A Favor

Forbidden Fruit

'What if he leaves?'

'What if leaves from my sight?'

'All these years together. What will happen to them?'

'Will they become useless memories?'


'Will they haunt me for the rest of my life?'

'Does he love me?'

'Will he ever?'

'Will I be able to stop?'

'Will it have been worth it?'

'All these years? Will they have been worth it?'

'Yes. They would have.'

'I would rather have just one moment with him, even if he leaves. As long as I get to see him one last time. As long as I got to see his face one last time. As long as I hear his voice one last time.'

'Oppa. Baekhyun. Don't go. Let me leave first.'

Baekhyun walked out the door, his heart breaking as he heard your screams. He stopped for a second, fighting his instinct to run back. Fighting the instinct to care for you.

He had hurt you. He knew that. He wanted that to happen.

Baekhyun couldn't stand the thought of watching you destroy yourself, of waiting for him. He loved you, he did. But........the past was too much for him.

He walked out of the apartment and walked towards the club, his phone ringing in his hand. He turned it off, wiping away his tears as he began to run.

It was his fault. He knew that. He was the one who made you like this, the one who would tease you and make your heart flutter. Baekhyun hated himself, hated the fact that he made you cry over him.

This was his punishment. Letting you go.

Letting you be with Chanyeol.

Giving up his chance for you.

A way for you to be happy. His last gift for you.

Baekhyun looked up and walked into the club, knowing who was inside. He stared at Chanyeol, watching as he tuned his guitar, his fingers plucking the strings. Baekhyun smiled softly, his heart fluttering at the sight of him.

"Oh! What are you doing here?" Chanyeol asked, looking up

"I have to do something." Baekhyun said, sighing

"What is it?" Chanyeol asked, confused

"I'm leaving." Baekhyun said, his voice soft

"Where?" Chanyeol asked, wide eyed

"Somewhere far away. I just needed to say something." Baekhyun said, blinking back his tears

"What is it?" Chanyeol asked, smiling

Baekhyun stared at Chanyeol, the way his eyes shined. The way his laugh could make his stomach twist and turn. The way one look from him could make him shiver, his smile breathtakingly beautiful.

"I love you." Baekhyun said, smiling softly

"Huh? What?" Chanyeol asked, wide eyed

"Take care of Na Ri." Baekhyun said, turning around

"I' will. I promise." Chanyeol said, his voice sfot

"I know." Baekhyun said, walking away

"You're hurting her." Chanyeol called out

"You can fix that." Baekhyun said, not looking back

Baekhyun dumped his phone into the garbage, before running away. He wiped away his tears as he ran, his mind racing, his heart breaking. Baekhyun never looked back, not once.

"Gongju-ah? Are you here?" Chanyeol called out, opening the door

Chanyeol saw you lying down on the floor, his eyes soft and full of pain. He grabbed you and carried you, his arms secure around your body. Chanyeol carried you to the bed, wiping away the tears that streamed down your face. He laid down besides you and held you, watching as you sobbed into his chest.

"He left." You whispered, shaking

"I know." Chanyeol whispered

"Why? Why?" You asked, sobbing

Chanyeol watched as you closed your eyes, the shock and exhaustion forcing you to fall asleep. He leaned closer and rested his head on yours, his voice soft and gentle.

Don’t hesitate another minute please take away my heart
Yes, the sharper the better, the night that even the moon has closed her eyes
If it were any other man, if it were a single verse taken from a comedy
Burn all the scars you’ve exchanged for that love

Baby don’t cry tonight after the darkness passes
Baby don’t cry tonight it’ll become as if it never happened
You’re not the one to disappear into foam, something you never should’ve known
So Baby don’t cry cry my love will protect you

A/N: Well...................I don't know what to say. Should I continue updating? Or not? I'm not sure. I feel like such a bad author. I'm lost and confused. Did I rush it? Should it have gone slower? What now? Leave a comment and well.......just express yourself. I'm dying to know what you think. After all, the tears I shed writing should be worth something :/
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I just wanted to say thanks again to all my subscribers and readers for staying with me until the end. Its sad to see this story end but it was worth it.


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Chapter 28: My eyes are RAW!!! I cried so much for them all but I’m so happy with this ending
Chapter 19: Idk but i feel bad for baek
Chapter 13: Just tell him that you love him!!!! Oh god
Chapter 28: I cried at the last chapter. It was a good story
Chapter 28: Awww this story is so sweet and its heartbreaking.finally they are back togather i thought they will never find each other*cries* in the end i finally let my emotion out.
Great story authornim!! I am not a fan of angst stories.....but I loved this one!! keep writing lot!!
baeklee #7
Chapter 28: So let me tell you a story. "I found this story late night so that's why I thought to myself that maybe I can just finish it the next day. But then I was wrong. I was sooo wrong!!! Ghad! Your story just HIT me! Damn it! Best story I've ever read! You know, Eversince I really really liked reading A- Baekhyun- Fan-Fiction, yeah I've read some that I admit are really great but yourssss was my FAVORITE! I love it! I so so love it! So in the end, I slept at 2:26 in the morning. The end" hahaha Congratulations author- nim! You are great and awesome please don't get tired of making wonderful stories and please don't get tired of sharing wise words. I love it! I love you! Thank you author-nim! Kamsahamnida!!!!!! ^_^ <3 <3 <3
Chapter 28: This fanfic just hit me. It was beautiful. Definitely on my favorite list now.
Chapter 28: This was so amazing. I thought it would be a bit cliche from the foreward, but it was so good. This was the first time in a long time that a fanfic made tear up. Can't wait to read your other stories! I hope you get published someday :)