
Am I Your Target?

U-Kiss-Love of a Friend


Gongchan's POV:
Gosh why are my Hyungs so embarrassing? They walked Kwangsoo to school today and they talked to her about me and told her stuff about me. I didn't even want her to know about it yet but they ended up telling her. They really had to do that to me? I just want to get them back now but how? Should I ask for Krystal Noona's help? I don't really know. I don't want to use Noona though that would be very mean to her. Ugh I should talk to Kwangsoo though. I don't want her to know that all of those are true it's so embarrassing. Aish I guess I have to wait till lunch time comes around.

Kwangsoo's POV:
Is it really true? Did Gongchan pee on himself when his crush approached him? I wonder how old he was? That's really embarrassing. I wonder if it's true that he stutters a lot too? Wait I shouldn't ask that's rude. Anyways they were all laughing like Gongchan told them or they saw it. I can't believe the guys now. I have to wait till Gongchan tells me the truth.

Narrator's POV:
Walking to class Kwangsoo didn't notice someone was following her. He didn't have a uniform. He seemed to be foreign. Who was he? How come he didn't have a uniform? How come he is here on their school ground? What does he want? As Kwangsoo went into the classroom someone tapped her shoulder. Kwangsoo turned around to get a bear hug. Kwangsoo became scared but didn't do anything. She didn't dare scream it would just cause a scene. The person who tapped her shoulder let go and smiled at her.

"Mianhae but who are you?"
"You don't remember me?"
"Mian I don't remember"
"How about this", He smiled then said in English, "Hey kiddo"
"Oh Youngmin Oppa you're back?"

They started to speak in English.
"Ne just came back yesterday"
"How was the states?"
"I missed it but I missed you the most"
"I missed you too. So how is everyone back in the states?"
"My parents are doing well and so is my little sister"
"Oh wow that's good uh well I need to get to class what about you?"
"I'm going to go see Krystal and your little brother as well"
"Ok well Unnie has math first period and Minsoo is going to our old elementary school"
"Gosh that kid is growing so fast"
"I know and you will be shock with his hair"
"What happen to it?"
"Well it's something we haven't done to our hair yet"
"Are you kidding me?"
"Go see for yourself Oppa"
"I will and see you later during lunch ok?"
"Ok bye Oppa see you later", Kwangsoo waved goodbye as Youngmin left.

Kwangsoo's POV:
I can't believe that Aron Oppa came back after 3 years. It's been so long. He was 15 when he left and I was 13 and Unnie was 14. He looks more good looking now. Oppa has grown up a lot from the last time I saw him. I miss him so much. I can't wait to see him later. I wonder what he is going to do. He always has something up his sleeves. It's always something new. He is always acting cute. I wonder if he still his? I wonder if he still acts like a little kid. He probably never grew up when he was over in the states. Maybe he just looks older. Hehe I still can't believe he is back here again. I wish my parents were here to see him and greet him properly.

Narrator's POV:
Youngmin also known as Aron went to go see Krystal first. He had stood by the window and looked into the class room. The teacher didn't see him but Krystal saw him right away. She smiled when she saw him. She waved hi to him. Krystal really wanted to go see Aron so she asked to use the restroom. The teacher said yes and went outside. Aron smiled when Krystal came out. Krystal giggled.

"Aron Oppa you're finally back", Krystal hugged Aron.
"I told you I would come back", Aron smiled.
"You said after 1 year it's been 3", Krystal pouted.
"I'm sorry kiddo", Aron ruffled Krystal's hair.
"Oppa~", Krystal fixed her hair.
"You're still the same", Aron smiled.
"I know I am"
"So kiddo how have you been?"
"Good and you Oppa?"
"Fantasic got to see my sweety first so my day starts off great"

"Oppa you still like her after so long?"
"What? It's been like 5 to 6 years since I told you?"
"Ne Oppa it's been that long"
"Well it's not as bad right?"
"Oppa you're 2 years older than her"
"I know but still it has to work right?"
"Oppa what if she doesn't like you that way?"
"I don't really know. But I will always like her no matter what"
"Well let's talk later I need to go back to class"
"Ok talk to you later kiddo and still don't tell Kwanggie"
"I know Oppa I won't I promise", Krystal raised her pinky before going back to class.

