Toying with her

Am I Your Target?

Myname-Crush on You


Gongchan didn't know what to do anymore. He likes Kwangsoo so much that he just wants to go out with her but he  just doesn't know what to do. He knows that it's only been awhile and he doesn't know if she likes him that well. So he just had to do something to catch her attention. He knew that dancing was one thing that he could do but he couldn't really think of what to do. He was really confused on if he liked her or it was just a crush. Gongchan took a breath before walking into Minsoo's school.

Minsoo was walking around waiting to go to class. As usual he was with his friends. They were all talking. Minsoo was quite for a while until he saw Gongchan. He called out to Gongchan and Gongchan turned around and saw Minsoo. Minsoo ran to Gongchan.

"Hyung what are you doing here?"
"Well I need to tell you something"
"What is it Hyung? Did something happen?"
"Anni it's not like that it's just I heard that you always wanted to pick out Kwangsoo's boyfriend"
"And Hyung?"
"Well it's because I think I'm falling for her?"
"Oh it's reasonable Hyung every guy likes Noona"
"Well I think she is my target, I want her to be my girlfriend"
"Hyung you know you have to go through me first right?"
"Yeah I know that's why I came and told you"
"Ok then well it's not that hard"
"Chinja? Krystal Noona said it was"
"Krystal Noona was just kidding she doesn't know me"

"First when I was younger I always wanted Aron Hyung to be Noona's boyfriend"
"So do you still now?"
"Anni I feel like you try really hard to be by Noona's side Aron Hyung just seems to be there at the right time"
"But I seem to not be there at all and I want to"
"Hyung don't worry about dance last week I could Noona was looking at you"
"But she was looking at Aron as well"
"I know but all eyes on you even when JR Hyung taught the dance"
"Chinja? And you were standing right next to her"
"Yeah I know Hyung but I know my Noona"

"That's true so kiddo you don't mind?"
"No I don't but toy with my sister"
"Wae? I don't want to be mean"
"You won't she'll just tell me when she likes you"
"She will?"
"Yeah she's like that"
"Well what should I do?"
"Well you guys are friends but act a little closer to her. Make her think that she is the one"
"So she's my target?"
"Ne the target you want", Minsoo smiled.
"Thanks kiddo see you later", Gongchan smiled.
"Annyeong Hyung you too", Minsoo smiled and walked away.

Gongchan had walked back to school. He didn't really care of being late. He had thought of what to do. He wanted to hold her books and sit right next to her. And offer her his food. But he just wasn't sure of it. He didn't really know what to do. He just knew that being very close to Kwangsoo was going to be different. Lately Krystal hasn't been around and Aron has been busy with other things so Kwangsoo has been lonely at school. No one was with her so Gongchan planed to be that one person.

When it was lunch time Gongchan ran to Kwangsoo's class and walked/talked with her to lunch. Kwangsoo was smiling and laughing. Gongchan was holding her books and being a sweet gentleman. He even offer to get her lunch. She felt bad and held her books while Gongchan got his food. Then they went to go sit down and Gongchan sat right next to Kwangsoo. He never does and it surprised Kwangsoo a bit. She wasn't expecting him to sit next to her. As being the youngest Gongchan offered Kwangsoo half of his burger and fries. They shared like a couple would. The rest of B1A4 didn't say anything they seem to already know the plan without even talking about it.

When lunch ended Gongchan held Kwangsoo's books and went to put them away for her. He even put it in his lockers since she didn't need it anymore. Kwangsoo was kind of shy since he was acting so nice. She didn't really know what to do. It was like Gongchan was trying to get her to like him. Kwangsoo didn't know what it really was but she didn't really mind as much because it didn't bother her that much.

Soon school was over. The rest of B1A4 walked home. Gongchan had walked Kwangsoo home. Well they went to pick up Minsoo first then they walked home. Gongchan seemed very close to Kwangsoo. He had his arms around Kwangsoo like bestfriends and always made her laugh. Kwangsoo just thought it was a friendly thing but ever since lunch her heart was beating fast each time she heard his voice. Since the first day she ran into him she knew that he was different. Something about him made her heart beat faster.

Minsoo laughed a little before walking ahead minding his own business. When the got home Gongchan gave Kwangsoo a hug and bid her goodbye. Minsoo laughed a little bit to loudly that Kwangsoo heard him. When Kwangsoo went into the house she ran up to her room and squealed for a while before going back out and went to look for her brother.

"Minmin come here now"
"Ne Noona?"
"What was today all about?"
"You had something to do with it"
"Yes I did but I can't tell you"
"Why not?"
"You have to tell me something"
"Like what?"
"Do you like Hyung?"
"Which one blue head?"
"Gongchan Hyung of course"
"I don't really know right now"

"Kid stop getting involve in my love life"
"Noona I'm your only brother I have too"
"So I can get into yours?"
"Ne it's just I don't like any"
"Sure that's what you say now"
"I'm telling the truth"
"That's just now you little pig"
"Noona~", Minsoo whined.
"Love you pig", Kwangsoo hugged Minsoo.

A/N Ok so this one is also short and I'm sorry. Mep didn't know what to do ok. This just came into mind I think the next chapter will be the last chapter. I'm sorry guys but I have another story in mind and I need to do it before I can't think of it anymore. It will be about MyName. If you don't know them go look up Myname-Hello and Goodbye or Baby I'm Sorry two of my favorite songs form them. So go check them out please before reading my next story.
Date:08/28/13     Time:09:27pm


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Chapter 20: hahahaha so cute . i love how the end up together . aigoo can't stop smiling hehe :
Chapter 16: Waaaaah!! Your gonna end this story already!! T_T
I like how its going so far!! There is like a love pentagon here!!
Chapter 13: Awwh poor Krystal! :(
Im finally caught up with your updates now lol
Poor Gongchan! :( ppl get in the way of things always lol
Chapter 9: updateeee~~
Chapter 1: OOOOOOOH interesting!!! I like it so far!!
Now Im not really a fan of B1A4 but I play this ranking game on my phone and I saw them around and I cant help but looking at Gong Chan and CNU hehe ;)
Kaismyseoulmate #6
Good idea, Updatee! ;u;
mariamolekun #7
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^