The Countdown

Night Prince



Kyungsoo continued trailing behind Yifan, the hunter glanced over his shoulder every now and again brows furrowing as he spotted Kyungsoo each time, but he said nothing to stop the other from following him. Baekhyun watched from a safe distance more than a little confused at his best friend's unusual behaviour, why had Kyungsoo ditched their routine afternoon sunbathing to follow Yifan around like a puppy? Baekhyun turned to the entertained Tao for an explaination, The hunter was amused by how uncomfortable Yifan was with Kyungsoo's sudden interest and undivided attention, it delighted him to see their mighty prince so affected by the tiny Kyungsoo. The look in Yifan's eyes was fearful yet there was something a kin to hope blooming in them.

"I don't understand, what is going on?" Baekhyun whined making Tao chuckle,

"I believe Kyungsoo is trying to court Yifan and Yifan is pretending he is not interested," 

Baekhyun spluttered unintelligently in shock,

"No," the young lord wailed close to tears as Yifan slowed down falling into step with Kyungsoo who looked delighted with the change, his poor best friend was putting his precious self on the line to be broken.

"Yifan, would never play with anyone's feelings," Tao interjected seriously, apparently Baekhyun was talking aloud, "especially not Kyungsoo's, I beg you to clear your judgement of Prince Yifan. He has a pure soul,"

Baekhyun snorted, disbelief written across his face.

"How can a hunter be pure?"

"He is honest, when he is angry he shows his anger. When he is jealous he shows he is jealous and when he is shy-" Tao tilted his head towards the two stationary royals. Yifan had placed a flower into a surprised Kyungsoo's hand albeit forcefully, both royals avoided looking at each other. They supported shy smiles as they continued to walk silently, it was something Baekhyun thought would never be seen on Yifan's face.

He felt a smile tug at his lips involuntarily before he scowled he was not supposed to think their relationship was cute, he was supposed to be against it. He let out a huff turning away from the two. 

"You are a good friend Lord Byun," Tao commented, Baekhyun's lips thinned unhappily,

"If I was this would not have happened," he replied tiredly, 

"It is for the best," Tao continued as if he had not heard Baekhyun, "Kyungsoo and Yifan understand each other, I have not seen a better pair."

Baekhyun reluctantly turned his attention back to the two who were speaking to each other, Kyungsoo's smile had not dimmed as he explained something to Yifan who was hanging on to every word back slightly hunched so he could hear Kyungsoo better. 

Baekhyun studied Kyungsoo whose smile was not an unusual sight, what was unusual was the calmness around him. In all the years of knowing Kyungsoo, Baekhyun had never seen him at such peace with someone he barely knew. Even as his best friend Baekhyun had to be careful as to not offend the easily saddened and sensitive Kyungsoo, he always had to make sure his blunt words would not cause the other harm. What made Yifan so different from others? Baekhyun stood up, Kyungsoo stopped talking as he spotted him. He waved Baekhyun over smile shrinking as confusion took over his features when the other shook his head with a distracted smile. Tao and Yifan frowned simultaneously as Baekhyun walked away.


The King looked up as Baekhyun entered, he smiled warmly gesturing for the other to sit. Baekhyun bowed before doing so. Even as close as he was to the King, he was not disrespectful.

"I was wondering when you would seek me out, I expected you months ago," Baekhyun's brows furrowed at the King's statement. He chuckled at the confused look,

"Your father has inquired about you, he will be here for the wedding," Baekhyun's eyes lit up, at last something he could look forward to, "he asked if you would be coming back with him," Baekhyun felt a weird churning in his stomach and he lowered his gaze knowing his eyes would display emotions he did not want anyone to see, 

"I told him Kyungsoo would not allow it," Baekhyun eyes flickered to the King's, he smiled at the young lord understandingly, "your father will stop moving one day, Baekhyun,"

Baekhyun smiled sadly at the thought of his nomadic father who could not stay in one place for even a month. When he was younger he had loved going to so many places and meeting so many people, but it soon grew old and Baekhyun found himself feeling restless and alienated. It didn't matter where they went because he would never truly fit in and if he did they would be on the move by the next week anyway. It was his brother who noticed when he stopped exploring the cities they visited, when he stopped talking to other kids and when he started to retreat into his head the only place that never changed. It was his brother who convinced their father to let Baekhyun stay in the Do Kingdom when he saw the budding friendship between him and Kyungsoo and Baekhyun was forever grateful to him for it. He had finally found somewhere he could call home and someone to share it with, but now things were changing again. He would be moving to the Wu court and Kyungsoo would no longer be by his side but by Yifan's, as if sensing Baekhyun's thoughts the King spoke up,

"Are you finally going to demand why I forced Kyungsoo into this engagement?" 

