Going to School

Am I Your Target?



Minsoo's POV:
I want to dye my hair. What color should I do? Should I stay with Black but a little darker like jet black or should I go blond it looks nice. Or maybe blue like Ricky Sunbae I like the way his blue looks like. Oh or maybe red. Damn I think red would look nice on me. Now how am I going to tell Noona? I don't know yet but I will tell her this morning. I really do hope she says yes to my idea. I just need to get ready for school. Oh man I will look so cool like Jaeshin Hyung. He has such cool looking hair. I want my hair to be like that too.  

Kwangsoo's POV:
Today is another boring day at school. Everyone is always staring at me. They never want to talk to me. Why is that? I don't know why. All I know is that I hate it too. Well not everyone stares at me it's mostly the guys. Don't they know that there are other girls prettier than me to stare at. A lot of other Ulzzang girls go to school with us too you know I'm not the only one. Aish it's either that or they are staring at Krystal Unnie.

"Noona I wanna dye my hair"
"Bowh? Are you crazy?"
"Anniyo Hyung also has it"
"Hyung how?"
"Ah Hyung~ Jiho Hyung"
"You really must be crazy I just saw Jiho Oppa yesterday and his hair was black"
"Ah did I say Jiho I meant Jaeshin Hyung"
"Jaeshin!!!! Are you kidding me? Oppa has dyed his hair so many times"
"How do you know Noona?"
"Jaeshin Oppa has gone with blond, blue, and pink. He's kind of a weirdo"
"But Noona"
"No buts I don't want you too"
"Please Noona I really really want to"
"Anni I'm your Noona and you're to young"
"Noona it's for the next shoot"
"Really Minsoo? What's the theme?"
"Cotton Candy"
"And you want to do blue?"
"Ne I do"
"Well just to let you know it's a no now let's get going to school"
"Fine Noona"

Ok so I kind of do feel bad saying no to Minsoo. Like come on he is my baby brother I do want to protect him but this is something simple. Should I really let him do this? I don't know yet but I will let him do it soon. I do want him to be happy not upset forever. I want my baby brother to know that it's ok sometimes to change your hair just not yourself. So I guess today after school I'll just surprise him with a little trip to the hair salon to change his hair. I love you little one so please like the color I chose for you.

Narrator's POV:
Hearing the news Minsoo ran outside and sat in the limo. He was upset and didn't want to talk to his sister. Now being the older sister Kwangsoo had to say no. But she had text the limo driver where to go after school so everything is a secret to Minsoo. Kwangsoo wanted to the car without saying anything to Minsoo. She knew he was mad and she didn't want to get more into his bad side.

They went to go pick up Krystal and they headed to school. Not saying anything Kwangsoo just sat there. Krystal was kind of shock no one was talking so she had to say something.

"So how are you guys?" Krystal said awkwardly.
"Good", Kwangsoo stared out the window.
"Ok", Minsoo looked at Krystal.
"Why isn't your sister looking at me?" Krystal whispered.
"Molla Noona", Minsoo shrugged and whispered back.
"Did you guys argue?"
"Well I did ask her if I could dye my hair she said no"
"Ah ok she just doesn't want to get you mad"
"Noona knows best"
"Promise you she will let you dye your hair just wait"
"Araso Noona"

When they got to Minsoo's school as always Kwangsoo hugs Minsoo and let's him go off to school. She watches him walk in with his friends who are always staring at her. She doesn't mind she is use to it. She just wants to see her little brother in school and safe. Kwangsoo was still quite on the ride to her school. Krystal didn't talk as much. She didn't have anything to say. She just wanted to have a thinking moment. When they got to school they got out and saw a lot of male students. They got out like no one was there. So use to the fame and fans they don't care anymore. Kwangsoo walked casually to her locker and got our  her books. Many fan letters fell out and she picked them up and put them back away.

Krystal finally caught up to Kwangsoo and waited. Then they went to Krystal's locker to grab her books as well. They got her things and they were heading to class. After grabbing everything Kwangsoo and Krystal were talking and heading to class. Kwangsoo was not paying attention and she slip. Before she could fall Gongchan had caught her. Gongchan smirked and helped her to her feet. Kwangsoo flushed red. Krystal on the other hand was shock and kind of worried.

"Gomawo", Kwangsoo bowed.
"It's ok you fell and I was there at the right time", Gongchan winked and walked away.
"Wah that was one of the kingka", Krystal's eyes widen.
"Chinja Unnie? Aish people are going to kill me now"
"You don't know the kingkas?"
"Anni wae?"
"Their the most popular boys here how could you not know"
"I don't know because I don't care Unnie"
"Aish araso I'll tell you", Krystal smiled.

A/N OMEGOD I just got my poster. Mep so so happy I'm like spazzing out over it. It's kind of weird though lol. I didn't mind the wait so if you don't mind waiting for things then go over to papersoapgraphics shop and see their amazing work. They are very good and I want to thank Radioactive the creator of the group thingy for making mine. So go and support them too...Sorry for the long wait guys =_= I have been bad with my updates lately.
Date:08/03/13     Time:12:52am


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Chapter 20: hahahaha so cute . i love how the end up together . aigoo can't stop smiling hehe :
Chapter 16: Waaaaah!! Your gonna end this story already!! T_T
I like how its going so far!! There is like a love pentagon here!!
Chapter 13: Awwh poor Krystal! :(
Im finally caught up with your updates now lol
Poor Gongchan! :( ppl get in the way of things always lol
Chapter 9: updateeee~~
Chapter 1: OOOOOOOH interesting!!! I like it so far!!
Now Im not really a fan of B1A4 but I play this ranking game on my phone and I saw them around and I cant help but looking at Gong Chan and CNU hehe ;)
Kaismyseoulmate #6
Good idea, Updatee! ;u;
mariamolekun #7
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^