Meeting 'the' in-law

Night Prince


Two weeks dwindled into one, the Do Kingdom had never been more flourishing and b with excitement as it did now. It felt as if there was magic in the air, although Kyungsoo was certain Yixing had something to do with that. The warlock had proved a useful addition to the planning committee getting things done quicker and more efficient than any worker could with the aid of his magic.

 Despite the happiness though Kyungsoo was wary and had fallen into paranoia, he felt his every move being watched and the only consolation to this dreadful feeling was that he was never alone. Tao, Yixing, Baekhyun and Chanyeol made sure the prince was always accompanied wherever he went. Tonight however, Kyungsoo found himself alone in his room after he sent Baekhyun to go spend time with his family who arrived earlier in the evening. The other though reluctant couldn’t hide his eagerness to catch up with his father and brother and had left Kyungsoo after some convincing and promises he would remain in his room.

 Tao and Yixing too had disappeared whispering hastily in a language Kyungsoo knew the Wu Court commonly spoke. Both had been tense throughout the day and when Kyungsoo asked about it they deflected his query with news that Yifan would return the following day. Once distracted they had left dragging a vehemently protesting Chanyeol with them. With nothing left to do or anyone to converse with Kyungsoo had grabbed a book and settled into his bed, he might as well enjoy the silence while it lasted.

 He awoke before dusk, senses prickling uneasily alerting him of another presence nearby. The doors to his balcony lay open curtains fluttering lightly with the breeze it brought in. A chill ran down Kyungsoo’s spine as he saw the outline of someone standing on his balcony railing with ease, the person had his back to Kyungsoo as he stared into the darkness beyond the palace walls. The cloak he wore did not betray where he came from or what he was but as he turned to the side, his toned bare arm spiralling with coded symbols did. Kyungsoo sat up astonished and slightly bewildered, another warlock. The warlock turned alerted by the rustling of covers and movement from within the room, his eyes took Kyungsoo by surprise. They were the lightest blue Kyungsoo had ever seen and flashed almost liquid silver in the moonlight. The warlock smiled holding up his forefinger in front of his mouth asking Kyungsoo to remain silent. Kyungsoo gave a curt nod not knowing why he felt compelled to follow the stranger’s order.

The morning’s silence was broken by a lone howl, Kyungsoo froze as an unnamed terror filled him making the fine hairs along his spine and hands stand. Never in his time of existence had he heard such a chilling howl. The warlock’s eyes narrowed as he turned again, he held a palm out and Kyungsoo was momentarily stunned by the sudden sparks that materialised over it. The temperature in the room dropped drastically,

“Frost,” Kyungsoo yelped almost diving underneath his covers, Tao bowed his head slightly in apology expression unusually grave, his eyes were trained on the warlock, “he’s feared for his control over frost. If the ferals didn’t know he was here, they do now,”

Kyungsoo turned back to the balcony, the warlock was no longer there but now tiny snowflakes were falling from the sky. Kyungsoo’s eyes widened it had never snowed in the Do Kingdom,

“He’s powerful enough to do this?” he whispered half in awe, the other half in shock. Tao nodded,

“Who do you think makes it snow all year long in the Wu Court? Weres hate the cold, especially the feral ones. Once they know he’s here they will creep back to the forbidden lands,”

Kyungsoo swallowed back a gulp at the thought of there being ferals in his kingdom, running amok with the intention to catch him.

“Earlier, that howl…” he trailed off nervously,

“Was a feral Were,” Tao confirmed, “but don’t worry I can guarantee once they know Minseok is here they’ll leave. There are also hunters around the castle and we’ve gotten your friend to get all the tame Weres to guard the villages while we hunt down the Feral ones that have managed to slip through the borders,”

Kyungsoo leaned against his bed’s headboard, it was too much to process all at once.

“The warlock…” Kyungsoo’s brows furrowed, “Why is he helping you to protect me? Shouldn’t he be out on the hunt with your hunters?” Tao grinned wryly,

“It is his wedding present to Yifan,” he answered before chuckling darkly, “after all who would be crazy enough to harm you around Minseok, he’d be able to take them out with a mere blink of an eye,”

Kyungsoo shuddered intimidated by how much power the seemingly harmless warlock held.

