his head to the side as if listening to something. He got to his feet slowly as if not wanting to alert anyone and gestured for Yixing a few chairs down to do the same. Luhan caught his hand questioningly,

“Is something-“ a lone howl cut through his sentence, Kyungsoo and Baekhyun turned to each other recognising it immediately. The rest of the guests remained oblivious senses too dulled by their drinks and the festivities to hear. Kyungsoo sought out Chanyeol confirming his and Baekhyun’s hunch when he saw the Were slip out of the room.

“I need to go check on something,” Minseok replied smiling to ease Luhan’s worry,

“I will go with you,” Luhan said beginning to get up unconvinced by the smile,

“There is no need for that,” Yifan said stilling Luhan’s movements, “You will only get in the way,”


“Luhan, sit. It’s nothing to worry about, I just need to confirm something,” the warlock forced Luhan back down, the two Kings paused they conversation to shoot him a questioning look he grinned in reply. They simply nodded returning to their former talk when nothing seemed amiss

“If it’s nothing why won’t you let me come?” the other questioned suspiciously,

“You have to stay to entertain the guest, its fine just ask Kyungsoo,”

Yifan and Kyungsoo froze at Minseok’s unbounded knowledge,

“Ask Kyungsoo?” Luhan turned to Kyungsoo, “Is it really safe for Minseok to go alone?” he leaned forward voice dropping to a whisper, “that Were won’t hurt him?” Kyungsoo thought of the misunderstood Jongin and shook his head.

“He won’t,” he confirmed, Luhan’s lips pursed and with a move so fast all Kyungsoo saw was a blur, Minseok was back in his seat. Luhan’s fingers curled around his bicep in a tight grip,

“If he’s harmless then you do not need to be out there.”

“Luhan,” Minseok hid his exasperation well but his eyes were pleading the other to let him go, Luhan ignored him digging into the desert. He held his spoon up to Minseok’s lips eyes not meeting the warlock’s,

“Will you obey my order?” he asked quietly prompting the curiosity of those who were close enough, Minseok visibly deflated as Luhan released his arm. The symbols wrapped around Minseok’s bicep came to life swirling around his arm before settling.

“I will,” he conceded eating the treat offered to him emotionlessly, Kyungsoo and Baekhyun shifted uncomfortably at the sudden tension between the couple. Kyungsoo glanced at Yifan wonderingly, the other shook his head eyes promising he’d explain it to Kyungsoo later.


Kyungsoo felt himself being shaken awake, he remained still knowing it was much too early to be awake he had at least an hour left.

“Come, come little prince, it’s time for you to wake up. This will be the only time I’ll get to say goodbye before you leave,” Kyungsoo shot up at the voice almost knocking heads with the solemn looking Chanyeol.

“Yeol!” the Were shushed him, “you’re alone?” Chanyeol nodded,

“He left before I could even reach him,”

“He’s still angry…” Chanyeol gave a small shrug at Kyungsoo’s assumption,

“You know Jongin, he will forgive you… eventually,” they shared a look, one that said it was unlikely.

“How many decades do I have to wait?” Kyungsoo pet the space beside him, Chanyeol sat down, “Yeol. I don’t know what I would have done if you had left as well,” he whispered leaning into his warm side.

“You would not have been able to get rid of me if you tried,” Chanyeol answered making Kyungsoo smile,

“This is why I have never once regretted meeting you, you always make me smile-"

“Never?” Chanyeol cut in thinking back to a specific memory as his lowered his eyes to Kyungsoo’s chest,

“Never,” Kyungsoo confirmed assertively. They fell silent painfully aware of the short time they had left. “I’ll try and come back as much as I can,” he promised Chanyeol, completely clueless of the Were’s future plans.


Baekhyun let out a pained hiss as the bright light hit him,

“I’m melting!” he shambled over to stand behind Kyungsoo eyes shut as he rested his head against the prince’s back, Kyungsoo smiled at his theatrics and allowed him the luxury of using him as a shade.

