The Unfolding

Night Prince



“Your husband is where?” Baekhyun screeched taking angry strides around Kyungsoo and Yifan’s spacious room, he spun on his heels almost tripping on the elaborate robes he always insisted to wear despite there being no ceremony to do so. Kyungsoo lowered the book he was reading to look at Baekhyun.


“Hunting, in the forbidden lands,” he answered calmly even though he had repeated the exact same sentence to Baekhyun three times already.


“It’s barely been a week since your wedding!” Baekhyun fumed finally dropping onto the seat across Kyungsoo, plucking the book from the prince’s loose grip to obtain his full attention, “how could he leave you here alone?”


“Baekhyun, the full moon is approaching its peak, you could not have missed all the howling last night. It is his duty to protect his people-“


“What about his duty to you?” Baekhyun cut in brashly, in no mood for Kyungsoo’s excuses even though they were completely rational, “You’re his husband, he should be here with you! You’re the one with a target on your head!”


Silence followed his angry exclamation, Kyungsoo observed Baekhyun noting that his rant was fueled less by the fact that Yifan was missing as a husband and more on how his absence meant that he was not here to protect Kyungsoo.


He wondered just how much Baekhyun and the others were hiding from him, fearing now that everyone was downplaying the threat that had been issued on his being. He shook his head refusing to think about it and lose his courage to the fear slowly making its way into his heart, he was not as weak as everyone perceived him to be. He turned his attention back to his mumbling friend.


“Baekhyun,” he began softly trying to placate his friend, “he has left his best hunter to protect me. What type of husband would I be if I still asked him to stay?”


Baekhyun’s brows furrowed at the lack of fight from Kyungsoo,


“Is that enough for you, Soo? Would you not rather have your husband by your side?” Baekhyun questioned not knowing the effect of his words.


“He does not merely belong to me-“ Kyungsoo answered lowering his gaze suddenly not wanting Baekhyun to know he had struck a chord, “he is the crown prince, he belongs to all,”


Baekhyun remained silent as he observed Kyungsoo, the prince’s eyes were troubled.


“If he had not gone on his monthly hunts his people would start to talk about him,” Kyungsoo continued, Baekhyun frowned at Kyungsoo’s train of thought, “I do not want our marriage to make him weak in their eyes-“


“Weak? Staying with you does not mean he’s weak-“ Baekhyun protested not wanting such thoughts to even settle in Kyungsoo’s head, he knew the younger would antagonize over it endlessly if he did not put a stop to it.


“Baekhyun, have you seen the way his people look at him?” Kyungsoo asked expression softening slightly at the memory of their reaction to Yifan, “they adore him- I will not take that away from him.”


“Do not forget, Kyungsoo, these are your people as well now,” Baekhyun reminded him, “if they truly cared for Yifan, they would not have any objections with him staying by your side-“


“Enough Baekhyun, there is no use to this conversation,” Kyungsoo stood up eyes darting to glance out of the window, expression almost longing, “Yifan has left for the hunt and I am here-“ he turned back to Baekhyun expression hardening when he saw something akin to pity in his friend’s eyes, “no amount of arguing will change it.”


He picked up the book he was reading earlier signaling the end of their argument. Baekhyun leaned back quietly in his chair relenting for once.




 Kyungsoo pulled his coat tighter around his body before glancing at Tao who in contrast did not even need to wear extra layers over what he had, the only form of protection from the cold he had was a worn leather coat not even tied to keep the harsh winds away. Kyungsoo frowned in envy at his higher tolerance to lower temperatures, Tao tore his gaze from the forest to eye Kyungsoo warily.


“Can we go back now?” he asked feeling uncomfortable being in such an open area with Kyungsoo, “Yifan will kill me if he finds out I’ve taken you outside of the walls and so close to the forest.”


Tao had, after an hour of Kyungsoo begging, finally given into the prince’s demands of stepping outside of the castle’s walls. And whilst he was confident in his fighting skills being so close to the forest with Kyungsoo was putting him on edge, if Yifan found out he would probably cast Tao into the fire pits specially reserved for the damned. Tao shivered at the thought,


“But-“ Tao stifled his groan as Kyungsoo opened his mouth, “since we’re out here already, can we go see Luhan and Minseok? I promise I won’t wander and I won’t ask again!”


