
Forbidden Fruit

"Pick one." Baekhyun said, staring at you

"No." You said, shaking your head

"Why not!?" Baekhyun asked, pouting

"I don't need one and it's too big." You said, glaring

"Do it for me?" Baekhyun asked, blinking his eyes

"Oppa, don't do this. You've already spent so much money on me. I don't need a piano." You said, shaking your head

You looked at the store in front of you, the glistening pianos that were on sale. You could tell Baekhyun wanted to buy you one, desperate to make you happy. You felt tears prick your eyes as you stared at your hands, covering them up.

"Why not!? I got paid this week!" Baekhyun argued, stomping his feet

"I won't get it." You said, shaking your head

"Fine, what do you want then?" Baekhyun asked, glaring at you


"Ice cream." You said, smiling

"Is that it?" Baekhyun asked, wide eyed

"Yeah." You said, nodding your head

"Fine, let's go." Baekhyun said, shaking his head

"Oppa, give me your hand." You said, smiling

Baekhyun turned to look at you, wide eyed as he held it out. You carefully pulled something out of your bag and held it out. Baekhyun grabbed the rolled up paper and stared at the bow holding it together.

"What is this?" Baekhyun asked, looking at you

"A present. You won't let me work so I couldn't buy you anything." You said, smiling

"Really?" Baekhyun asked, wide eyed

You watched as he unrolled the paper, smiling up at you. You took out a small mp3 player and handed it to him, a wide smile on your face.

"It's not done yet. I still have to edit it." You said, looking down

"When it's done, I want you to play it for me. I always knew you would be an amazing composer." Baekhyun said, hugging you

"I will. I promise." You said, smiling

You stared at your doctor, your mouth shut. You watched as she began to take down notes, waiting for you to speak. You glanced at the clock on her desk, time moving slowly.

'24 minutes left.'

You closed your eyes and pretended to fall asleep, hoping that she wouldn't ask any questions. Your eyes flew open as you heard her say something, her voice soft.

"Is Baekhyun waiting for you outside?" She asked, smiling softly

"Why?" You asked, wide eyed

"Just making sure." She said, looking down

"What do you want to ask?" You said, frowning

"Why haven't you told him? About your past?" She asked, looking at you

"Why should I?" You asked, looking away

"Why won't you tell him? Are you scared?" She asked, writing something down

"Yeah, I am." You said, nodding your head

"Why?" She asks

"Because then he'll leave. He'll walk away from me." You said, tears falling

"Why? What did you do that's so wrong?" She asked, looking at you

"I love him. That's what's so wrong." You said, sobbing

"Why? He doesn't love you?" She asked, handing you tissues

"No. Not even after 6 years. I couldn't take it anymore." You said, wiping away your tears

"What do you mean?" She asked, confused

"I tried to kill myself, you know that. Even after my parents abandoned me, even after they threw me away like an old pair of shoes, even after all the bullying and torture I went through, I never once contemplated suicide. But when I saw the look in his eyes, the way he just stared at me, I couldn't handle it anymore." You said, closing your eyes

"What did you do? How?" She asked, writing down notes

"I left him once. I wanted to see how it would be like to leave his sight. To make it on my own, to see how my life would have been without him. It hurt....so much." You said, tears falling

"And?" She asked

"I tried to kill myself. I stared at the water, I was still holding onto the bridge when I stopped. That was the first time." You said, looking at her

"There was more than one time?" She asked, wide eyed

"3 times actually." You said, looking at her

"Jumping off a bridge, cutting your wrists. What's the third one?" She asked, looking at her notes

"Hanging." You said, showing your neck

You closed your eyes as she examined the scar, watching as you touched it. You remembered how it happened, when the rope was cut. You stared at yourself in the mirror, noticing the gashes around your neck.

"Is that it?" She asked, looking at you

"Yeah. Oppa only knows about the wrist one." You said, looking down

"Then what does he think of your neck?" She asked, wide eyed

"That I got it from when I was bullied." You explained

"Do you feel like this now?" She asked

"No, I feel better. But there are moments when I do feel a bit sad. I don't hurt myself anymore, don't worry." You said, smiling

"Why? What's making you feel better?" She asked, smiling

"Do you know about love? How it feels? Because, if you could love someone, and keep loving them, without being loved back . . . then that love had to be real. It hurts too much to be anything else.” You said, looking down

"Will you ever love anyone else?" She asked, looking at you

"I don't know. Sometimes I hope I do but sometimes I don't. I want to be with him, forever if I can." You said, smiling softly

'1 minute left'

"This was good. You did better today than last time." She said, standing up

You looked at her without saying a word. You quickly bowed before walking away. She wordlessly handed you a slip of paper and you walked towards the door.