“It is too early for this,” Baekhyun complained speech slurred with fatigue, he let out a yelp as he was pried off Kyungsoo’s back.

“Good Morning.”

“There is nothing good about this morning,” Baekhyun said trying to claw his way out of Tao’s grip and back to the comfort of Kyungsoo’s back, “Why can’t we leave in the afternoon?”

“Most of us are travelling by carriage,” Kyungsoo explained as Yifan approached, Minseok and Luhan following not too far behind, “it is much slower than horseback.”

“Good morning,” Minseok was not wearing his mask today, Baekhyun stopped clawing Tao much to the hunter’s relief. Kyungsoo frowned something seemed a bit off, Baekhyun squinted at Minseok’s face.

“Do you use some type of anti-ageing spell?” he accused bitter at the warlock’s youthful face, Minseok shook his head. Baekhyun grabbed Minseok’s face inspecting it thoroughly unmindful of Luhan’s suddenly widening eyes.

“It’s not fair!” Baekhyun whined releasing Minseok’s face to feel his own, “Kim Minseok, you must have an imperfection!”

Kyungsoo half expected Luhan to jump in and vehemently deny such unjust allegations against his precious spouse but when he didn’t Kyungsoo realised the problem. The two weren’t speaking to each other.

“He does have an imperfection,” Yifan spoke up with an uncommon grin breaking Kyungsoo’s line of thought. The hunter tilted his head to Luhan making Tao and Baekhyun snort, Luhan let out an annoyed huff face unimpressed with Yifan’s clever joke. Minseok gestured for a guard to bring his and Luhan’s horses forward before turning to Yifan.   

“I have a personal matter to attend to,” he began pointedly ignoring Luhan who cocked his head to the side brows furrowed, it was obviously the first time he was hearing this. “I will try and catch up with you in the Lar Valley by mid-afternoon tomorrow, please take care of Luhan for me,”

Yifan gave him a curt nod, the annoyance in Luhan’s eyes fled at Minseok’s words.

“I’ll assign a hunter to him,”

“Minseok,” Luhan’s voice was soft, “Can’t I come with you?”

Minseok shook his head,

“You should spend as much time with your family as you can,” he reasoned at Luhan’s sudden pleading look as he was denied, “you barely spoke to your parents last night,”

“You’re punishing me,” Luhan whispered miserable, Yifan tried to shuffle away uncomfortable but Luhan caught his sleeve, “he’s punishing me isn’t he?” he asked demandingly waiting for the confirmation,

“Don’t over react,” Yifan shot Tao a look but it was Minseok who came to his rescue, he held out a hand to Luhan. He immediately latched onto it allowing Minseok to guide him away so they could talk privately. Baekhyun craned his neck suddenly wide awake at the early morning drama he was witnessing.

“Don’t look,” Kyungsoo said fighting the strong urge to turn his head and see what was going on as well.

“You cannot expect me to not be curious, they were fine last night,” Baekhyun answered still shamelessly looking at the couple, “oh-“ Baekhyun looked sympathetic, “Luhan looks like he wants to cry,”

Yifan groaned,

“He probably will, Tao, I’ll be taking a carriage as well. It is too early to bear with Luhan in one of his moods,” Yifan’s words seemed cold but his eyes held worry as he watched Minseok persuade Luhan to get on his horse, “I will leave you and Yixing to watch over him.”

Tao nodded leaving to inform Yixing, Yifan spared his brother one last glance before turning to Kyungsoo.

“I’ll be travelling with you,”

“Great,” Baekhyun answered sarcastically.


“I am sure you two have been educated on the history of Warlocks,” Yifan stated keeping an eye out for his sullen brother who was riding up ahead with Tao and Yixing. Their journey to the Wu Kingdom had just begun.

