
“He is not your son!”
Yi Fan’s eyes widen while the rest of his head whips around to see the chairman’s reaction. Something in his eyes shouted in that brief pause of silence. You’ve known…
“If you’re going to continue to claim such a thing, you should start acting like it by at least acknowledging the fact that a good friend of his died.”
How long have you known?
“He was a no good son of a and how dare you criticize—”
“What? Your parenting style? Are far as anyone is concerned, you have none.”
Wait, what are you saying, Mei? No, stop. “Mei…”
“No.” Yi Fan can hear his own worried heartbeat. “He’s not going to fire me because before everything else, he is a business man that he knows that losing me is bad for business.”
He can’t help but glance at the man at the head of the conference table to gauge the severity of the situation. There has always been some tension ever since—
“He doesn’t have to fire me”
“I quit.”
One blink and Mei Lin is giving Yi Fan one final blank stare and in the next, Mei Lin is gone. No…she didn’t just…
Unbeknownst to him, the chairman is thinking the same thing. “How dare—” That sentence doesn’t get finished. It, instead, is cut off by a sudden and sharp pain in his chest followed by a lost of balance and consciousness.
The whole room is put into alarm as one calls for an ambulance and the rest are panicking. Yi Fan looks more than out of place, standing still and stunned. For the second time today, he is snapped out his trance, but this time, he brings himself to move and run out of the conference room. He doesn’t wait for the elevator and instead runs down to the floor below but he is far too late, Mei Lin’s office is already free from all personal items. I’m too late…
“What on Earth do you think you’re doing just barging in here like that? Shouldn’t you be in a meeting?” Gale demands as she comes through the lab. “I know she’s your secretary but goodness, don’t come in here when she’s not around—”
“Where is she?” Yi Fan asks.
Gale picks up the distress immediately. Her head then pivots around and sees that there are small changes. “Where’s her…” Gale walks around the desk and searches through the drawers. “She never leaves without her tablet…” Gale turns it on and finds that there’s no passcode needed. “The …?” The office phone rings. Please let this be her with a goddamn explanation. “Hello? Chen Mei Lin’s office, how may I help you?”
“You mean Chen Mei Lin’s former office,” Lu Han says. “With the fact that you picked up, I’m going to assume that what I just found on the servers is correct.”
Gale puts him on speaker. “Which is?”
“A notice that was entered in two weeks ago about her leaving.”
Yi Fan can’t decide if he’s confused or furious. “And you didn’t notify us because…?”
“All changes made to the Department Heads’ files are supervised by me but according to the system, this was entered in two weeks ago—along with legal papers that gives Yi Fan the rights to all her past and currently developing patents… as well as ownership of all her shares and stocks of the company. Damn, I should just start calling you Lǎobǎn now. Between the Lin thing and the Lǎobǎn thing, you’re practically the new head of this company.”
He decides on furious, “I don’t care about—”
“Sorry to interrupt, but there’s more.”
Gale is still trying to process what is happening but sighs, “Spit it out.”
“Well, for starters, there’s a promotion notice.”
Gale looks up from her hands, Oh no…
“Don’t worry, Fan; Gale’s only taking over the Treatment and Developmental Departments.”
“That’s it! Her secretary contract,” Yi Fan says suddenly. “Pull that up. She made the terms for her initial contract, but my secretary one is standard, and—”
“It doesn’t exist…”
There’s a pause before both are asking, “What?”
“It doesn’t exist. Nowhere in her file is there—”
“She got paid, didn’t she—” Yi Fan is cut off by the line being made into a three-way.
“Actually,” Suho says quickly, “she made a separate account under a shell name within the company and had her secretary checks deposit directly every month.”
“Someone please tell me how you guys missed that,” Yi Fan demands.
“She never signed the contract…” Gale realizes. “When all this started, I begged her not to take the job and the compromise was that she would wait a week before signing anything and I guess…”
“So you mean to tell me that for three years, she’s been doing practically three jobs, and was only paid for two?” Stress is hitting all four Department Heads. “Why would she…?”
“Because that’s who she is,” Gale throws her hands in the air. I can’t tell if I’m more upset about my promotion or the magically appearing files. Wait… “It’s going to look like you forced her into a second job and never paid her for it.”
“As if a heart attack wasn’t enough to put him out of commission,” Suho mumbles. “This is just a nail in the coffin.”
“Let’s hope she never goes public with that,” Gale says just as softly.
“She can’t,” Lu Han says. “There’s a nondisclosure clause under—”
Suho is now more confused than before. “Then what was the point of that if she knew that—”
“The four of us know, don’t we?” Yi Fan points out. “There’s nothing to stop us from making this public.”
“And why would any of us do that?” Gale asks. That makes no sense.
“Like Suho said, this would be a nail in the coffin for the chairman,” Yi Fan says plainly. “And besides, we don’t have to make this public, all we have to do is convince the Board that he is no longer fit for the position.”
“Given all that has happened,” Lu Han sighs, “I’ll be shocked if they don’t go for it.”
Then it’s decided. “I’m going to call an emergency meeting, I expect you four to attend.”
Gale throws Yi Fan a confused look. “Four?”
“Being the Head of two Departments, you are now a member of the Board,” Suho reminds her. “Or did you forget about your new promotion already?”
“Is there something in that notice that let’s me turn down such a promotion?” Gale groans.
“She’s already gone so… no,” Lu Han answers with a smile. “You shouldn’t objurgate what you can’t change.”
“On the contrary—”
Suho hangs up and Yi Fan quickly follows suit. “You two can bicker later. We have a Board meeting soon.”

