I want Him to Remember Me

My Last Performance
"Where are you taking him?" Tiffany ask Yuri.
Without any hesitation Yuri answered her seriously. "What it is to you, Miss Hwang, are you a family?"
Tiffany's eyes are still in Yuri's without blinking " I may not be" Tiffany started to speak " but I was there with him during your absence"
Yuri is cut off with what Tiffany had just said. Anger rise to her head " I think your job Miss Hwang is done, and I am going to end it this day forward!"
Yuri turn her back at Tiffany and start to walk where the ambulance is "No, you can't do this" Tiffany shaking her head. "How could you do this to us?"
her eyes are staring on the floor. "19 years."
Yuri stop her steps as she heard Tiffany mumbling something. " 19 years. I was with him for 19 years isn't it enough Miss Kwon?" Tiffany said with a teary eyes. She raise her head and look straight at her back for Yuri didn't turn around to face her. " I may not be a family, but I spend my whole youth with him, more than you do with him!" her voice cracked and she started crying.
"I was the one who stayed by his side if he is tired, alone and lonely. I am the one, who brightens up his day when he feel so discourage, I was the one who turned his pain into joy. When he got sick I am the who made him take the medicine so he might get well"
Yuri started to turn her body to face the crying Tiffany " Where were you during those days?, where were you when he needed you the most, Miss Kwon? Why all of a sudden you appear to him then you're going to take him just like this from us?! Why you didn't come earlier than today?"
Yuri's face is burning with anger she walk to where Tiffany is and look straight to her eyes and said " You! " she can see the fear in Tiffany's eyes " You and your mother took away everything from me! and now you are asking me, why I didn't come earlier than today?!
It made Tiffany confuse "My mother chose to stay away from my dad because of your mother! is 19 years spending your life with him not enough for you!? do you have to take him for the rest of his life from me!? Yuri continued " I didn't know that you are that selfish just like your mother" a smirk appear in Yuri's face " "Maybe that is what the slots are made for?" a loud sound echo through the hallway and a red mark in Yuri's left check can be found a seconds of silence exist between the two.
Yuri take a deep breath and said " let me take good care of him, I want him to remember me even in a short time."
with that Yuri turn her back but before he let herself in into the ambulance " You are lucky because you had the chance to spend time with him unlike me I have a father but I haven't given a chance to know him personally." Yuri finally leave. Tiffany felt numbness in her entire body she fell on the ground crying hard.
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Muse_Lover #1
Chapter 26: A sweet yulti!
At last they gt together!
Thank you~
Author, can I have a copy in .pdf of this too? Thank you so much! :)
Chapter 1: please share more
Faroo7123 #4
Chapter 1: Yulti yulti yulti ❤
Chapter 26: yeshhh finally yul is back and their go back again... i though yul will disappear forever and baaaamm sh's backk... thanks buddy you make it yulti back love ya ;)

oh its your first aff? you are good on writing even its your first time.. keep ot up Yo bcoz im gonna follow whereever wheNever everywhere you go LOL... looking forward to your next story YO ;D
YukiH15 #6
Nice story :) and I like the flower thingy :).
Chapter 26: a great love story
KwonStephanie #8
Chapter 26: Woaaah happy ending, yeaay!!
Thank you for your awsome story ^^
Will be waiting for your next fic :)
hiotmihagiwara #9
Chapter 26: thanks for a great story.
mcpinkkitty834 #10
Chapter 26: Thank you so much readers!!!please wait for the second fic..