
Forbidden Fruit

"Do you like it?" Chanyeol asked, looking at you

You stared at the small house that was by the beach, broken down and barely livable. You stepped inside and examined it, noticing the small drawings on the walls, the unfamiliar scent of home.

"We can always fix it. Or we can go somewhere else." Chanyeol said, stepping besides you

"No, I like it." You said, smiling

"Really? Are you sure?" Chanyeol asked, worried

"Yeah, it's the same." You said, smiling

"Same? How?" Chanyeol asked, confused

"It's broken down like me but it can be fixed. It will be fixed." You said, turning to look at Chanyeol

"A place to finally call home. That's all we want." Chanyeol said, nodding his head

"Will you stay?" You asked, looking at Chanyeol

"I made a promise. Remember........until I can let go." Chanyeol said, smiling

You nodded your head and went towards the window, throwing open the curtains. You stared at the beach, the way the waves made a soothing sound. The way your heart was finally at rest.

You were happy for once.

Even if he had left your side.

You were happy.

You were happy.

One Year Later

"Five, six, seven, eight." You said, turning around

You stared at the classroom, a wide smile on your face as you listened to the music being played. You began to walk down the rows, helping your students adjust their positions, their fingers fluttering over the keys.

You were now a music teacher at an elementary school. You had a new life, new friends and a new home. You had packed up and left towards Busan, hoping to start a new life.

"Alright, remember that you have to read the notes while you play. I know it's hard but it take some practice." You called out, heading to the front of the room

You sat down at your own piano and began to play, singing along with the other students. You closed your eyes and smiled, the music soothing you, the music helping you move on.


Your eyes were still closed as you kept on playing, ignoring the background sounds. You screamed when you felt someone grab you from behind and pull you up. You turned around to see Chanyeol's wide smile.

"Na Ri!" Chanyeol said, pouting

"Oppa! What are you doing here!?" You asked, blushing

"I needed to talk to you. I got permission from Mrs. Kim." Chanyeol said, jumping up and down

"But I have class." You said, frowning

"Just come. Like I said, I got permission. We'll be back!" Chanyeol said, pulling you away

"Fine." You said, rolling your eyes

Chanyeol pulled you towards the playground, forcing you to sit down. You stared wide eyed as Chanyeol got down on one knee, looking up at you. You stared in shock as he smiled at you, his eyes shining.

"I have to tie my shoelaces." Chanyeol said, looking down

"Oppa!" You screamed, laughing

"What?" Chanyeol asked, looking up at you confused

"Nothing. I just thought of something else." You said, shaking your head

"Na Ri, you're being really rude with me. Remember our promise." Chanyeol said, frowning

"To tell each other everything." You said, nodding your head

"Well what is it? Why were you laughing?" Chanyeol asked, wide eyed

"Your new haircut. It doesn't suit you." You said, pulling Chanyeol's ears

Chanyeol smacked your hand as he sat down besides you, holding his ears. Chanyeol had cut his hair and dyed it black, his eyes and ears bigger than normal. He looked different. He looked more mature and happy. Just like you.

"What is it?" You asked, curious

"I don't know how to start." Chanyeol said, looking down

"What? Did something happen?" You asked, worried

"I'm going back to Seoul." Chanyeol blurted out, looking up at you

"Seoul? You're leaving?" You asked, wide eyed

"Yeah, I was scouted with my other friends. You know, Kris and Suho. We're going to be trainee's." Chanyeol said, awkwardly smiling

"That's great! You always wanted to be in the music industry." You said, blinking back tears

"I'm leaving tomorrow. I didn't have enough time to pack but I wanted to let you know." Chanyeol said, looking away

"You don't have to keep your promise." You said, knowing what he was thinking

"I still am. Even if it's from far away." Chanyeol said, looking at you

"Really? As long as you're happy." You said, smiling

"I'm ready. I'm ready to let go." Chanyeol said, sighing as he looked up at the sky

"I'm ready to let go too." You said, looking up as well

"We're adults now. There's no use in getting angry about the past. We just have to move forward. Life can be unfair you know." Chanyeol said, smiling softly

"Will we see each other ever again?" You asked, turning to look at Chanyeol

"I can come visit. You can visit me." Chanyeol said, nodding his head

"You and I will meet again. When we least expect it, you will walk past me and I'll remember your face. And you'll remember mine." You said, tears falling