It takes very little to convince the rest of the Board what was best for business. GIBI’s stock value climbed and fell more dramatically than a roller coaster with all the new changes, and by the time it was at a stable high, the former chairman’s condition was stable as well… sort of.
“There’s a small cancerous growth on his heart muscle which, along with stress, caused the heart attack. Unfortunately, it’s not benign and we don’t have the technology to remove it without damaging his heart. I’m sorry.”
Yi Fan calls Gale to search through everything GIBI has ever produced to see if there was anything in the database that could help. “I thought you would be happy that your old man is dying.”
“I already took over his company; it’s going to look even worse if I just sit back and let him die. If you can’t find anything, search our competitors and if that doesn’t work, make it.”
“Make what?” Gale isn’t even sure of what it is that she’s looking for. “A computerized laser accurate enough to cut at the cellular level?”
“Something like that…”
“You’re asking for too much, pretty boy.”
“Hey, I’m not the one who needs it. Since when have you known the former chairman to ask for small things?”
“It has to be a smart laser, you know that, right? Even if there is one that can cut with such precision, it doesn’t mean if it misses some cells or cuts off too many.”
“Give me a miracle then.”
“The only thing that’s even close to that is…”
“It’s the first thing that Mei ever worked on but it was discontinued when she took up the secretary job.” Yi Fan cringes at the name. “I still have the blueprints and notes, but it was never accurate or powerful enough.”
“Revive that project and get every tech you know on it right now.” He hangs up without saying any more.

Media outlets soon find out about Mr. Wu’s condition and the bioengineering world jumps on the challenge, hoping to be the one to win GIBI’s favor. But less than a week after the warmhearted headlines about Yi Fan on a mission to save his father, Gale gets an anonymous email of new blueprints and detailed notes. Everything had been drawn on a computer and all the notes had been typed, but Gale knew whom it was from.
“Any luck tracing that email?” Lu Han asks. Gale shakes her head. “Can I try?”
“If you couldn’t find me, what makes you think that you can find her?”
“You should let him try,” Yi Fan says.
“Stay out of this, Blondie,” Gale hisses. “If she wanted to talk to us, she would have by now. I just want a way to tell her that even though her instructions were very clear, I still fear that the doctors don’t know how to use the laser. She made it, she has to show them or else the procedure can’t happen.”
“Why not just make a public announcement?” Yi Fan asks.
“Do you know how many people would show up claiming they were the one who sent the email? We have no solid proof that it’s Lin,” Lu Han sighs.