“Is he Yifan’s friend?” Kyungsoo asked, the grin on Tao’s face dissolved and was replaced with a look almost wishful.

“They were friends once, but that was be-“

“Zitao,” the warlock was back, his voice was soft and his eyes despite their icy nature were even softer as he gazed at Kyungsoo tenderly. His shook the snow off his cloak and head,

“May I come in, Prince Kyungsoo?” he requested voice sweet, Kyungsoo nodded vigorously. With that one sentence the warlock had completely charmed him, he wondered a second later if he was perhaps under some type of enchantment.

“You’re not,” Tao said as usual able to read Kyungsoo, “Minseok is naturally charming,”

Minseok grinned,

“I am glad to know you think so amicably about me, Zitao,” the corners of Tao’s lips lifted,

“There is no other way to think of you, I am sure your significant other would agree,” Minseok’s eyes lit up happily,

“Speaking of him,” Minseok reached a hand into his cloak, Kyungsoo didn’t even tense up at the shady movement. He watched with wide eyes as Minseok pulled out a dark velvet box, much too big to be hidden under a normal cloak. He had to remind himself Minseok was no ordinary person.

“This is a present from the both of us, I hope you don’t mind,” Minseok held the box out to Kyungsoo who took it in surprise, he lifted the lid and felt more than heard Tao let out a gasp.

Minseok let out a gentle chuckle,

“I see you still have an eye for pretty things, Zitao,” he commented warmly, he glanced at the still Kyungsoo expectantly.

“Is it to your liking?” Kyungsoo eyed the crown he had often seen rest on his mother’s head, there were slight changes to make it more suited for a male, but it was without a doubt hers. A lump was beginning to form in his throat so he could only nod in reply, Minseok smiled understandingly.

“We wanted to gift you with a new crown at first but then asked your father if we could have this one instead,” Kyungsoo’s eyes prickled, “I remember seeing the late Queen use it when the kingdoms came together to celebrate your birth, I hope you don’t mind…” Kyungsoo shook his head, Tao patted his back consolingly as he found out the real value of the crown to Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo lifted the crown, eyes darting to Minseok with permission,

“May I?”

“Of course,” Minseok replied helping Kyungsoo to settle the crown on his head, an instant feeling of calmness dawned on him. He looked up at Minseok dazed,

“Just a little enchantment to make you feel relaxed, does it work?” Kyungsoo nodded, Minseok smiled pleased,

“I am glad,” Minseok looked out of the window, “I have to get back out there,” he spared them one last smile, “excuse me,” he bowed and the other two scrambled to bow back making him laugh as he exited, he jumped onto the railing, “welcome to the family,” he called out before he leapt off the railing cloak flaring out behind him

“I feel as if I’ve just met the most important person in the whole world,” Kyungsoo said unintentionally gushing, his fingers trailed along the cool crown on his head, Tao chortled,

“Yes, Minseok has that effect on everyone,” he glanced at the crown with a soft smile, “it suits you, I didn’t expect anything less from the two of them,”

“Oh,” a sudden thought hit Kyungsoo, the gift was not only from Minseok, “Who is the other person you two spoke off? His betrothed?”  

“Wu Luhan,” Kyungsoo’s hand dropped to his side in shock, Minseok’s parting comment suddenly made sense. Tao snorted at his reaction, “You’ve just met the man who made the real crown prince of the Wu Kingdom desert his throne,” he continued totally in line with Kyungsoo’s thoughts.




 The doors to his room were thrown open announcing the only person who favoured grand entrances, Baekhyun threw himself onto Kyungsoo bed knowing Kyungsoo was probably sitting in his usual spot by the window. His ceremonial robes twisted underneath him as he wiggled his way across the vast bed.

“I had a nightmare,” he mumbled, “I dreamt of Feral Weres, I swear I could hear them howl-“ Baekhyun trailed off as he lifted his head. Kyungsoo waited for him to speak up self-consciously playing with the ends of his hair by his nape, Baekhyun stared at the crown mouth parted in surprise,

“It is beautiful,” he finally gushed, he got to his feet moving closer to admire it, “your sister-in-law will be green with envy,” he commented teasingly after a thought earning a wavering smile from the nervous Kyungsoo.

