
Am I Your Target?

VIXX-I don't want to be an idol


Minsoo's POV:
Oh no today is a work day. Noona has a couple shot again. Why oh why does it have to be another couple one. AISH don't they get it? I don't want my Noona to be doing these. AISH I'm so frustrated now.

Kwangsoo's POV:
Another work day today. Walking to Unnie's house so we can go together. I have a couple shot while she has a clothes shot so does my little brother. Oh yeah did you know that we are also Ulzzang because of our looks? Well I hope you did sorry. Oh guess what I get to work with Lee Chihoon Oppa and Park Taejun Oppa. This is going to be so much fun. I can't wait to see them. Well got to go need to yell at my brother.

"Ne coming"

Krystal's POV:
Work today, I get to try on clothes. How pretty can't wait to see what I get to wear. I wonder what I get to wear. They must be pretty like always. I really can't wait.

Narrator's POV:
Today is a busy day for the three of them. They are split up. Minsoo has to go to the mall along with Krystal then they split to different places. It . Kwangsoo is working with Chihoon and Kim Taejun. She seems so happy to see them again. Kwangsoo and Minsoo went to go pick up Krystal and they all went into the limo to go to their places. Kwangsoo was already dressed for one of the shots with Chihoon. Minsoo and Krystal is heading to the mall first. So that means that Kwangsoo will go alone to her photo shoot.

When Kwangsoo got there she was welcomed by everyone. They all bowed to her and gave her a sweet smile. She also had fans there waiting for her. Everyone really came to watch her take pictures, how weird. Kwangsoo made it to the hair salon and did her hair and make up before going to see Chihoon and Taejun. Kwangsoo is so excited to see them. She just couldn't wait. When she was done she skipped and went outside to see the two guys.

Kwangsoo bowed happily,"Chihoon Oppa Taejun Oppa annyeong"
"Wah Kwanggie has become so pretty", Chihoon hugged Kwangsoo.
"Kwanggie looks so much prettier", Taejun smiled.
"Oppa~ don't say that, you guys look very handsome yourself", Kwangsoo smiled.
"You ready? I'm first", C
hihoon took Kwangsoo's hand.
"Ne Oppa", Kwangsoo smiled.
"I'll be next so don't be to cute with him", Taejun tease.
"Don't worry Junnie Oppa I will save my cuteness for you", Kwangsoo smiled at Taejun.

After they finished they came back to Taejun.
"Junnie Oppa did we take long?"
"Ne you guys did", Taejun pouted.
"Mianhae Oppa I didn't mean too"
"Don't worry I'm happy now it's my turn", Taejun smiled.
"Ne now it's y
our turn"
"Let's go"
"Don't take to long we are going to eat soon", Chihoon yelled.
"Ne Oppa we'll be back soon"


After they finished they went back to Chihoon. They talked for a while and walked to a restaurant. On their way there Kwangsoo ran into someone. She looked up and bowed. The guy looked familiar. Kwangsoo tilted her head and notice it was Park Jiho.

Kwangsoo smiled,"Oh Jiho Oppa you're here too?"
"Ah Kwang you're so grown up now", Jiho ruffled Kwangsoo's hair.
"Eh Oppa I just got my hair fixed"
"Mian you just look so pretty now"
"Gomawo Oppa so were are you going?"
"To see you but it seems you found me"
"Ah chinja? For what?"
"We need new pictures"
"Araso come on Oppa let's go", Kwangsoo took Jiho's hand and left.

"I thought we were going to eat?" Taejun ruffled his hair.
"Nado, let's just go together then", Chihoon just walked inside.
"Araso", Taejun followed behind.

Krystal's Work day:
Krystal has been busy working. Still taking photo's. She has been hungry. Kwangsoo is done finally only a couple couple pictures. She rode the limo and went to go see Krystal. She even brought food for Krystal. Krystal always finishes before Minsoo because she doesn't play around. She is serious when it comes to work. When Kwangsoo got there she sneaked up behind Krystal and scared her. Krystal screamed and turned around.

"Yah! Why did you do that?"
"Because I brought you some food Unnie", Kwangsoo showed her the food.
"Oh chinja? Mianhae for yelling at you then"
"Gwenchana but you should have seen your face", Kwangsoo giggled.
"Aish shut up I wanna eat before I start again"
"Are you almost done Unnie?"
"Ne a couple more shots then I can go home"
"Ok then save some food for Minnie-ah we can go watch him"
"Araso. Wah~ dukkbukki", Krystal ate the food.

After Krystal finished eating a little she went to go finish the photo shoot before leaving with Kwangsoo.

Minsoo's work day:
Minsoo needs 4 more outfits before he is done with his shoot. He has been playing around and having fun taking pictures. The photographer thinks it's so cute. They always love taking pictures with him. He is always so happy and playful. Kwangsoo and Krystal came to Minsoo's photo shoot. They were going to scare him until they heard his stomach growl. Kwangsoo couldn't help but laugh. Minsoo quickly turned around and saw his Noonas.

"Wah Noona what are you guys doing here?"
"We finished", Krystal smiled.
"Here eat this before you go back I can tell your hungry", Kwangsoo gave Minsoo the box.
"Thanks Noona what is it?"
"You'll see and love it"
"Wah dukkbukki gomawo", Minsoo ate the food.
"No problem kiddo", Kwangsoo smiled.
"Are you almost done?" Krystal asked.
"Ne just one more outfit"
"Ok then we will wait and watch you", Kwangsoo ruffled Minsoo's hair.
"Araso Noona", Minsoo smiled and finished the food.
"Hurry run off before you get in trouble", Kwangsoo pushed Minsoo to run.
"Ne Noona I'm going", Minsoo ran off.

After he finished they all went into the car and all fell asleep. When they got to Kwangsoo's house they went inside and fell asleep on the couches. They were so tired from the whole day. Taking pictures and only eating once. They wanted to eat more but they were so tired they didn't want to cook or ask for food. They all slept happily on the couches.

A/N So how was the photo day? It was an all Ulzzang thing. Eh well I don't know any Ulzzang with the name Lee Kwangsoo. So I guess there is none. So sorry for the girls that are always changing. I hope you like all the pictures as well. Thanks for waiting.
Date:07/15/13    Time:12:42am


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Chapter 20: hahahaha so cute . i love how the end up together . aigoo can't stop smiling hehe :
Chapter 16: Waaaaah!! Your gonna end this story already!! T_T
I like how its going so far!! There is like a love pentagon here!!
Chapter 13: Awwh poor Krystal! :(
Im finally caught up with your updates now lol
Poor Gongchan! :( ppl get in the way of things always lol
Chapter 9: updateeee~~
Chapter 1: OOOOOOOH interesting!!! I like it so far!!
Now Im not really a fan of B1A4 but I play this ranking game on my phone and I saw them around and I cant help but looking at Gong Chan and CNU hehe ;)
Kaismyseoulmate #6
Good idea, Updatee! ;u;
mariamolekun #7
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^