“What does the history of warlocks have to do with Minseok and Luhan’s fight?” Baekhyun asked earning him a short shush from Kyungsoo.

“I am sure you are aware that it has only been a few decades since warlocks have been able to free themselves from their slave bonds, Minseok’s parents were one of the few warlocks that were able to escape without getting branded and by doing so they secured a future for Minseok and his younger sister. However for this freedom they had to sacrifice their powers, his parents have lived for decades unaware of who they once were or of the fact that they had children. They are mere humans, who age with every passing day. Minseok has never told any of us of their whereabouts not even Luhan.” Yifan paused expression gloomy.

“When Minseok came to the Wu Kingdom he was a mere shell of the person he is now, he had lost his parents and had to bear the responsibility of looking after his younger sister. In order to survive he offered himself to be the crown prince’s protector, the crown price of course at the time was still Luhan. At that time, Luhan was going through a self-righteous stage, one he will not admit to now. Because of this he loathed Minseok, he saw Minseok’s protection as a sign that he himself was weak. He would watch Minseok to a point of obsession trying to find his weaknesses. However, his constant awareness of Minseok had the complete opposite effect, it did not take very long for Luhan to become infatuated with him. Minseok hid his affections better but I could see he went above and beyond in his duty to protect my fool of a brother. He found Luhan endearing.” Yifan sounded slightly grossed out at his last revelation.

“I still don’t-“

“Baekhyun,” Kyungsoo shot him a warning look,

“As I was saying, it was obvious to most that the two were falling in love with each other.” Yifan glared at the yawning Baekhyun, “A few months after Minseok arrived a new symbol sudden appeared on his arm, none of us knew what it was except for Yixing. I had never seen Yixing furious until that day, apparently the symbol on Minseok’s arm was one of obedience. The mark branded onto Warlock slaves, Minseok was so eager to please Luhan that he had willingly carved the spell into his skin. Whatever Luhan wanted, Minseok would give unhesitatingly so long as Luhan asked him to obey.”

“So Minseok became Luhan’s slave?” Kyungsoo’s shock couldn’t be hidden, Yifan nodded.

“Luhan didn’t know at first, after all Minseok was always attentive towards him. One day Luhan was in one of his ‘I am the crown prince’ mood and was ordering everyone around him to do foolish things….”


“Minseok,” Luhan’s eyes twinkled with mischief, “will you obey me?” Minseok’s head snapped up eyes widened in shock as his body readied itself for the command it was to carry out.


“I dare you to strip down until you’re bare and run around the courtyard proclaiming that I am the most magnificent prince!” Luhan ordered fully aware Minseok would back down, other that his arms Minseok had often voiced his discomfort at other parts of his body being seen. He would never do it, or so he thought. Minseok lowered his gaze eyes ashamed as he began to his shirt, the tattooed symbols along his bicep danced, Luhan looked on in disbelief. Yixing rushed to Minseok’s side grabbing his hands, he glared at Luhan as Minseok struggled in his hold.

Take it back!” the warlock cried, “do not make him do something he will regret!” Luhan’s lips trembled in confusion at the two warlocks’ tiny scuffle.

“Minseok, stop.” Minseok’s hands fell to his side shoulders sagging in relief, “What just happened?” Luhan inquired, “why would you do something you detest?”

Yixing’s anger got the better of him,

“Because you ordered him to, this fool!” he spat shaking Minseok and making Luhan scowl, “this fool has become your slave!” Minseok flinched at Yixing’s anger,

“Slave?” Luhan’s voice was suddenly soft alarming Yifan,

“Why else do you think he’s been obeying your every command?” Yixing asked not knowing how his words would be taken. Luhan turned to Minseok whose eyes were still downcast,

“Is that the reason? You’re only here because you have to be... not because you want to be. Do you only spend time with me because I command it?” he asked voice wavering, his eyes hardened when Minseok remained silent.

“Say something!” he yelled, “Is what Yixing saying true?”

