Why Noona Why?

Am I Your Target?


Aish why is it always my sister who is the one who has to do couple pictures? I really hate these pictures. Kwangsoo Noona I hope you know that I really really hate these pictures. They should really erase these from the internet or else I get really mad. AISH WHY IS IT ALWAYS YOU??? T^T  Noona I care to much to see you taking pictures with my Hyungs =_=. I work with them so please I beg you to never ever fall in love with them. Aish I'm going to go cry now. Hul Hul Hul I hate these so so much. Noona stop saying yes to them. You don't need to do couple shouts with them. NOONA~ 


A/N Lol yea just a bunch of pictures because Minsoo hates these pictures so much he told me to show you guys hehe.

"Aurthor-nim I never said that"

"Don't lie I'm your Noona"

"Aish what ever Noona just don't tell them that I have someone in mind for Kwangsoo Noona"

"What did you just say?"

"Damn it I just said it leave me alone", Minsoo running away. 

Isn't he cute lol what a weirdo we'll see you guys later with a better chapter.

Date:07/14/13  Time:11:23pm


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Chapter 20: hahahaha so cute . i love how the end up together . aigoo can't stop smiling hehe :
Chapter 16: Waaaaah!! Your gonna end this story already!! T_T
I like how its going so far!! There is like a love pentagon here!!
Chapter 13: Awwh poor Krystal! :(
Im finally caught up with your updates now lol
Poor Gongchan! :( ppl get in the way of things always lol
Chapter 9: updateeee~~
Chapter 1: OOOOOOOH interesting!!! I like it so far!!
Now Im not really a fan of B1A4 but I play this ranking game on my phone and I saw them around and I cant help but looking at Gong Chan and CNU hehe ;)
Kaismyseoulmate #6
Good idea, Updatee! ;u;
mariamolekun #7
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^