Personal Message

I often fear that I will "run out of ideas".

"When will my inspiration come?"

Hell, that's the misconception right there. Inspiration, muse, or whatever you call it, isn't a fairy that comes out of nowhere and starts sprinkling golden dust of brilliance. It comes from your brain, and that brain of yours need exercise to keep on producing good stuffs. Read, watch, learn, observe, and cram all that experience in your head and stuff it all in your brain. Sleep it off. Let it be molded inside your subconscious crevices. And maybe, it will all become a part of you, like an old friend who warmly greets you once in a while.

Someone wrote about how motivation is a fickle fuel for productivity. Discipline is what makes you keep going.

So go read, watch, see, run, walk, and enjoy life. Creativity is the soulmate of curiosity. Innovation never comes from a bland and banal mind. As long as you keep on living that life, you can find all kinds of fodder for creativity. And for all our sakes, I do hope its not anguish.

At least that's what I start telling myself.

About Me

If someone asks me to dance, I try my best to decline. I have no gracefulness whatsoever. I just flail my arms and legs and look stupid as hell.