It goes without saying that everyone on the Board is stressed, but of course, no one is more stressed and overworked than Yi Fan. His contract requires him to have two secretaries, but he refuses to have any; the compromise is to have one but she is told that she is only a temp (Suho made sure she was paid).

Lu Han asks Gale one day, “Have you tried calling her?”
“It rings, but no one ever picks up, so I don’t know what good it did when I gave the temp Mei’s number.”
“What for?”
“You know that poor girl’s going to need advice.”
“You don’t think that Fan’s going to go back to his old ways, do you?”
“He seems to be treating this one pretty well. Apparently, he says ‘please’ and ‘thank you,’ but he has her doing a lot of errands like picking up dry cleaning and delivering files—nothing like having her write reports or anything…”
“Does he even know her name?”
“I wouldn’t bet on it—I don’t even think he knows what she looks like. His face is always hovering over his desk.”
They eat in silence for a few moments.
“Victor tried going to Mei’s place the other day,” Lu Han says randomly.
Gale almost chokes, “And?”
“They wouldn’t let him through the front gate—”
The temp bursting through the cafeteria doors interrupts them. “Whoa, where’s the fire, girl?” Gale forgets to switch to Mandarin, making her even more confused than before.
“He collapsed!” is all that she can manage to say.
Lu Han and Gale sprint to the elevator and knock repeatedly on the door. “What?” Yi Fan asks, mildly annoyed. All that knocking did not help his headache. “What did you tell them? I put my head down for two seconds and you’re already calling for the paramedics.” Yi Fan rolls his eyes and waves the three away.
He’s working too hard.

So hard, in fact, that he does not show up for work the next day. Out of panic, the temp calls a number that she had hoped that she would never have to call. “Hello?” she asks the moment that the ringing stops. Please don’t let this be a voicemail.
“Yes? Who is this?” Mei Lin asks just as she’s about to walk out the door.
“I’m so sorry to bother you, madam, but I was told that you were Mister Wu’s former secretary and that—” Mei Lin almost hangs up. “He didn’t show up for work and I don’t know what to do!”
Mei Lin pinches the bridge of her nose and rubs her forehead. “Have you tried his condo?”
Why didn’t I think of that? “Wait, I don’t have a key!”
Mei Lin sighs again. What kind of ill-prepared child did you hire, Wu Yi?
“What do I do?”
She sounds like she’s going to cry, Mei Lin cringes. “Do you know where he lives?”
“Meet me there in half an hour then.” Mei Lin hangs up and sighs one more time. I just can’t get away from him, can I? She makes a call to her current employer. “I’m really sorry about this, but I can’t come in today.”
“What’s wrong? You’re not quitting on me too, are you?” Jaejoong chuckles.
“Something just came up, that’s all. I’ll put in more hours for the rest of the week—”
“Relax, Miss Chen, of course you can have the day off.”
“Thank you.”
“Anything for Junsu’s friend.”