Baekhyun smiled at the perceptive king, that was exactly when he was here. He needed to know why, he wanted to accept the engagement wholeheartedly. He couldn't keep on being bitter about it knowing it was hurting Kyungsoo, he nodded at the King. 

"When you came Baekhyun, I actually considered you instead of Yifan. You brought back our Kyungsoo, you made him happy again something Seungsoo nor I could achieve after his mother's passing. I wanted Kyungsoo to be with someone who would make him happy, but then I realised as much as you two loved each other it was nothing more than brotherly love." The King paused looking out of the window,

"I have been friends with Yifan's father for a very long time. I knew him long before I was married, when he told me that his original heir had denounced his crown I was shocked and went to see him immediately, that's when I met Yifan. He was barely twelve but I had never met another vampire, hunter or not braver than he was. He took everything in stride and even when angry at the turn events he never lashed out at his parents. It proved how compassionate and selfless he was, I'm not criticising his older brother Luhan. That boy was brave enough to go pursue his true love, but when I met Yifan I knew no one would be able to look after Kyungsoo better than he would. I have no doubt in Yifan's ability to protect Kyungsoo, at the same time he won't put himself in harms way. I can't let Kyungsoo go through the pain of losing another again.."

"Is that why you didn't him to marry any of the Kim princesses'?" Baekhyun cut in reminded of the princesses who were obviously interested in Kyungsoo, the King nodded,

"Child birth is not safe only a few are so lucky," a flicker of sadness passed his eyes, Baekhyun felt his heart sink at the sight, Kyungsoo wasn't the only one who lost his mother, the King had lost his wife, a woman he loved to death. He nodded satisfied by the answer after all Kyungsoo was the priority here, that was all that mattered. He bowed and excused himself.


Kyungsoo was shaken awake, Baekhyun's grin would have blinded him if he wasn't so used to it already. The latter had been very weird for the past two weeks happily planning the events that would lead to the big royal wedding, Kyungsoo felt his gut clench at the reminder. There was not much time left only two more months to go, it was scary how fast time passed. A knock on the door interrupted his thoughts and Baekhyun's shaking. Yifan took a step inside Tao following, the two greeted them. 

Kyungsoo grinned this was a norm now, Baekhyun waking him up while Yifan and Tao came a few minutes later and they would all wait for Kyungsoo to get ready before staring the day full of wedding planning and preparations. He walked towards his bathroom stopping abruptly when something on the window still caught his attention, he had always slept with the window open and now something pure white greeted him. He changed directions gently picking up the slowly wilting bouquet of moonflowers, he glanced out of the window but there was no movement from the forest. Baekhyun came up beside him,

"They are absolutely beautiful," he said admiring them, Kyungsoo's hold around the stems tightened as he agreed absentmindedly. He couldn't remember the last time he had seen Chanyeol or... Jongin. He passed the flowers to Baekhyun asking him to put them in water as he went to get ready, he would meet Chanyeol tonight.


 Chanyeol enveloped Kyungsoo in a hug as soon as the prince appeared, Kyungsoo tried to pull away to look at Chanyeol properly. He had caught sight of the dark rings under the other's eyes and his frame had become noticeably thinner, his skin was also warmer than usual.

"It's been so long," Chanyeol murmured tiredly against Kyungsoo's hair, "did you like my present?"