Tao frowned at Kyungsoo’s earnest expression,


“Please!” he pleaded glancing at the forest, “before darkness falls,” he added pointedly. Tao, after careful consideration nodded surprising Kyungsoo,




“Yes,” Tao answered, “You will not leave me in peace otherwise,” he muttered eyes returning to the forest, he let out a long whistle holding up a hand to shush Kyungsoo when the other opened his mouth to ask him what he was doing. He repeated the action, Kyungsoo stiffened as his senses caught something approaching them at a fast pace.


Tao remained rooted in his spot, relax stance the only thing keeping Kyungsoo from fleeing the area. There was something darting towards them, Kyungsoo could barely make out its shape with the speed it was approaching them at. He took a step back as the creature broke through the clearing charging towards the now crouching Tao.


Kyungsoo’s eyes widened as he finally made it out, it was a wolf, a real one. The only wolves Kyungsoo had been exposed to were Weres, Kyungsoo had heard of real wolves from Chanyeol and Jongin but he had never seen one in the flesh. His awe was short-lived as the wolf pounced on Tao. He stayed back not wanting to get in the way, he knew Tao would be able to handle it easily. What he did not know was why Tao was laughing as the wolf snapped it jaws at his face, Kyungsoo frowned approaching the two cautiously.


“Get off me you mutt!” Tao cried before breaking off into more laughter,


“Do you need help?” Kyungsoo queried, not quite sure of what was going on but he definitely did not feel threatened anymore. Tao sat up pushing the wolf off him in an easy sweep,


“No, everything is under control,” he assured Kyungsoo as he stood up brushing the dirt from his clothing. He turned to the wolf who was sitting now, watching them both, Kyungsoo in particular with curiosity.  Tao extended a hand to it,


“Come here,”


Kyungsoo’s frown deepened as the wolf obeyed approaching them, tail waggling as an excited dog’s would.


“Is she- is she your pet?” he asked not quite getting what was going on, Tao snorted as the wolf let out a huff.


“She is my sister-“




Tao laughed at Kyungsoo’s incredulous expression, knowing the other would start shooting the thousand questions currently filling his head.




“Is she the reason you kept silent- about my friends?”




“Are you a shape shifter?”


“No,” Tao smiled softly at the question, “I am a vampire, one abandoned in the forest a long time ago-“ he paused judging Kyungsoo’s expression, the other was clearly astounded, “I was raised by a pack of wolves for a few years before I was found by the King on one of his hunts, he himself brought me into civilization.”


“I’ve never heard of such a thing,” Kyungsoo said in awe, “the rest?” he asked looking at the direction of the forest, hoping to catch sight of more wolves, “do they linger?”


Tao’s expression darkened,


“No, they’ve been wiped out by ferals, she is the only one left,”


Kyungsoo fell silent, sadness touching his features. He bent down to look at the wolf. Tao watched in surprise as she approached Kyungsoo brushing her snout against his palm in a welcoming gesture.


“Are animals usually so fond of you?” he commented eyes flicking to Kyungsoo’s face, the prince hummed in affirmation. A thoughtful expression settled on Tao’s face as he took in the new information,


“Have you ever heard of-“ whatever Tao was going to say was cut off by a long howl, the hairs on the back of his neck rose at the chilling howl. Kyungsoo stood up as the wolf by his feet reacted to the howl, scampering behind Tao in fear. Silence fell around them as even the snow buntings previously chirping stood frozen on their branches. Kyungsoo took a step closer to Tao, knowing that the howl was not of a real wolf’s.


“Perhaps we should start moving,” he suggested guard raised, Tao nodded gesturing for him to follow closely as he lead the way to Luhan and Minseok’s abode.




The manor Luhan and Minseok resided within was deceptive from miles away, when Tao had first pointed out the cottage to Kyungsoo. The prince had not believed the two magnificent beings lived in such a simple place, it was only until they approached that he realized the slight shimmer around the area. A constant but subtle rippling in the air that was only noticeable if one were looking for it. Tao smiled as he saw the thoughtful frown on Kyungsoo’s face,


“Can you can see the glamour?” he asked.




“The charm Minseok’s put around the place,”


“Wha-“ the question Kyungsoo was about to ask was cut off as the two finally came up to the rippling wall in front of them. Kyungsoo’s hand lifted about to touch it when he stopped remembering the time he had almost touched Yifan’s charmed door. He glanced at Tao warily,


“Is it safe?”