Why do I even still have this key? Mei Lin parks in a visitor’s spot and smiles at the doorman. “Hello.” Just in case something like this happens, I guess.
“Haven’t seen you around here in a while. For a moment I thought you’ve been replaced by that scrawny girl.”
I have. Mei Lin just smiles and walks to the elevator. He wasn’t kidding when he said scrawny; are they paying her enough or does she not have enough time to eat? “Hello, I’m Chen Mei Lin, pleasure to meet you.” She looks at Mei Lin sort of confused, so Mei Lin tries again but in Mandarin. “Nǐ hǎo, wǒ shì Chén Měi Lín, rènshí nǐ wǒ hèn gāoxìng.”
“The pleasure is all mine,” she says as she frantically shakes Mei Lin’s hand.
Mei Lin opens the front door before the temp can introduce herself. What a mess… “Check to see if he’s here,” Mei Lin whispers.
“He’s passed out in his room.” She finds Mei Lin taking off her blazer and cleaning his living room.
“Does it smell like alcohol?” Mei Lin asks. It better not.
“No, I think he’s just sick.”
“Then take his temperature. The thermometer is in the bathroom. Tell me, has he been working hard lately?”
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen him not working. Whoa, thirty-eight point seven.”
“Start some tea and turn on the humidifier. It’s in that closet.” Mei Lin looks at the temp’s tennis shoes. “He’s got you running around doing a lot, doesn’t he?”
“Yes,” she says, trying not to sound too tired. “He’s supposed to have two secretaries but he said that he’s only needs one because he had always had only one.”
“Does he pay you the salary of two then?” Mei Lin chuckles. “Since you’re doing double the work.”
“I’m technically only a temp, but yes, he pays me well. The Head of the Finance Department personally makes sure that I get my check every week.”
Mei Lin laughs to herself silently as she puts clothes in a basket. “Is he awake?”
“No,” she sighs. “Should I wake him?”
“Then who’s the tea for?”
Mei Lin smiles, “Me.” She walks over to the refrigerator, and of course, finds it empty. Mei Lin sighs and writes down a list of ingredients. “Here, run to the local supermarket and get these things, would you? This should cover it.” Mei Lin hands her half a grand in RMB, “and treat yourself to something while you’re at it; for goodness' sake, you look like the wind would go right through you.”
So while the temp is out getting groceries, Mei Lin cleans up the whole apartment and starts cooking the moment that the temp gets back with three bags. “Anything else?”
“Please take those to the usual drycleaner and—did you eat?”
“Yes ma’am.” The poor girl is shaking.
“Just take this to the drycleaner and get him these medicines.”
When she leaves again, Mei Lin takes a look inside Yi Fan’s room and sees that he still has not moved. She touches his head and resists the urge to jerk back immediately from how hot it is. Yi Fan groans a bit and turns towards the soothing cool feeling. Mei Lin leaves to check on the congee and when the temp gets back, Mei Lin gives her instructions for the medicine and the food. “Make sure he eats, drinks a lot of water, and takes his medicine. Oh, and whatever you do, don’t let him go to work tomorrow.”
“How will the company manage if—”
“That’s not your job. Your job is to make sure that he’s got everything that he needs.” Mei Lin picks up her blazer to leave, “Oh, and if he asks, I was never here.”
“Wait, what if I need you for something else?”
“This isn’t my job anymore, it’s yours.”
And “click” goes the door.

