Lotte World

Am I Your Target?

B1A4-Sesame Player Song


"Hyung it's boring let's do something", Baro pouted.
"Ne I know we should", Sandeul sat there head down.
"Let's do something fun", Gongchan stood up.
"Like what?" CNU question.
"Like go to the amusement park", Baro smiled.
"LOTTE WORLD!!!" Sandeul yelled.
"Aish kids calm down", Jinyoung scolded them.
"Hyun please please please can we go", Baro begged.
"Yeah Hyung let's do something", Gongchan begged as well.
"Fine we will go", Jinyoung smiled.
"YAY!!!!!" Sandeul, Gongchan, and Baro jumped up and down.

B1A4 got ready to go to Lotte World. It's been a while since they all went together. Gongchan and Sandeul was so happy that they were outside waiting already. Baro took his camera with him. Jinyoung brought enough money for them all. CNU as the quite one took sun block, hats, and sweatshirts for everyone. He is like the mother of B1A4. Weird right? B1A4 rode in the can that Jinyoung called for. They didn't want people to notice them he wanted to be like any normal teen going to hang out.

B1A4 went inside the van and started blasting some music. Everyone was singing along. They all were having fun. Singing and laughing CNU joined in the fun. They all entertained themselves and watched each other. As always CNU sung to himself. Jinyoung sung out loud. Sandeul sung louder than everyone. Gongchan and Baro were just yelling out the lyrics. When Girls' Generation came on Baro and Gongchan became excited and hit their heads. Even though they got hurt they still sung along and dance. They were the most exciting to watch.  

When they got their they all jumped out of the van and ran to the entrance. Jinyoung paid for everyone and they all walked in together. It's a hot day so B1A4 went to go buy water toys to play with. They were all busy filling up the toys with water they didn't notice CNU behind them with his water gun already filled. CNU smiled and shot all of them with ice cold water. They all yelled from the coldness. CNU was standing there laughing.

After finishing filling up their toys they walked around having fun. They went on several rides and watched several shows together. They even went to the kids side of the amusement park. They were all laughing and watching the kids become so cute. All the kids had customs on. It was one the of cutest ever. They all had fun watching the kids play and playing with the kids. Soon all of B1A4 came to a stop. All their stomach started to growl. They all became embarrassed.

"I didn't know this but I can't go", Baro stopped.
"I'm tired too I can't go", Sandeul whinned.
"Let's take a rest for a while and play", Gongchan sat down.
"Aye~ it'll be ok if we arrive within time", CNU looked at the time.
"I'm hungry I can't go", Baro stomped his feet.
"Let's go and grab a bite", Jinyoung turned to the.
"I no longer have any strength", Gongchan pouted.

"Aye~ where are you guys going? I'm irritated, what time is it?" Sandeul looked up.
"Why are you in such a hurry?" CNU looked at Jinyoung.
"Hyung don't worry hahaha", Gongchan smiled.
"Let's work together to get there", Jinyoung smirked.
"Let's play a game", CNU looked at Jinyoung.
"What kind of game?" Baro asked.
"Ki-Bi-Bo the loser buys food", Jinyoung said.
"Aye Hyung wae?" Sandeul whined.
"Because we are all hungry and want food but only one can go get it", Jinyoung pointed out the fact.
"How about two?" Gongchan suggested.
"Anni there is to little of us to have two", CNU looked around.
"Araso ppali let's play", Baro was prepared to play.

It was the first round. As always Gongchan was the best. He knew how to play. He knew what his Hyung's were going to do. He is the magician of Ki-Bi-Bo. First round and Gongchan was out. He wanted Jinyoung to lose so he went and helped Baro next. He whispered to Bora and told him to do scissors. Baro did as told and he was the next one out. Then he went to help Sandeul. He told Sandeul to do rock. And of course he went through. Last to give his magic to was CNU. As always the last move of Jinyoung is scissors so Gongchan told CNU to do rock. And guess what.....CNU won. Sadly now the loser has to go buy something for everyone to eat. Jinyoung gave Gongchan a look before leaving to buy them food.

When Jinyoung came back he saw all the guys playing another game. They all sat there trying to make each other laugh. Jinyoung watched in the back and laughed when ever they did something funny. When they all notice Jinyoung they all smiled and told him to sit down. He took the food out of the bag and everyone started to eat. Everyone was so hungry the food seem to be gone within a few minutes. When they finished they sat there for a while before getting up to continue the fun.

After sitting for a while they went on many rides. Their first ride was a roller coaster ride, next was the merry-go-round, then the swings and so on. They had fun on the rides. CNU just remembered they had cameras and also took some pictures. They also went to look at the colorful lights of Lotte World.

A/N Sorry it took so long. I didn't mean that I have just been so busy lately and I'm not on it with my chapters. I know it's short and I'm so very sorry about it. I want my stories to be longer so maybe just maybe Gongchan and Kwangsoo might run into each other. So please wait for that to happen. Thanks for waiting guys.
Date:07/30/13    Time:11:04 pm


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Chapter 20: hahahaha so cute . i love how the end up together . aigoo can't stop smiling hehe :
Chapter 16: Waaaaah!! Your gonna end this story already!! T_T
I like how its going so far!! There is like a love pentagon here!!
Chapter 13: Awwh poor Krystal! :(
Im finally caught up with your updates now lol
Poor Gongchan! :( ppl get in the way of things always lol
Chapter 9: updateeee~~
Chapter 1: OOOOOOOH interesting!!! I like it so far!!
Now Im not really a fan of B1A4 but I play this ranking game on my phone and I saw them around and I cant help but looking at Gong Chan and CNU hehe ;)
Kaismyseoulmate #6
Good idea, Updatee! ;u;
mariamolekun #7
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^