“Only if you have pure intentions,” the hunter answered before pushing Kyungsoo forward, propelling him through the transparent wall. The air around Kyungsoo seemed to pull, distorting everything around him until everything became white. Kyungsoo felt a flare of panic invade him as his senses dulled, noise, colour and even smell disappearing from him. They came back just as quickly as they left, much to Kyungsoo’s relief. He stood for a while in a daze trying to comprehend what had just happened, he felt Tao rejoin him seconds later. He glared at the hunter only to be sidetracked by the wolf that was still with them, she darted forward only to freeze as she stared at something ahead. Kyungsoo followed her gaze and felt his mouth drop at the huge stone manor sprawled ahead of them,


“Where’s the cottage?” he asked weakly making Tao chuckle,


“This is the cottage,” he said dragging Kyungsoo to the entrance and rapping his knuckle against the imposing door.


A few seconds passed before a tired Minseok opened the door posture screaming his reluctance, he eyed Kyungsoo and Tao,


“Maybe now is not such a good time,” he said eyes darting to Tao, something heavy toppled over behind him inside the house, the wolf by Tao’s legs whimpered taking a step back. Her ears flattened as a guttural howl rose from inside the manor, sound reverberating against the stone walls. Tao frowned previous fear forgotten as curiosity filled its place. He stepped closer to the door trying to get a glimpse of whatever had let out the howl, it sounded similar to what he had heard earlier on. How the sound managed to escape the barrier around the place, Tao had no clue. It only fueled his curiosity.


“Do you have a wolf in there?”


Kyungsoo’s eyes widened as he slowly realized Luhan must have already started shifting, another howl sounded causing the wolf by their feet to scamper off in fear. Kyungsoo felt the hairs along his back rise. Luhan sounded angry, Minseok tried to close the door but was stopped by Tao who felt something amiss with the tense atmosphere.


“Hyung, where is Luhan?”


Minseok’s fingers tightened around the door, eyes darting to Kyungsoo for help,


“Tao, please abate your curiosity. You can come back in a few days-“


“Yes, Tao, we should return-“


Tao didn't heed to their requests, he pushed the door open pulling Kyungsoo in with him, he glanced around the foyer suspiciously.


“Kyungsoo wanted to see you and Luhan, we will leave after seeing you both-“ 


Minseok looked as if he wanted to protest, but the past few days must have been harrowing on the warlock as he stepped aside and wordlessly pointed to an adjoining room. Tao and Kyungsoo followed his order and went in, Minseok locked the door behind them with a wave of his hand.


“Wait here,” he paused glancing over his shoulder at the two, “and for your own safety do not make any sudden movements,” he left, Tao frowned at his warning.


“What do you think he meant by that?” he asked the quiet Kyungsoo, who in his fear could not answer. Tao noticed,


“What is going on?”


Minseok reappeared, Kyungsoo felt his lips part at the massive beast that followed. This was not a Were, not even Chanyeol was this big. How could the lithe Luhan transform into the beast before them? He felt Tao slowly inch closer to him protectively as Luhan circled them, powerful stride betraying the strength that his current body possessed. His cold gaze slowly assessed the two tense vampires,


“You’re sheltering a Were,” Tao whispered keeping his tone lowered, he knew not to agitate the unpredictable creature. Minseok lowered himself to the ground, as soon as he sat the imposing Were tottered over laying his head across Minseok’s lap suddenly passive. Kyungsoo dared a glance at Tao watching the realization sink in at the action. Anyone close to the vampire-warlock couple would find the action familiar.


A few seconds passed in absolute silence, Minseok’s eyes were shiny as he the top of the Were’s head tenderly.


“How long?” Tao asked tone echoing his disbelief as he stared at Luhan in shock,


“Not long after we eloped,” Minseok answered voice wavering with something akin to guilt, Tao’s eyes were conflicted.


“How have you hid it for so long? Does Yixing know?”


“He does not,” Minseok lowered his head, “now that you’ve seen us, will you leave?” the temperature in the room dropped with Minseok’s mood, “night will fall soon and Luhan is tired,” Luhan lifted his head at his name, feeling Minseok’s mood he nuzzled against his cheek trying to comfort the other.


“I will explain everything to you another time,” he said gently.