Yi Fan wakes up with the blurry memory of hearing voices and smelling food. He soon realizes that the latter is not just a memory and a young lady brings him something that he would actually eat. He eats a mouthful and for the first time looks at his temp seriously. “Did you make this?” he asks.
“Yes,” she lies after a brief mental reminder that she is not to speak of Mei Lin saving her job.
Yi Fan sighs audibly and keeps eating. When he is done, the temp takes the tray away and he says to her, “If you want to stick around, you’re going to have to lie a lot better than that.” The temp says nothing and attempts to look unfazed. “So where’s the medicine that I’m supposed to take?” Knowing her, she left this girl with a booklet of instructions.
After he takes the medicine he checks the time. I can still make it to the office if… “Isn’t this the part where you tell me that I shouldn’t go to work?”
“Don’t you see me trying to get out of bed? Or did she not tell you not to let me go to work?”
Yi Fan’s phone saves the poor temp. She tries to stop him from answering but, “She didn’t say anything about me answering my phone, I’m sure. Hello?”
“My goodness, give the poor girl a break, why don’t you?”
“Mei?” Is this really you?
“Take it easy on her, would you? Man, I really should’ve left you with a proper replacement, but technically, there would be no replacement because records will show that you didn’t have a secretary for three years. You should be proud of yourself for accomplishing so much on your own. I really hope that you used that at the Board meeting.”
“Promise me that you’ll work hard and do well, but not before you get better, okay? Don’t work yourself to the point of exhaustion and illness again. Honestly, and after all the effort you put into putting together that fundraiser. It just wouldn’t be right if you weren't fit enough to show up. Oh and be nice to your temp, would you?”
All the while, Yi Fan is nodding and agreeing to Mei Lin’s fast words. But in the background he hears a man’s voice calling her, “Miss Chen…”
Mei Lin looks up and sees a curious face. “I have to go. Don’t worry about me alright? Bye.”
“Who were you talking to just now?” Jaejoong asks.
“My former boss,” Mei Lin admits honestly. “I just had a feeling that I should call.”
“You don’t work for him anymore,” Jaejoong reminds her. “You work for me now.”
“Yes, yes,” Mei Lin chuckles as she puts on her fairly new lab coat.
“Does it have anything to do with why you were gone yesterday?”
“That is none of your business.” Mei Lin starts walks to the lab. This one is a bit smaller, but it’s still of high quality.
Jaejoong follows her. “So that’s a yes.”
“Don’t you have your own business to run?”
“It honestly runs itself.”
“Well, authorized personnel only beyond this point.”
“I’m authorized to go anywhere in this building,” he smirks.
“Is there something you would like to ask me? If not, I would like to get to work.”
“Yes actually,” Jaejoong says. “Why did you quit your old job?”
“The pay was better and so is their equipment—I would know; they are the leading competitor in this industry. And that is not to mention the fact that you clearly care about your boss’ well being, so why did you quit?”
“There was a nondisclosure agreement in my contract should I choose to quit.”
“Surely that doesn’t cover personal reasons.”
“They’re personal for a reason.”
Jaejoong senses the annoyance in Mei Lin’s voice so he adds, “I only ask because I would like to know how long I can expect one of the best biomedical engineers of China to stay at my company.”
Mei Lin stands to think to herself for a moment before speaking again. “My leaving was necessary for his progression. You can expect me to be here for no more than two years.”
“What happens in two years?”
“My work visa expires and I see no need to renew it.”
“Then I might as well send you to our American branch once the quarter is up.”
“That’s fine by me.” Mei Lin chooses her next words carefully. “Under one condition.”
“You let me participate in the upcoming joint talent show fundraiser on behalf of this company.”

Translations/Author's Notes:

  • 38.7 degrees Celsius is about 101.7 degrees Fahrenheit (i.e. he has a fever).

  • Nǐ hǎo, wǒ shì Chén Měi Lín, rènshí nǐ wǒ hèn gāoxìng. (你好,我是陳美琳,認識你我恨高興。) = Hello, I am Mei Lin Chen, it is nice to meet you.

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[Bastard] Epilogue has been posted! Sequel coming soon


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davi92 #1
I love your story, your writing and just how the story grew and the character building. But the ending breaks my heart somehow, it seems hanging, you leave us all wondering not that I never wrote or read this kind of ending but then I can't like it nor I can hate it. Uggghhhh plz can we have a sequel???
Chapter 41: When I pick my jaw up from the floor, I'll try to make a better comment. For now, just know that I loved this piece of art. Really, it was moving, and raw, and real in a big way.
psiphidragon #3
Chapter 41: Wow, you wrote great story. I cried several times.
AdrishaAffendi #4
Cheers to you author-nim hehe <3
AdrishaAffendi #5
But either way, u're very good at are again strategies and how u talk about ALS really touched me <3
AdrishaAffendi #6
I kinda don't get this story ._. It's like focusing more on work than Kris ._.
Chapter 41: And oh, not forgot to mention that the fate of Tao.. It's just awesome, his role.. Tao, the black knight..
Chapter 40: By far, this the most wonderful fanfiction about Kris in office life with its seriousness, complexity and remarks. Most of all, you keep it real. Bravo. And here I am wondering, why hasn't somebody adapt your story into drama as well? I'm quite sure it will be a major hit, topped with the real Wu Yi Fan too.. hahaha
Chapter 40: I loved the story, but not the ending. After sucha good sstory that took me 2 days to read becausei ccouldn't put it down, the ending was a disappointment, but still a good story.
Cvang13 #10
Chapter 4: I'm sorry, i just started reading and you know how you put Chinese in to the conversations? I wish that you would put the definition in the parenthesis next to the Chinese word because I don't want to scroll down then up again. I'm sorry again but I really love this story already :)