"I loved it, now let me go so I can see you better," Chanyeol released him reluctantly, he lowered his head as Kyungsoo's breath hitched. Kyungsoo reached up cold fingers brushing against Chanyeol's gaunt cheek softly, he forced Chanyeol's gaze up,

"What happened to you? Did you starve yourself?!" Kyungsoo demanded eyes flashing angrily, Chanyeol pried Kyungsoo's hand from his face,

"Of course not, I've just been too preoccupied and skipped a few meals,"

"A few?" Kyungsoo examined the shaking Were from head to toe, it was obvious he had skipped more than a few meals, he could barely stand straight "what kept you so preoccupied?" 

Chanyeol bit his lip refusing to say anything, Kyungsoo sighed,

"Chanyeol, I can not be out for too long. Tell me what has been bothering you and I will find a way to help," still the taller remained silent,

"Chanyeol, please. I can't leave in peace knowing something bothers you," 

"I've been trying to find, Jongin." Kyungsoo frowned at the rushed whisper not sure if he heard right, Chanyeol's eyes were shining,

"He's gone, Kyungsoo. Has been ever since you left the kingdom," The shock would have to settle in later Kyungsoo thought as Chanyeol finally toppled forward fainting from exhaustion and hunger.


Kyungsoo rushed around Chanyeol's cottage he discarded his cloak over a chair as he hurried to the small kitchen in search for food. Chanyeol's mother and sister were no where to be seen, Kyungsoo frowned he would have to leave soon. He had already changed Chanyeol out of his mud caked attired and sponged down his body in hopes it would bring down his fever. A weak call made him return to his friend's side sitting at the edge of his mattress,

"I'm here, Yeol," Kyungsoo whispered pushing back Chanyeol's fringe from his forehead as he replaced the wet towel, the other was shivering despite his fever. Chanyeol whimpered eyes trained on the ceiling,

"You're never here anymore," he choked tear slipping from an eye, "you won't be here anymore-"

"Shush," Kyungsoo bit his trembling lip, "you need to rest," Kyungsoo started to pat Chanyeol's head, the boy had fallen silent but tears were still streaming down the sides of his face. A few seconds passed before Chanyeol's eyes finally shut, Kyungsoo stood up reluctantly leaving the room.

The door to the cottage opened just as he reached it, Chanyeol's mother stopped in her tracks. She smiled before bowing.

"My prince, it's been so long since I've last seen you. Sit down would you like something to drink. Chanyeol hasn't been home for a few days, but you can check his room-"

"I am afraid I have to take up your offer on a later date, Chanyeol is in his room, but he's running a fever. I didn't want to leave him alone,"
Her eyes filled with worry as she heard of her son's state,

"You don't have to worry, little prince I'll look after him. You seem to be in a hurry," 

"I am, I will try and come back soon," she nodded holding the door open for Kyungsoo. The prince took one glance at the heavy clouds overhead before breaking into a run. By the time he got to the castle he was drenched from head to toe, Baekhyun got to his feet in shock.

"Kyungsoo, what on earth-" he staggered backwards as Kyungsoo flung himself onto him, Baekhyun flinched as his ceremonial uniform started to get soaked, he had just got it fitted in today. He pushed the useless thought away and brought Kyungsoo towards the fireplace.
He looked over his shoulder at Yifan and Tao who stood under the doorway alerted by Baekhyun's earlier exclamation, he waved them away and they left grudgingly.

Baekhyun kept on rubbing his hands up and down the quiet Kyungsoo's arms, Kyungsoo stared at the fire,

"What have I done Baekhyun?" He half-whispered, "I thought I was making the right decision, but everything is just getting out of hand. Jongin is gone and Chanyeol is half-dead! I-" 

Baekhyun shushed the frantic Kyungsoo pulling him into a comfortable embrace as he tried to make sense of what Kyungsoo was telling him, the prince fell silent eyes shutting tiredly, 

"You were right," he continued as Baekhyun rocked them back and forth, Baekhyun stopped,

"No, you were right Kyungsoo. Do not doubt your decision just because some things did not go according to your plan. Jongin and Chanyeol made their own decisions it has nothing to do with you,"


"Listen," Baekhyun cut in sternly making Kyungsoo look at him in surprise, "This is about you Kyungsoo, be selfish for once!"

"Be selfish?"