Tao nodded hand curling around Kyungsoo’s wrist as Were Luhan turned to them with narrowed eyes, angry that their presence had made Minseok upset. He made a move as if about to rise but was stopped by Minseok. Tao grabbed Kyungsoo’s arm pulling him away slowly, eyes never breaking its gaze with Luhan’s as he backed up.


“We will, I apologise for intruding. We will see ourselves out.”


The doors locked as soon as they exited, Tao turned to the solemn Kyungsoo with a sigh,


“You’re going to make me keep this a secret from Yifan aren’t you?” he guessed, groaning when Kyungsoo nodded.


“Not just Yifan,” he said, “everyone- until Minseok finds a way to cure it-“


“Can he?” Tao asked sounding doubtful for a second, Kyungsoo felt a shot of panic run through him.


“He has to,” was all he said, Tao nodded seeming to understand what Kyungsoo was implying. Their return to the castle was filled with silence.




 Baekhyun was wandering outside the walls by himself, it was not as if he had a choice in the matter. Kyungsoo and Tao had been mysteriously absent since he woke up from his nap, so he in turn felt compelled to search for them. After spending an hour on the inside without luck he decided to venture outside of the walls by himself. His eyes occasionally darted towards the forest that was beginning to fall into the evening’s darkness, his feet moved towards the foreboding darkness of their own accord. He paused glancing around once more to confirm the two were not in the area before entering to look for them.


 Baekhyun lost track of time, as he always did when distracted. There was a faint sweet smell that had caught his attention mid way through his search and he strayed from the trodden pathway to look for it. Kyungsoo and Tao could wait while he filled his stomach. The part of the forest he was entering was dense and his robes kept on getting ensnared on broken branches and twigs. He let out an annoyed huff as he was nearly strangled when he climbed over a fallen log, he stopped to take off the problematic robe folding it over his arm.


The hairs on the back of his neck stood as the cold hit him, he tensed up as he realized something. It was too quiet, he had not realized it before as his movement through the forest had created noise. Now that he was still, it was apparent. The sound of a branch breaking to his left had him lowering his robes to the floor slowly. Another branch breaking to the right had him crouching as he scowled in anger. He was a hunter by nature he refused to be hunted and with that thought in mind he darted of to his right in a move to attack.


The forest burst into noise as the creature previously stalking him tried to escape, Baekhyun gritted his teeth at his slowness, years of pampered living hampering his natural hunting abilities. He pushed on as he sensed the partner to the creature coming up behind him. A flash of brown crossed his vision, they were Weres. His only question now was if they were feral. The terrain became rougher as they approached an area of thick, untouched forest, Baekhyun felt the Were slow down as it struggled to penetrate through the dense foliage. He saw an opening as the Were stumbled as its foot got caught in some overgrown shrubs, the distance between them shortened significantly.  


Baekhyun lunged feeling his muscles ripple with the effort, he caught the Were tackling it to the ground. Fangs bared and ready to rip as soon as they came to a stop, Baekhyun froze as the Were’s terrified eyes met his.


“You have got to be kidding me,” he commented disdain dripping off his words as he let go and stood up swiftly, the other Were finally joining them. Baekhyun’s hands curled into fists as his eyes narrowed on the two, “You have got to be ing kidding me,” he hissed.


A//N: Hey guys, sorry for the lack of Krisoo in this, but these scenes are needed for the future chapters :) I promise there'll be Krisoo moments in the next chapter! Life's been hectic, thanks for being so patient <3 

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esther_noyel #1
Chapter 16: I want this
love_fic_kush #2
Chapter 16: Please authornim give us more krisooo~~
Chapter 16: Tq for the update... sweet krisoo is the best
diyozzi #4
Chapter 16: ❤❤❤
sugarystatic #5
THIS FIC IS ALIVE!!! Welcome back--how I've missed you so ^_________^ love how affectionate and sensitive krisoo are with each other even after marriage <3
Chapter 16: Ohhhhhh!!! How I long for this!!
yumgums #7
Chapter 16: ooooooh update!!!! I love the affection that's starting to develop between kyungsoo and yifan. Makes me feel all warm and giddy. ❤❤❤
Chapter 16: omg yessssss more lovey dovey actions! ♥
Chapter 16: Hi!!!!!!!! Omg you make me so happy!
More krisoo pls.YAY!!! Good story.pls update