
Forbidden Fruit

"Na Ri! How's your vacation going so far!?" Baekhyun asked, his voice loud on the phone

You smiled softly as you stared at the ceiling of your apartment. You slipped deeper into your covers as you closed your eyes, your body slowly giving up.

"It's fun. The air is really fresh." You said, knowing you had to lie

"Really? That's good. I can't wait to see you." Baekhyun said

"Really? It's not a lie?" You asked, wishing it was

"Yeah, it's been almost a week since I last saw you. I miss you!" Baekhyun said, his voice soft

"I miss you too." You said, tears falling

"Are you okay? You don't sound so good." Baekhyun asked, his voice worried

"I'm fine. It's just that I've been walking around all day." You said

"That's good! You need to walk to feel better." Baekhyun said, agreeing

"Oppa, what have you been doing?" You asked, wiping away your tears

"Just some vocal training and singing at the club. The same things everyday." Baekhyun answered, sighing

"That's nice. It seems that you're doing well without me." You said, half joking

"Of course! I can live without you." Baekhyun said, laughing

"Can you? Is that possible?" You asked, your tone serious

"Yeah, it would be better since I don't have to take care of you all the time." Baekhyun said, joking

"Oh, that's true. Oppa, I have to go now. I'm a bit tired." You said, muffling your sobs

You hung up your phone and stood up, grabbing your jacket. You headed towards your desk and pulled out an envelope and a sheet of paper. You stuffed it into your pocket once you were done writing. You headed towards your door and slipped on your shoes.

After several minutes, you arrived by the Han river. You began to walk around, tears falling as you headed towards the bridge. You stared at the water, your eyes glassy and blank. You slipped off your shoes and took out the envelope, stuffing it into them. You climbed the bridge and stared, mustering up the courage.

"Please, give me the strength to jump." You murmured, wiping away the tears from your eyes

You set out your foot, taking a deep breath before you let your fingers slide off the pole, waiting to fall. Your eyes flew open as your phone rang. You pulled it out and stared, sobs escaping your throat as you stared at the message.

'I was just joking! I can't imagine my life without you. Forgive Oppa?'

"How is she?" Chanyeol asked, looking at Baekhyun

"She just fell asleep." Baekhyun said, running his hand through his hair

"Will she be alright?" Chanyeol asked, worried

"I don't know. She's never acted this way before." Baekhyun said, sighing

"Really? This is the first time?" Chanyeol asked, wide eyed

"Yeah, usually whenever she gets depressed, she shuts me out. It never lasts more than a few hours." Baekhyun said, shrugging

"Has she taken her medication?" Chanyeol asked, confused

"I hope so. She always does. Something must have happened for her to act this way." Baekhyun answered, nodding his head

"Do you want some coffee?" Chanyeol asked, standing up

"Yeah, if you don't mind." Baekhyun said, nodding his head

Chanyeol stood up and headed towards the cafeteria of the hospital. He quickly bought some coffee and headed back upstairs, towards your room. Chanyeol stood still by the door, noticing Baekhyun by your bedside.

"......You were always pretty, you knew that. I always wondered why you hated that. Did someone hurt you? Did I hurt you? Why do you lie to me? Why do you pretend to be happy?"

Baekhyun laid his head down on your bed, your hand in his. Chanyeol stepped inside and set the coffee down, his heart racing and a pang in his stomach. He stared at Baekhyun, a wave of jealousy hitting him.

'He knows more about her that I can possibly imagine. How long will I have to wait to understand her?'

"Oh! You're back." Baekhyun said, sitting up

"Yeah, I didn't want to bother you." Chanyeol said, standing up

"No, it's fine. I guess I'm just a bit tired." Baekhyun answered, standing up

"I brought you your coffee." Chanyeol said, holding it out

"Thanks." Baekhyun said, grabbing it

"How are you feeling?" Chanyeol asked, looking at him

"Horrible. I should have seen this coming." Baekhyun answered, tears in his eyes

"It's not your fault." Chanyeol said, sitting next to Baekhyun

"It is! After 6 years together, I should know about these things before they happen. I've become too distracted to notice her anymore." Baekhyun said, resting his head in his hands

"It's fine. You have things to do. It's not your fault." Chanyeol said, wrapping his arm around Baekhyun's shoulder

Baekhyun looked up and stared at Chanyeol, looking into his eyes. He smiled softly as he saw Chanyeol's worried expression, the way his eyes made him believe his words.

