
Forbidden Fruit

Baekhyun stared at his hands, the blood running down his arm. He laid back down on his back, his eyes dazed as he began to chuckle. He turned to look at the picture frame besides his bed, a picture of his parents smiling up at him.

Baekhyun grabbed it and threw it against the wall, the glass shards scattered over the floor. He held his head in his hands, his sobs rocking his entire body.

'17 years old and abandoned. Pathetic, isn't it?'

He looked up to see the blood from his wrists staining his clothes, leaving an imprint of his past. Baekhyun ripped his shirt off and threw is across the room, his body cold and shaking.

"Save me. Please." Baekhyun whispered, tears falling

Baekhyun laid back down on his bed, feeling the blood run down his hand and down his fingers, drops slowly falling onto the ground. He closed his eyes and cried, the memories flooding back.


'An abusive and alcoholic father'

'A mother who turned her back'

'Slaps, punches and kicks'

'A boy of only 10 years old'

'Begging for mercy'

Baekhyun stood up and ran out of his apartment, his ghosts following after him, the screams and hits embedded into his mind. He stood at the nearby park, completely empty and abandoned. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, his voice shaking as he began to sing.

"Baby don't cry. Don't cry. For my love will protect you." Baekhyun whispered

You sat up in bed, your phone ringing. You quickly grabbed it and rubbed your eyes, yawning as you answered the phone. You stood up and stretched, your eyes flying open when you heard his voice.

"Gongju-ah!" Chanyeol yelled, his voice excited

"Oppa?" You asked, confused

"Yeah, are you feeling okay?" Chanyeol asked, his voice soft

"I'm fine. Why?" You asked, blinking

"Nothing, I was just worried since you never responded to my texts." Chanyeol answered, sighing

"But did you call me Gongju-ah?" You asked, wide eyed

"Because that's your new nickname." Chanyeol answered, laughing

'Nickname. Your new nickname.'

"I don't need one." You answered, tears in your eyes

"Well too bad, I want to call you that." Chanyeol answered, chuckling

"Baekhyun oppa? Is he fine?" You asked, changing the subject

"I don't know. I found him drinking last night." Chanyeol answered, sighing

"Drinking!? Where!?" You screamed, tears falling

"At the club. Why? Is something wrong?" Chanyeol asked, worried

You ended the call and grabbed your sweater before you headed towards the door. You slipped into your shoes before you ran down the street and into Baekhyun's apartment. You began to pound on the door, tears falling.

"Oppa! Oppa!" You screamed, pounding even harder

You grabbed the mat from the floor and took out the extra key. You opened the door and ran to Baekhyun's room, seeing him lying on the bed. You ran towards him and grabbed him, shaking him awake.

"Aish, what?" Baekhyun snapped, squinting his eyes

"Oppa!" You sobbed, wiping away your tears

"Go away." Baekhyun said, looking away

"Why did you drink!? You know what happens!" You said, grabbing his hand

"I KNOW WHAT HAPPENS! GET OUT!" Baekhyun snapped, pushing you away

"Did you hurt yourself?" You asked, staring at his hands

"No, and you don't have to worry about me anymore. Just go away. I'm not in the mood right now." Baekhyun roared, pushing you away

You stared at Baekhyun before walking away. You headed out the door and closed it, falling to the ground. You wiped away your tears before you stood back up. You headed back home, ignoring the tears that kept on falling.

"Gongju-ah!" Chanyeol yelled, running over to you

"Oppa!" You called out, smiling

You quickly wiped away your tears and turned towards Chanyeol. He pulled you into his arms and hugged you, his arms wrapped around you. You hesitated for a bit before you did the same, leaning onto him.

"How are you doing?" Chanyeol asked, looking at you

"Better. Just a bit hungry." You said, pouting

"Should we get something to eat? What about Baekhyun?" Chanyeol asked, looking at the apartment

"He's not feeling okay. Let's just go by ourselves." You said, shrugging

"Okay." Chanyeol said, pulling you along

You looked down to see Chanyeol grab your hand, his skin soft. You took a deep breath and entwined your fingers with him, leaning closer. Chanyeol looked down and kissed you lightly on the head, a soft smile on his face.

"This is nice." Chanyeol said, chuckling

"Is it?" You asked, not looking up at him

"Yeah, it feels so natural." Chanyeol said, nodding his head

'No. It wasn't'

"It does, doesn't it?" You asked, laughing

"So where do you want to go?" Chanyeol asked, looking down at you

"Wherever you want!" You said, smiling

"Okay, that's good. I know this amazing restaurant that you might like." Chanyeol said, walking faster

You followed after Chanyeol, a soft smile on your face as you listened to him, the way his eyes seemed to sparkle everytime he laughed. You would chuckle as he stopped every once in a while to smack his hands together, his reactions priceless.

'Maybe this was better. It should be easier now. By why isn't it?'

You and Chanyeol arrived at the small restaurant and sat down. You waited for the order to arrive before you ate. Once lunch was over, you and Chanyeol walked out. You leaned against Chanyeol as you walked home, his touch a bit more familiar.

"Hold on." Chanyeol said, stopping

"What is it?" You asked, confused

"You have something on your lips." Chanyeol said, staring at them

You quickly wiped your lips vigourously, making sure to get every inch of your lips and chin. Chanyeol stared wide eyed before he chuckled, leaning closer. You stared wide eyed as Chanyeol kissed you lightly on the forehead.

"I guess you caught me." Chanyeol whispered before pulling you along

A/N: So I have decided to update this one because I had a small idea come across my teeny tiny brain. I might update this one all night but it depends if my sleepiness doesn't conquer me. Hmmmmm........will it or will it not.

Don't forget to leave a comment and VOTE UP! Like I said, your comments make my day and also give me a bit of encouragement as well. Yay! :D

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I just wanted to say thanks again to all my subscribers and readers for staying with me until the end. Its sad to see this story end but it was worth it.


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Chapter 28: My eyes are RAW!!! I cried so much for them all but I’m so happy with this ending
Chapter 19: Idk but i feel bad for baek
Chapter 13: Just tell him that you love him!!!! Oh god
Chapter 28: I cried at the last chapter. It was a good story
Chapter 28: Awww this story is so sweet and its heartbreaking.finally they are back togather i thought they will never find each other*cries* in the end i finally let my emotion out.
Great story authornim!! I am not a fan of angst stories.....but I loved this one!! keep writing lot!!
baeklee #7
Chapter 28: So let me tell you a story. "I found this story late night so that's why I thought to myself that maybe I can just finish it the next day. But then I was wrong. I was sooo wrong!!! Ghad! Your story just HIT me! Damn it! Best story I've ever read! You know, Eversince I really really liked reading A- Baekhyun- Fan-Fiction, yeah I've read some that I admit are really great but yourssss was my FAVORITE! I love it! I so so love it! So in the end, I slept at 2:26 in the morning. The end" hahaha Congratulations author- nim! You are great and awesome please don't get tired of making wonderful stories and please don't get tired of sharing wise words. I love it! I love you! Thank you author-nim! Kamsahamnida!!!!!! ^_^ <3 <3 <3
Chapter 28: This fanfic just hit me. It was beautiful. Definitely on my favorite list now.
Chapter 28: This was so amazing. I thought it would be a bit cliche from the foreward, but it was so good. This was the first time in a long time that a fanfic made tear up. Can't wait to read your other stories! I hope you get published someday :)