As you walked out of the door, you watched as Baekhyun got up. You looked at him blankly, bowing before you walked away. Baekhyun and Chanyeol followed after you, watching as you walked ahead. You left the paper at the pharmacy, waiting to get your medication. You headed back towards Baekhyun and Chanyeol, staring at them before you headed out the door.

"What is she doing?" Chanyeol whispered, staring at you

"She needs time to get back to herself. Don't worry." Baekhyun whispered

You walked towards the bus stop, staring blankly ahead. You felt Baekhyun wrap his hand into yours, holding onto you. You glanced up at him, your eyes expressionless as he smiled at you.

"The club?" Baekhyun asked, looking at you

"Yeah." You said, nodding your head

You waited as Chanyeol got onto the bus, saving you a seat. You sat down and turned your eyes to the window, watching the city go by. You looked up to see Chanyeol and Baekhyun whispering, their voices soft and hushed.

"I'm fine." You said, looking at them

"Yeah, we know." Baekhyun said, smiling

"I'll buy you something to eat." Chanyeol said

You closed your eyes and nodded. After several minutes, you felt someone pull you up. You quickly followed after Baekhyun, watching as he led you towards the club.

"I'll get us something to eat." Chanyeol said, smiling

"No, I will. I know what she wants." Baekhyun said

You waved at Baekhyun as he ran out the door. You got up on stage and stared at the piano, waiting for Chanyeol to leave. Chanyeol looked up at you, noticing your expression and walked away, nodding his head.

You glanced back down and you began to play, your fingers moving expertly over the piano. Your hands fluttered over the keys, a sweet yet sad song beginning to form. You closed your eyes and you began to sing softly to yourself.

Let me love you just for one more day – this is the lie I say again
But when I see you, I forget about it as I give you a smile
And I fall in love with you again

Let me forget you just for one day – these are words I can’t keep
If I don’t see you, I’ll hurt again, I’ll cry
But I still promise myself
I’m between heaven and hell because of you

You looked up to see Chanyeol staring at you, his eyes wide. You stared back at him, wiping away your tears before you stood up. You glared at him, not speaking as you grabbed your bag.

"You.........wow." Chanyeol said, his mouth agape

"Keep it a secret." You said before running away

A/N: . Sorry if this seems a bit small but I wanted to make a small update since I know someone (looking at you Becky-ah) would have wanted me to update. I know it seems like I'm dragging but I feel it would be helpful to know more about Na Ri. Hopefully next update, there will be more Baekhyun and Chanyeol action (not that kind). Please leave a comment and let me know what you think. Also, comment if you have any questions or concerns. Sorry for the long note, goodbye my dearies and please read my other fics------> Here :D

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I just wanted to say thanks again to all my subscribers and readers for staying with me until the end. Its sad to see this story end but it was worth it.


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Chapter 28: My eyes are RAW!!! I cried so much for them all but I’m so happy with this ending
Chapter 19: Idk but i feel bad for baek
Chapter 13: Just tell him that you love him!!!! Oh god
Chapter 28: I cried at the last chapter. It was a good story
Chapter 28: Awww this story is so sweet and its heartbreaking.finally they are back togather i thought they will never find each other*cries* in the end i finally let my emotion out.
Great story authornim!! I am not a fan of angst stories.....but I loved this one!! keep writing lot!!
baeklee #7
Chapter 28: So let me tell you a story. "I found this story late night so that's why I thought to myself that maybe I can just finish it the next day. But then I was wrong. I was sooo wrong!!! Ghad! Your story just HIT me! Damn it! Best story I've ever read! You know, Eversince I really really liked reading A- Baekhyun- Fan-Fiction, yeah I've read some that I admit are really great but yourssss was my FAVORITE! I love it! I so so love it! So in the end, I slept at 2:26 in the morning. The end" hahaha Congratulations author- nim! You are great and awesome please don't get tired of making wonderful stories and please don't get tired of sharing wise words. I love it! I love you! Thank you author-nim! Kamsahamnida!!!!!! ^_^ <3 <3 <3
Chapter 28: This fanfic just hit me. It was beautiful. Definitely on my favorite list now.
Chapter 28: This was so amazing. I thought it would be a bit cliche from the foreward, but it was so good. This was the first time in a long time that a fanfic made tear up. Can't wait to read your other stories! I hope you get published someday :)