"Funny isn't it? Saying goodbye. I guess we held on to each other too long." Chanyeol said, chuckling

"Will you stay with me till the end? Even when you become famous, will you remember your Gongju-ah?" You asked, laughing

"Of course. How will I be able to forget about my Na Ri?" Chanyeol asked, hugging you

"I'm sorry I didn't make you happy. But you did. You made me happy." You said, tears still falling

"I was happy. I am happy. I got to spend my time with you. You became happy. That's all the matters." Chanyeol said, resting his head against yours

"What now? How do we say goodbye?" You asked, looking up

"We're not. We're just waiting for when we have to say 'hello' again." Chanyeol said, smiling

"Then I'll wait for you. To say 'hello' again." You said, chuckling

"Thank you for everything. I can be happy with the memories we made together. I can be happy knowing that I was able to help you. But if there is such a thing as a next life, can you do me a favor?" Chanyeol asked, looking down at you

"What? What kind of favor?" You asked, smiling

"Will you marry me then?" Chanyeol asked, his eyes soft

"I promise." You said, nodding your head

Chanyeol leaned down and kissed you softly on the forehead before standing up. He smiled and waved at you as he walked away, his figure growing more and more distant. You waved goodbye, your heart aching as your best friend left.

You quickly wiped away your tears as you headed back inside, towards your classroom. School soon ended and you stayed behind, organizing the intruments and music sheets. You looked down when your phone rang.

From: Channie

To: Gongju-ah

'I left a small present behind. My last gift. My promise. Turn around.'

You stared at your phone, completely in shock and confusion. You began to call Chanyeol when he rejected your call. You looked up when you heard someone knock on your door.

"Ri?" His voice called out, soft and sweet

Your heart stopped and tears filled your eyes. You turned around to stare at him, gasping in shock. Your eyes locked onto his, his gentle chocolate brown eyes soft and gentle.

But there was something else.

Something that made your heart race.

Something that made your lips smile.


"Song Na Ri. That's a pretty name." He whispered, his voice deep and soft

"Thank you." You whispered back, avoiding his gaze

"Don't worry. I'll protect you." He said, a smile on his face

You turned to look at him, your eyes wide as you stared at his face. He kept smiling at you, his eyes small on his face. He reached out to grab your hand, making you shiver from his contact.

"I'll make sure nothing happens." He said, smiling

"Why?" You asked, confused

"Because, you know my secret. It's only a matter of time before I find out yours." He said, chuckling

'My secret? What could that be?' You wondered

You looked back at Baekhyun and gazed at his face, the soft skin, the pink lips. You felt your heart pound again, the nerves beneath your skin tingling.

My secret? I guess I have one now.

Byun Baekhyun.

He will be my secret.

My first and last love.

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I just wanted to say thanks again to all my subscribers and readers for staying with me until the end. Its sad to see this story end but it was worth it.


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Chapter 28: My eyes are RAW!!! I cried so much for them all but I’m so happy with this ending
Chapter 19: Idk but i feel bad for baek
Chapter 13: Just tell him that you love him!!!! Oh god
Chapter 28: I cried at the last chapter. It was a good story
Chapter 28: Awww this story is so sweet and its heartbreaking.finally they are back togather i thought they will never find each other*cries* in the end i finally let my emotion out.
Great story authornim!! I am not a fan of angst stories.....but I loved this one!! keep writing lot!!
baeklee #7
Chapter 28: So let me tell you a story. "I found this story late night so that's why I thought to myself that maybe I can just finish it the next day. But then I was wrong. I was sooo wrong!!! Ghad! Your story just HIT me! Damn it! Best story I've ever read! You know, Eversince I really really liked reading A- Baekhyun- Fan-Fiction, yeah I've read some that I admit are really great but yourssss was my FAVORITE! I love it! I so so love it! So in the end, I slept at 2:26 in the morning. The end" hahaha Congratulations author- nim! You are great and awesome please don't get tired of making wonderful stories and please don't get tired of sharing wise words. I love it! I love you! Thank you author-nim! Kamsahamnida!!!!!! ^_^ <3 <3 <3
Chapter 28: This fanfic just hit me. It was beautiful. Definitely on my favorite list now.
Chapter 28: This was so amazing. I thought it would be a bit cliche from the foreward, but it was so good. This was the first time in a long time that a fanfic made tear up. Can't wait to read your other stories! I hope you get published someday :)