"Yes, be selfish. Marry Yifan because you want to, not out of duty and certainly not because of us! You have two months left Kyungsoo, you still have time to think this through. You know whatever decision you make, you'll still have me- even if I whine a lot at first," Baekhyun added making Kyungsoo smile. The prince nodded allowing Baekhyun to lull him to sleep. Baekhyun bit his lip in worry, he would have to pay the ill Were a visit soon.

The next day a familiar cloak was hung neatly over Kyungsoo's window sill, a lone moonflower and note tucked into the pocket. Kyungsoo picked the flower up smiling gently as Baekhyun made his loud entry. He pocketed the heart-filled paper and gave his excited friend his full attention.


The festivities had officially begun, the castle loud and bustling was opened to everyone as feast after feast were prepared in celebration for the upcoming wedding. Yifan gestured for Tao to follow him, Kyungsoo pretended to listen to Seungsoo but his ears were elsewhere. He frowned slightly trying to concentrate on Yifan and Tao's whispered conversation in the corner.

"Want you to find-" Yifan's voice lowered, "Kyungsoo can't know-"

A hand came down on his shoulder startling him, Kyungsoo smiled weakly at Seungsoo who sighed as he shook his head,

"Go, I know I am boring you. It is clear you would rather be with your fiancé," he said eyes twinkling teasingly,

"N-no," Kyungsoo said trying to deny it but Seungsoo was already leaving to rejoin his wife chuckling at Kyungsoo's embarrassed expression. He felt someone slide up beside him.

"Any news on-" he trailed off as he caught a whiff of Yifan's scent, the other was walking towards them.

"No," Baekhyun whispered knowing what Kyungsoo wanted to ask, "not a single thing, Yeol's has recovered though," 

Kyungsoo nodded before excusing himself, he joined Yifan halfway through the crowded room. Eager wedding guests had already started to arrive wanting to participate in the month long festivities. The hunter attempted a smile, but his eyes betrayed his worry. Kyungsoo briefly wondered if he had become better in reading others or if Yifan was allowing himself to be read. Yifan offered his arm,

"A month to go, my prince. If you wish to back out this would be the best time,"

Kyungsoo wrapped his arm around Yifan's, stepping closer to his fiancé daringly. A smile made it way to his face,

"You're not getting rid of me that easily, you have to bear with me for eternity,"

Yifan let out a mock sigh but the smile on his face grew genuine, he pulled Kyungsoo along towards the edge of the ballroom where the doors were opened to lead into the large patio and garden, 

"Come, teach me how to dance, little one. I will not be embarrassed in front of everyone when we are to have our first dance,"
Kyungsoo's eyes widened,

"The heir to the Wu Court does not know how to dance?"

"I've never had the need to, now will you teach me or do I have to ask Tao?" Yifan grinned as Kyungsoo broke off into laughter at the image of the two hunters dancing together, the Do prince's eyes were twinkling. Yifan felt pleased, Kyungsoo grabbed Yifan's hand and led him to a corner where the guests would not be able to see them from inside the ballroom. He placed Yifan's hand on his hip startling Yifan who tried to pull away clearly shocked at Kyungsoo's boldness. 

"Trust me," Kyungsoo said stoping Yifan's struggles, he adjusted the hand on his hip sliding it across his back and grabbed Yifan's other hand in his. 

"Our hands must be on level with my eyes," Kyungsoo whispered, there was no need to be loud seeing as he was almost pressed up against Yifan who was resolutely avoiding looking at him. Kyungsoo free hand came up to rest against Yifan's chest fingers curling over his shoulder.

"Yifan, you must look at me," he said gently trying to coax the taller into eye contact,

"Are you sure this is right?" Yifan grumbled reluctantly meeting Kyungsoo's eyes. 

"Of course, this is going to be our wedding, whatever I say is right. If anyone asks tell them it is called the 'Kyungsoo Waltz'," Yifan snorted involuntarily and nodded,

"What next,"

"Now we move, left feet first-"

The two started to move albeit messily with Yifan stumbling around, he bit his lower lip in concentration as he tried to follow the music drifting out from the ballroom, he unconsciously pulled the silent Kyungsoo closer as he tried to make make his steps smoother. Kyungsoo offered him a consoling smile when he let out a hiss almost leading them off the patio, Yifan stopped frustrated.