“Is it not too much?” he asked still unsure, “I want to wear it for the ceremony, but I fear it is too magnificent for me-“

“It is perfect, Kyungsoo,” Baekhyun reassured gently combing fingers through the other’s fringe, “wear it with pride,” his best friend’s voice was filled with unmasked emotion, he took a step back to look at Kyungsoo properly. His eyes were suspiciously shiny as he studied the prince.

“You-“ Baekhyun paused, “You know I’m here for you right, Kyungsoo? Anything you need, anything you want, all you have to do is ask, you know that right?” Kyungsoo nodded slightly tearing, this week had been an emotional one. He already had this conversation with his father and Seungsoo, both who had embarrassingly shed ‘manly’ tears. He did not think the proud Baekhyun would succumb to it as well, the elder pulled Kyungsoo’s into a tight embrace sighing unhappily,

“How many more hugs can I steal of you before you get married?” he asked sadly, Kyungsoo smiled,

“Do not be foolish, we can still hug after I get married,” Kyungsoo said, he felt Baekhyun grin

“Can I still sleep with you?” was the cheeky follow up,

“This wasn’t what I imagined to come back to,” a dark voice interrupted, the two sprang apart more in shock than with guilt. A tired Yifan stood in the doorway glaring at Baekhyun, Tao chuckled amused as the lord shuffled sideways to stand behind Kyungsoo. His tactic to throw Yifan off worked as the two royals locked eyes on each other, Yifan cleared his throat,

“My parents have arrived,” he announced, “everyone is waiting for you in the dining hall,” he turned about to leave, “you look lovely today,” he added quickly before leaving with a chortling Tao. Kyungsoo’s smile grew, Baekhyun scoffed,

“You look lovely everyday,” he claimed not wanting to lose out to Yifan,

“As do you, Baekhyun,” Kyungsoo said laughing as Baekhyun preened at the compliment. He sobered up quickly, the butterflies, as Yixing referred to them returned. Baekhyun grabbed his hand, forcing Kyungsoo to look at him.

“Come on, the kingdom demands the appearance of their prince,” he said, they left the room walking to the hall slowly in silence. Baekhyun stopped in front of the doors leading to the hall, he released Kyungsoo smiling fondly at the panicked look the other suddenly supported at the loss of comfort from Baekhyun.

“I think,” Baekhyun began, “you should enter with someone else,” he looked at a point behind Kyungsoo,

“Someone else?” Kyungsoo looked over his shoulder catching sight of the quickly approaching Yifan, he had changed his attire and was wearing his Kingdom’s signature dark colour, the royal crest laying proudly across his chest. Like Kyungsoo, he too wore a crown one Kyungsoo knew by the slight glint it had, had probably been a present from his estranged brother. He held his arm out wordlessly, Kyungsoo took it feeling immensely relieved when the butterflies vanished.  

“Shall we?” Yifan asked as Baekhyun slipped into the room before them. Kyungsoo nodded as their presence was announced silencing the noisy hall, the doors opened and Kyungsoo smiled widely mood lifted as the two took a step forward together.

A//N: Kinda Short-ish update for all my lovely readers <3<3<3 Deligently working on the next chapter :D

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esther_noyel #1
Chapter 16: I want this
love_fic_kush #2
Chapter 16: Please authornim give us more krisooo~~
Chapter 16: Tq for the update... sweet krisoo is the best
diyozzi #4
Chapter 16: ❤❤❤
sugarystatic #5
THIS FIC IS ALIVE!!! Welcome back--how I've missed you so ^_________^ love how affectionate and sensitive krisoo are with each other even after marriage <3
Chapter 16: Ohhhhhh!!! How I long for this!!
yumgums #7
Chapter 16: ooooooh update!!!! I love the affection that's starting to develop between kyungsoo and yifan. Makes me feel all warm and giddy. ❤❤❤
Chapter 16: omg yessssss more lovey dovey actions! ♥
Chapter 16: Hi!!!!!!!! Omg you make me so happy!
More krisoo pls.YAY!!! Good story.pls update