
New Girl In Town

You fixed your uniform and looked in the mirror one last time before heading off to school. Coincidentally, your next door neighbor had walked out in the same school uniform as you. This was the first time you actually saw him and skipped happily towards him. 



he was leaning on his apartment door as if he was waiting for someone.

"Hi, I'm Lee Minji. I see you're wearing the same school uniform as me." You said holding your hand out. You had expected him to shake it, but instead he had stared at it for awhile making you blush and withdraw your hand away from him.

"Uhh, are you waiting for someone?" He just stared at you. Again no answer. His phone vibrated as he pulled it out. He finally showed some expression as his forehead creased. You didn't want to be on his bad side so you were about to turn around and leave him until he stopped you.

"Oh Thehun." Your heart skipped a beat when you heard him talk for the first time. He had a cute lisp which made his 's' in his name sound like a 't'.

"Hi Thehun!" You waved. You were a little too happy and had accidentally mimicked him. He shot you a glare as you quickly apologized.

"Thanks for waiting-" The boy you had met yesterday said as he froze and looked at you.

"Yah!" he pointed to you and walked over. He was clearly pissed which made you laugh. "What's so funny?" He asked. 

"Nothing." You said once you gained your composure. Sehun could tell you two were not on good terms as he cleared his throat.

"Lets go, hyung." Again the lisp. Your heart fluttered as your face turned a bit red. *Oh right, he's walking to school without me.* You frowned but decided to follow behind them anyways since you weren't sure where your school was. 


"Class, this is Lee Minji" the teacher said introducing you. You smiled and some of the guys cheered when you did your little greeting. "You can sit next to Kim Jongin, Jongin, please raise your hand."

"Miss, it's Kai." He said speaking informally. You scowled and looked over at the boy who was being disrespectful. Great, he was the neighbor who threw a party last night. Out of all the empty seats, you just had to sit next to him.*Just my luck* you thought.When you walked over, he purposely kicked your chair hoping you would fall or something, but you grabbed the chair swiftly and smashed it onto his right foot. 

"OW!" He yelped holding onto his foot as you smirked and sat down. 

"Sorry" You said with no hint of actual sympathy. He scoffed and rested his head on one of his books. The one he's supposed to be reading right now. You ignored him and did the assignment that was written on the board. Twenty minutes later, the teacher had started calling out names as students got up and wrote their answers individually on the board. Kai finally woke up from his little nap and panicked when it was his turn. 

"Let me see your paper." He attempted to grab your worksheet as you snatched it away from your desk and stuck it in your binder. 

"What paper?" You asked innocently.

"Kim Jongin."

"I didn't get the answer" He said glaring at you. 

"Detention. Meet me after class." He muttered incoherent words as he shot you another look and crossed his arm over his chest. Was it odd that you actually found his reaction.. cute?


Your favorite class was up next: math. Although many students hated anything that had to deal with numbers, math was actually fun to you and it was your best subject. You sat next to a creepy boy named Park Chanyeol who would occassionally give you weird looks that made the hairs on your body stand straight up. He reached over and was about to tap your shoulder numerous times, but he chickened out and looked away when you glanced at him. 

"Did you get the answer for number 5?" you asked since he desperately wanted to talk to you. He nodded his head several times and explained the problem to you without taking a break to get some oxygen or to think about what to say next. He was indeed not the shy person you had depicted him to be.

"And the answer is 15" He said a couple minutes later. He grinned as you felt goosebumps on your skin form, and it wasn't in a good way either. Wow, you would think he would've gotten the correct answer since he was so certain of his solution, but no. The answer was 35. 20 numbers off from yours. He saw where your gaze was and turned red.

"o-oh you already had it and we have different answers." he bit his bottom lip cutely as you laughed in amusement and took the pencil from him. You explained it to him more thoroughly and when you were finished, his face was inches from yours as you quickly scooted away from him.

"Thanks Minji! i get it now!" You had him in another class afterwards, and when it was time for lunch he came up to you and offered you to sit at his table. Since you didn't know anyone, of course it was only natural that you accepted. You walked over and saw two familiar faces. Chanyeol introduced you to everyone and you couldn't help but shift uncomfortably since Kai's eyes were practically shooting lasers at you. 

"kai oppa!" A girl called out and sat next to Kai. He grinned and glanced at you before grabbing the girls jaw forcefully and eagerly devoured her lips with his. The kiss turned into a makeout session as you felt even more uncomfortable.The only thing that kept them from making babies was the fact that they had on their clothes and that there were hundreds of kids in the cafeteria. You stood up and threw away your food. You had lost your appetite once they had started eating each others faces. 

"Wait-" Chanyeol grabbed your arm and pulled you back. "Where are you going?"

"Anywhere that doesn't involve that" You pointed to the couple who were engrossed in what they were doing. Chanyeol understood and let go of you while one of his friends, DO waved goodbye. Gosh, all his friends were handsome. Heck, even Kai was. 


Kais pov:

He was obviously pissed and was probably one of the few who disliked you. Your beautiful smile, your annoying personality, the fact that you're pretty much everywhere, and most of all, he hated your pink, kissable lips. He stretched his body and groaned when his foot was in pain. He had forgotten that you had smashed his foot with your chair, and it felt like hell. Who knew you were such a toughie? He should have suspected it though when you kicked everyone out from the party. He had to sit out during dance practice today, and dance class was his favorite. He made a mental note to himself to make sure you'd get a piece of him when school ended.

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Babbie #1
Chapter 26: Nice light fluff
Babbie #2
Chapter 23: Um..insta luv all around...lol
Babbie #3
Chapter 11: They fed each other fruit before becoming gf bf!?kids now adays...so flirty..lol
Babbie #4
Chapter 11: He hid the basket in a tree...Kai is a ninja or smth?lol
Babbie #5
Chapter 10: Too much usage of ...even between Bros. ..
octa82_ichigo #6
Love your story
Chapter 26: This was really cute!!!!
Chapter 25: Awwww ❤️❤️❤️ lol though she totally ruined it
Chapter 21: Oh Sehun! U better not start liking this new girl!
Chapter 9: Wow... Just when i was starting to ship her with kai... i guess i';m team sehun again ;D