'Why can't time just stop now?'

"You think so?" Baekhyun asked, staring at Chanyeol

"I know. I know you like the back of my hand." Chanyeol said, smiling

"Thank you.......for believing in me." Baekhyun said, smiling

"You should get some rest. You look worn out." Chanyeol said, patting Baekhyun

"I could close my eyes for a few minutes." Baekhyun said, closing his eyes

"I'll wake you up if something happens." Chanyeol whispered, squeezing Baekhyun's hand

He stood up and walked towards your bed, watching you sleep. Chanyeol sat down and stared at you, slipping his hands into yours. He brushed back your hair before opening his mouth.

"I might not be a good singer but I can try." Chanyeol whispered, his deep voice soft

Youre perfect to me, I imagined
How would it be if we were together?
If only you say okay, everything is perfect, oh baby

I lost my mind, the moment I saw you
Except you, everything get in slow montion
Tell me, if this is love
Sharing and learning countless emotions everyday with you
Fighting, crying and hugging
Tell me, if this is love

"Oppa?" You whispered, your eyes fluttering open

"It's me." Chanyeol whispered, tracing your face

"Where am I?" You asked, looking around

"In the hospital. You hurt yourself." Chanyeol explained, smiling softly

"Oh, I remember." You said, nodding your head

"Are you feeling better?" Chanyeol asked, slipping his hand out of yours

You looked down and felt your heart race. Tears began to form as you closed your eyes, an unbearable pain filling up your chest. You opened your eyes and grabbed Chanyeol's hand, making a decision.

'I'm so sorry............Oppa.'

"Stay with me?" You begged, tears falling

"Me? Why?" Chanyeol asked, surprised

"I need you. Please.........oppa." You said, a bittersweet feeling in your heart

"Anything for you." Chanyeol said, kissing your hand

"Thank you." You said, smiling softly

A/N: This fic won Random Selection!!! So please leave a comment and subscribe for more :D Also, I will update tomorrow as well but it might be late in the evening since I have to plan the story out and how it will go. Oh and sorry if this update seems short. I'm debating how long the story should be and if it should go faster! I hope you enjoyed it! :D

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I just wanted to say thanks again to all my subscribers and readers for staying with me until the end. Its sad to see this story end but it was worth it.


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Chapter 28: My eyes are RAW!!! I cried so much for them all but I’m so happy with this ending
Chapter 19: Idk but i feel bad for baek
Chapter 13: Just tell him that you love him!!!! Oh god
Chapter 28: I cried at the last chapter. It was a good story
Chapter 28: Awww this story is so sweet and its heartbreaking.finally they are back togather i thought they will never find each other*cries* in the end i finally let my emotion out.
Great story authornim!! I am not a fan of angst stories.....but I loved this one!! keep writing lot!!
baeklee #7
Chapter 28: So let me tell you a story. "I found this story late night so that's why I thought to myself that maybe I can just finish it the next day. But then I was wrong. I was sooo wrong!!! Ghad! Your story just HIT me! Damn it! Best story I've ever read! You know, Eversince I really really liked reading A- Baekhyun- Fan-Fiction, yeah I've read some that I admit are really great but yourssss was my FAVORITE! I love it! I so so love it! So in the end, I slept at 2:26 in the morning. The end" hahaha Congratulations author- nim! You are great and awesome please don't get tired of making wonderful stories and please don't get tired of sharing wise words. I love it! I love you! Thank you author-nim! Kamsahamnida!!!!!! ^_^ <3 <3 <3
Chapter 28: This fanfic just hit me. It was beautiful. Definitely on my favorite list now.
Chapter 28: This was so amazing. I thought it would be a bit cliche from the foreward, but it was so good. This was the first time in a long time that a fanfic made tear up. Can't wait to read your other stories! I hope you get published someday :)