"We have time. It doesn't need to be perfect-"

"But it must be perfect, we will only be happy if we're perfect," Yifan sounded disappointed, Kyungsoo tilted his head trying to figure Yifan out, but the other had closed himself off again. Kyungsoo cleared his throat,

"I do not need perfect and I do not need a hunter or a prince," Yifan's hand slid off Kyungsoo's back, Kyungsoo caught it as Yifan took a step back eyes trying to hide the pain of being inadequate.

"I just need Yifan, that is enough for me," Yifan felt his jaw unhinge as Kyungsoo stood on his toes to press soft lips against his cheek, Kyungsoo took a step back head lowered shyly,

"I will see you tomorrow,"


Kyungsoo woke up to peacefulness that day, Baekhyun must have still been sleeping. He stood up frowning as a piece of paper fluttered to the floor, he picked up the envelope walking toward the armchair in the corner of his room. He sat down and turned the letter over freezing as he saw the handwriting, he would recognise the harried scrawl anywhere after all he was the one who taught the person how to write. He looked up from the letter at the knock on his door, he hastily tucked it between some books and granted entry to his visitor. Yifan came in with a strained smile, one hand folded behind his back as he greeted Kyungsoo. There was an awkward air that remained from the night before, Yifan cleared his throat before pulling out something from his back presenting it to Kyungsoo,

"I-it's," Kyungsoo paused taking in the raven coloured petals, he held a hand out eager to feel the texture. Yifan slipped it into his hand quietly trying to judge Kyungsoo's reaction.

"It's a dawn orchid, named so because it can only be found during dawn whilst we vampires prefer to start our slumber. You may thank Tao for it," 

Kyungsoo ran his finger over the smooth petals, so this was what Yifan wanted Tao to find last night. He smiled,

"It's beautiful, thank you,"

Yifan took the flower from Kyungsoo's hold and placed it among the white moonflowers Chanyeol had left for him recently, the contrast was great. The hunter tilted his head thoughtfully.

"This is the way I see you," he said finger caressing the black petals, "darkness among light,"

Kyungsoo's brows furrowed,

"Is that a poetic way of saying I am demented?" He questioned making Yifan chuckle,

"No, it is a poetic way of saying, 'among others you are the only one I see,'" Yifan lifted his gaze just as Kyungsoo lowered his, a weird flutter filled the younger's chest at the hidden confession.

"I-" the door to Kyungsoo's room slammed open startling the two princes,

"Time for your fitting! I hope you haven't drank- oh," Baekhyun, the tailor and his assistants stopped halfway through the room, eyes darting from one royal to another,

"Are we interrupting?" Baekhyun asked suspiciously, Yifan's eyes narrowed at the ill-timed interruption before he sighed shaking his head, he cast a longing look at Kyungsoo before heading to the door,

"I will see you in the evening," he said as he closed the door behind him, the room was silent before Baekhyun tutted,

"What a weird fellow," he turned his attention to Kyungsoo, "get up we need to see if you need to alter any of your outfits." 

Kyungsoo stood up with a groan, letter left forgotten between books.


A//N: hey guys! I can't believe I didn't update this sooner T.T anyhoooo as soon as summer hits I'll try and update this regularly :) <3 oh and sorry if they're any typos, I checked it over but my blurry eyes couldn't spot any. Feel free to point any mistakes out ;)

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esther_noyel #1
Chapter 16: I want this
love_fic_kush #2
Chapter 16: Please authornim give us more krisooo~~
Chapter 16: Tq for the update... sweet krisoo is the best
diyozzi #4
Chapter 16: ❤❤❤
sugarystatic #5
THIS FIC IS ALIVE!!! Welcome back--how I've missed you so ^_________^ love how affectionate and sensitive krisoo are with each other even after marriage <3
Chapter 16: Ohhhhhh!!! How I long for this!!
yumgums #7
Chapter 16: ooooooh update!!!! I love the affection that's starting to develop between kyungsoo and yifan. Makes me feel all warm and giddy. ❤❤❤
Chapter 16: omg yessssss more lovey dovey actions! ♥
Chapter 16: Hi!!!!!!!! Omg you make me so happy!
More krisoo pls.YAY!!! Good story.pls update