We can be friends

Am I Your Target?

EXO-K-My Lady


Soon it was Monday again. Kwangsoo got ready for school like always. She and her brother with his new hair style is going to school without Krystal. Krystal woke up early to do some overseas work. So today at school Kwangsoo will be all alone. As always she dropped off Minsoo first. Instead of taking the car today they decided to just walk to school. They didn't mind they kind of like it more then sitting in the car.

They were finally at Minsoo's school. His friends all waved bye to her as she walked away. Kwangsoo was two block away from her school. Not caring if she was late or not because the teachers didn't say much to an idol. They all know their busy schedule. Kwangsoo was walking by herself not afraid of anything with her head phones in. Her music was loud so she could hear anything. She didn't really care about the things around her. It may sound selfish and mean but it's the truth.  

Gongchan was causally walking to school until he saw Kwangsoo. He started to get nervous. It's weird because he never gets nervous around girls which is different for him. Gongchan played it off and calmed himself down before walking past her. She didn't notice him at all. He was a little upset but he tried to not care one bit. It bothered him but he knew that someone like Kwangsoo will only notice someone like Gongchan at times. Gongchan took a breath and walked to the rest of B1A4.

When Kwangsoo got to school all the boys surrounded her. They all had water and fruits to give to her since she walked to school. Many of them even brought hot towels for her. Kwangsoo didn't take any she wasn't that kind of Ulzzang. She didn't use her fans as slaves she only liked them to be around to keep her company when she's left alone. Kwangsoo didn't need much she just needed someone to talk to her and she will listen.

Kwangsoo didn't do much she went to her locker and grabbed her things. All her fans went to their locker as well leaving Kwangsoo alone. Kwangsoo turned around and ran into Baro. Before she could fall Baro caught her. Kwangsoo had her eyes closed not meeting contact with the floor Kwangsoo open her eyes and notice she was still standing. Kwangsoo looked at Baro and smiled.

"Gomawo Baro", Kwangsoo smiled.
"Ah no problem", Baro was shock she knew his name.
"Oh Kwangsoo-ah I need help", Jinyoung looked at Kwangsoo.
"Jinyoung-sshi what do you need?" Kwangsoo walked over to Jinyoung.
"Homework", Jinyoung rubbed the back of his neck.
"Did you try?" Kwangso asked.
"Ne I did some problems but I still don't get the last one", Jinyoung took Kwangsoo's hand.
"Ah ok CNU Sanduel Baro do you guys need help with anything?"
"Anni", CNU smiled.
"I'm fine", Sanduel raised one hand.
"Just one problem",Baro raised one finger.
"Ah palliwo let's get it done before school starts"
"What is were late?" Baro asked.
"Just say you were with me", Kwangsoo smiled.

"They won't mind?" Gongchan asked.
"Uh it's you again? Ne they won't mind", Kwangsoo looked at Gongchan.
"What will they think?" Sanduel asked.
"That we were studying and didn't pay attention to time", Kwangsoo smiled.
"Top student, Ulzzang, and teacher's pet", CNU teased.
"Ey anniya it's not like that", Kwangsoo rubbed her arm.
"Just kidding now let's go", CNU smiled and walked to an empty class room.

Kwangsoo followed behind everyone and didn't say anything. Like ok students Jinyoung and Baro took their things out but they didn't have a book. Kwangsoo sat down and looked at them. She was kind of awkward because there was no book for them to look at. Kwangsoo looked at CNU and Sanduel and they didn't have books either. Kwangsoo ruffled her hair before saying anything to them

"Do you guys have books?" Kwangsoo asked.
"Anni it's at home", Jinyoung said.
"How will I help you guys?" Kwangsoo question.
"We wrote it down already", Baro smiled.
"And the directions as well", Jinyoung smiled.
"Ah so you guys are those kind of students", Kwangsoo smiled.
"Ne", they answer in unison.
"Araso let's start", Kwangsoo read their problems.

After helping them they all went to different classes. But before B1A4 went to their classes they walked Kwangsoo to her class. Kwangsoo didn't say anything to them. The only thing she said was thank you when they had reached her class. Kwangsoo bowed in respect to the 5 older ones. Kwangsoo was close with Jinyoung and Baro. She had always helped them with their homework and class work. She never really found it nice to call them Oppa since she only meets them daily to help them out. Kwangsoo didn't really want to call them Oppe either she wanted to be good friends before getting to call them Oppa.

When Kwangsoo entered class everyone looked at her. Kwangsoo looked at the teacher and apologized for being late. She explained that she was helping Jinyoung and Baro with their homework. The teacher didn't mind and let Kwangsoo go. Kwangsoo bowed to her class for causing so much trouble for not being there to help them as well. Kwangsoo sat down in the back like usual just paying attention to the lesson.