Minseok’s head dipped in a nod. Luhan in a shuddering breath,

“You are relieved from your duties for the rest of the week,” he said before striding away, Yixing’s anger fled as he stared after the retreating Luhan in shock. Minseok started to button his shirt back up quietly, he bowed to the shell-shocked Yifan and left as well.


“So Luhan misunderstood Minseok’s true intentions,” Baekhyun said unable to stay quiet, “What happened next?”

“Well Luhan was livid and destroyed anything he came into contact with, he had to be locked up in his room for everyone’s safety. Understandably that year our Kingdom experienced its coldest winter and after almost two weeks of being ignored Minseok finally had enough. He told Yixing he was going to leave thinking it would appease Luhan. He resigned his position and went to say his final goodbyes to Luhan-“

“Then?” Yifan and Kyungsoo glared at Baekhyun simultaneously, he withheld the urge to shiver.

“If you would stop interrupting I could finish,” Yifan commented dryly,

“Luhan surprised everyone by agreeing to see Minseok, when Minseok left we had expected everything to end.” Yifan chuckled darkly, “Minseok had left in the early dawn without anyone noticing and with him, was Luhan. None of us could have imagined that Luhan had forced Minseok to get him out of the kingdom, none of us thought he would have gone as far as using Minseok’s handicap against him. They eloped-“

“And lived happily ever after?” Baekhyun blinked innocently,

“I swear if you cut me off one more-“ Yifan calmed down as Kyungsoo’s hand landed on his thigh, the prince’s eyes were filled with curiosity that compelled Yifan to continue.

“Hardly,” he answered with forced patience, “Luhan finally confessed to Minseok, but Minseok thought he was just using him as a means to escape the kingdom and desert his throne. It took a near death experience for Luhan to convince Minseok that his feeling were sincere. I’m not going to tell you that story, Byun Baekhyun, don’t even try,” Yifan warned making Baekhyun shut his mouth and pout.

“So basically, whenever Luhan orders Minseok to obey him like he did last night, it reminds them of a time they wish to forget,” Kyungsoo said understandingly, Yifan nodded,

“It just goes to show that too much devotion has dire consequences,”

“Yes Kyungsoo, let this be a lesson to you. You must not devote yourself to Prince Yifan,” Baekhyun half-teased latching onto Kyungsoo, Yifan glared at Baekhyun.

Enjoy it while you still can,” he hissed in Baekhyun’s native tongue, Baekhyun’s answering look was sly,

I plan to,” he replied smirk infuriating. Kyungsoo could only sigh from his position in between them, he could only hope that one of them would fall asleep soon.

A//N: Hey y'all! I wasn't actually planning to update yet, but I realised I haven't updated for 2 months? or something..... hehe sorry about that, I get sidetrackked a lot.. and I wasn't really happy with the chapter so I was contemplating whether to use it or not. In the end I chose to use it because well Luhan and Minseok will be playing a vital role so I needed their past to be here as well (Plus I'm biased)  :) anywayyyyyyyy the wedding will be in the next chapter XD

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esther_noyel #1
Chapter 16: I want this
love_fic_kush #2
Chapter 16: Please authornim give us more krisooo~~
Chapter 16: Tq for the update... sweet krisoo is the best
diyozzi #4
Chapter 16: ❤❤❤
sugarystatic #5
THIS FIC IS ALIVE!!! Welcome back--how I've missed you so ^_________^ love how affectionate and sensitive krisoo are with each other even after marriage <3
Chapter 16: Ohhhhhh!!! How I long for this!!
yumgums #7
Chapter 16: ooooooh update!!!! I love the affection that's starting to develop between kyungsoo and yifan. Makes me feel all warm and giddy. ❤❤❤
Chapter 16: omg yessssss more lovey dovey actions! ♥
Chapter 16: Hi!!!!!!!! Omg you make me so happy!
More krisoo pls.YAY!!! Good story.pls update