My Family

Am I Your Target?

I know you guys have been waiting and I;m sorry I was waiting for my poster but I guys it's not done yet so please wait for the poster but I will start to update chapters.

SM Town-Dear Family


Hello everyone. Thanks for waiting to hear more about me Lee Kwangsoo. Well to let you know I do have a younger brother. He is a big help on choosing my boyfriend. Even though he is younger than me he sets my standards for the boys I date. He is such a little devil head. Sometimes I wish that he didn't even think about what I do. I just want him to live his childhood right now. He's not even a teen yet. Aigoo he must be really tired from me. I'm always doing random things and I have him to scold me. Isn't it suppose to be the other way around?

I guess having a little brother is great at times. He is so tall. I hate it. I'm short. This really is no fun. Being 5 years apart it difficult at times. Every day I drop him off at school and see all his friends. They always say hi to me. I feel like one of them likes me and Minsoo won't tell me who. Sometimes my brother can be a bit annoying. But I find it cool that he is always looking out for his Noona. He is growing up well.

Ok to tell you about my Umma. Well she is working half the time. She is home during the day to cook for us and clean the house. And at night she is always working. Now even though Umma doesn't need to work she still does. She always tires herself out. Every day we would try to give her a break from being a mom but she won't let us. She knows that we are all grown up now but she still takes care of us like we are babies again.

As for my Appa. He owns a business. We have never went there. We barely get to see Appa as well. Appa is always so busy we don't get to see him. He knows that Umma wants to work but he won't take her into his business. I told him millions of time that we would be fine home alone. I will cook and everything but Appa just won't do that. I want Umma to know that we will be ok. Sooner or later Appa will tell Umma to go work with him. I hope he does.  

Being a small family is hard. Umma is always working to be a good Umma. Appa is working so we have money. Minsoo and I are just their kids who can't do anything. All we can do is help here and there but we are just going to school. I feel bad for not being about to help as much. I want to help them with everything. I want to be able to make their lives easier as well. But how do I do this? I don't even know what to do. I wish I was a bigger help to Umma and Appa. I'm so useless to them right now. I need to grow up faster and get a life. I can't just stay home all the time. Eh I guess but let's talk more about my naughty brother who loves to see Krystal Unnie.  

My Dongsaeng he is such a little brat. Always finding ways to come to my school. He knows that Unnie is a whole year older but he always comes no matter what. It's funny how he goes through so much drama to just see her when we drop him off at school and pick him up. He is just so weird. I don't blame him I'm weird myself. I guess this little brat likes her but not her long some girl will come along and he will fall in love with her. He is such a little rascal.

Life is hard but knowing that Minsoo is willing to do anything to make me happy it's something different. I guess having him is something I really like in life. It's something different, I'm just happy I don't have a sister. If I did we maybe walking to school by ourselves. We may never see each other only when we eat. I love my little brother so much we talk to each other every day and he is always there for me when I need it. I'm also there for him as well.

Being the way we are there is always fights. We don't fight as much but we are always saying stuff to make each other mad. Being the oldest I won't fight back as often but when I do I always win over him. He has only won me 3 times and that's it. I just wonder how many more times he can sit around and pick a fight with me. I don't mind at all because he is one of the best little dongsaeng ever. I just wish he would want to go to the water park so I don't look like a weirdo going by myself.

Life, why is life so hard? My parents are going through so much and we can't do anything. Appa is always busy Umma only gets a break when ever we are gone from school. It's a couple of things that my parents want to do for us. Having Appa own his own business is hard. He is always traveling and Umma stays behind even though Appa wants her to go. I want them to have a break and they will soon. I will promise them that they will have the vacation of their lives.

A/N So how was the first chapter? Good? Ok? Boring right? I just wanted people to know how her family is. Next will be a chapter all about B1A4.
Date:07/09/13        Time:11:30pm


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Chapter 20: hahahaha so cute . i love how the end up together . aigoo can't stop smiling hehe :
Chapter 16: Waaaaah!! Your gonna end this story already!! T_T
I like how its going so far!! There is like a love pentagon here!!
Chapter 13: Awwh poor Krystal! :(
Im finally caught up with your updates now lol
Poor Gongchan! :( ppl get in the way of things always lol
Chapter 9: updateeee~~
Chapter 1: OOOOOOOH interesting!!! I like it so far!!
Now Im not really a fan of B1A4 but I play this ranking game on my phone and I saw them around and I cant help but looking at Gong Chan and CNU hehe ;)
Kaismyseoulmate #6
Good idea, Updatee! ;u;
mariamolekun #7
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^