Soon it was lunch. As usual she would have someone to sit with but Krystal wasn't there. Kwangsoo got her lunch and went to sit down by herself. But before she could sit with all her fans Baro and Jinyoung called her over to sit with them. Kwangsoo looked at her fans and bowed her head in a sorry manner and awkwardly walked over to B1A4. Kwangsoo sat between Jinyoung and Baro. Sanduel and CNU were there the only not there yet was Gongchan. He had got out of class late so they told him to come along.

"So Kwangsoo-ah were is Krystal?" Baro asked.
"Ah Unnie had to go overseas", Kwangsoo smiled.
"Oh wae?" Baro asked again.
"Because she has a photo shoot with a Japanese Ulzzang", Kwangsoo ate her sandwich.
"Ah I understand eat well", Baro smiled.
"I will eat well", Kwangsoo smiled.

"Oh Gongchan you finally came", CNU smiled.
"Ah ne Hyung mian-", Gongchan looked at CNU and saw Kwangsoo.
"What's the matter?" Sanduel asked.
"Ah it's nothing Kwangsoo where is Krystal Noona?"
"Unnie is working overseas", Kwangsoo smiled.
"Oh enjoy your food", Gongchan smiled.
"Kwangsoo-ah is Krystal-ah your only friend?" Jinyoung asked.
"Ne she is", Kwangsoo nodded.
"Why don't we all be friends", Gongchan suggested.
"Chingu?" Kwangsoo looked up.
"Ne chingu", Gongchan nodded with food in his mouth.
"Sure let's be good friends", Kwangsoo smiled and nodded her head.

"Chinja? So were friends?" Sanduel question.
"Ne we are why are you so shock?" Kwangsoo looked at Sanduel.
"Man my parents are going to be so happy", Sanduel smiled to himself.
"Wae? Sanduel wae?" Kwangsoo giggled a little.
"Because your pretty and I finally have a female friend"
Kwangsoo laughed,"Ah that's so weird"
"Anni it's not weird it's my family"
"Araso araso Sanduel-sshi family is not weird", Kwangsoo smiled.
"Kwangsoo just call me Oppa", Sanduel smiled.
"Oppa? Ah I'm not sure about it", Kwangsoo looked down.

"Don't worry all the girls here call us Oppa but you are the only one we will listen to", Jinyoung smirked.
"So I can call you guys Oppa?" Kwangsoo asked.
"Ne", CNU smiled.
"Go ahead", Baro smiled.
"I don't mind", Sanduel smiled brightly.
"Sure", Gongchan shrugged.
"Ah I guess that's how it works? Becomes friends then you get close", Kwangsoo smiled.
"Ne just like that", Jinyoung smiled.
"Well then see you soon Oppa", Kwangsoo got up and left.

Gongchan's POV:
YES!!!!! Finally I'm friends with her. I'm so happy but I can't show it and she is calling me Oppa as well. This is amazing. I just want to go celebrate but I can't. I'll just wait but there is something bothering me. I want to be more then friends. I don't just want to be a friend. It was already from the moment I saw her I liked her. I'm not just saying this. I'll give her all my love. But it just has to wait. I need it to wait so that she can fall in love with me first. I can't be the one trying to chase her forever and she doesn't like me. So all I need to do is be a good friend that she will trust.

A/N So it took a while to post this chapter up. And I'm sorry I went to LA last weekend for the SBS K-Pop Star Audition. I didn't make it because I was scared but it's ok right? I'm still young and there is still other things I need to do. I haven't even started High School yet. But that's fine I still got other companies I like as well. But thanks for waiting for this lame chapter. Oh and I will also start school in 2 days. So I might only get to update Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. We will see on what happens. Still got to manage my time I'm still learning.
Date:08/13/13    Time:1:30pm


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Chapter 20: hahahaha so cute . i love how the end up together . aigoo can't stop smiling hehe :
Chapter 16: Waaaaah!! Your gonna end this story already!! T_T
I like how its going so far!! There is like a love pentagon here!!
Chapter 13: Awwh poor Krystal! :(
Im finally caught up with your updates now lol
Poor Gongchan! :( ppl get in the way of things always lol
Chapter 9: updateeee~~
Chapter 1: OOOOOOOH interesting!!! I like it so far!!
Now Im not really a fan of B1A4 but I play this ranking game on my phone and I saw them around and I cant help but looking at Gong Chan and CNU hehe ;)
Kaismyseoulmate #6
Good idea, Updatee! ;u;
mariamolekun #7
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^