Aron signed before leaving the school campus. He had walked all the way to Minsoo's elementary school. Aron walked in and no one mind him. He looked around and smiled. All the memories with Kwangsoo came back to him. It was like he was a little kid again. It was Minsoo's break when Aron made it to his school. Minsoo came out of class and right away he saw Aron. He smiled and ran up to Aron and hugged him.

"Hyung you came back after so long", Minsoo hugged Aron tighter.
"Whoa Minmin you miss me that much", Aron smiled.
"Hyung don't call me that I'm older now"
"I know you are I just wanted to say it"
"It's been a while I understand Hyung but say it when we are at home"
"Ok I got it. So how is elementary for you?"
"Eh I guess it's good Hyung"
"That's good you made friends right?"
"Of course I-", Minsoo got cut off.
"What happen to your hair?" Aron touched Minsoo's hair.
"Ah I just dyed it"
"Just dyed it? Kid I didn't even do that to my hair yet"
"I know Hyung but Noona let me"
"Your Noona let you?"
"Ne she told me no first but I guess she surprised me after school"
"You're a lucky boy"
"Thanks Hyung"
"Well go eat before break is over see you later"
"Ok bye Hyung see you later", Minsoo waved and ran off.

After so long it was lunch time at Kwangsoo and Krystal's school. Aron went there with food for them. He had texted them not to get lunch and they didn't. They went out to the front gate and waited for Aron to come. Aron had to jump over the not so tall fence to get over to the school campus. Aron had got over and went to the lunch room. He walked in and all eyes were on him. The lunch room seemed to be quite. A little bit to quite. What just happen before he came in?

Kwangsoo's POV:
Finally lunch time I get to eat and see Aron Oppa, B1A4, and Unnie. I wonder what is for lunch. Umm I hope something good. I didn't really eat breakfast this morning. I wonder if- ouch that hurts.

Narrator's POV:
4 minutes before Aron walked in:
Kwangsoo looked up shocked. She wasn't paying attention and ran into the queenkas. Kwangsoo instantly stood up and bowed. As always not saying anything. She looked around and saw everyone was looking at them.

"What the hell was that for?" Joo got pissed and cleaned her skirt off.
"J-Joo I'm so sorry", Kwangsoo stutter
"Sorry? You? Saying sorry? That's all you could say right?"
"I'm, I'm sorry", Kwangsoo looked down.
"Saw something else", Joo said slowly.
"She can't and she won't", Hana said to Joo.
"Here Joo the milk you wanted", Mikki smiled.
"Oh thanks you're just in time", Joo took the milk.

Sumin came back and didn't say anything. She knew what Joo was up too and didn't watch Joo. Joo smirked and poured the milk on Kwangsoo. Kwangsoo didn't do anything and just stood there. She was so shock he eyes widen. Joo, Hana, and Mikki laughed and walked away. Sumin stood there for a while she gave Kwangsoo a napkin and then walked away. Gongchan saw that happen but didn't do anything. He wanted to but CNU held him back. Kwangsoo looked up and saw some people laughing at her. Tears rolled down her face as she turned around and ran off.  

Kwangsoo's POV:
I thought we were going to be ok? She didn't spill food on herself why did she do that? Why do I have to work with people like them? They are so rude and have 2 different personality. It's nothing like when we are at work. They are all sweet but at school they are different. Is it because I know more people at work then school? Maybe not but still why did they just do that to me? Now the whole world will know that an Ulzzang like me got bullied at school. How embarrassing.

 When Aron walked in:
Aron had walked to Krystal feeling weird. Everyone was so quite. Krystal didn't really say anything. She just smiled and bowed to Aron. Aron bowed back and sat down. Aron saw that there were boys across from Krystal. He didn't really know who they were so he went ahead and asked.

"Who are they?"
"Oh just fans"
"Ok so were is Kwanggie? I told her not to buy food"
"Well she's", Krystal looked down.
"She's outside something happen to her", one of the fans stood up and left.
Right away Aron stood up,"Krystal stay here and eat"
Krystal didn't say anything she knew this would happen. It's happen many times before.

Aron ran outside and looked around. He couldn't see Kwangsoo so he kept running until he heard sniffling. Aron stopped and looked around. He was breathing hard. He looked behind the bushes and saw Kwangsoo sitting there crying. She was wet from head to toe. Aron got worried and squatted right next to her.

"What happen?"
"Nothing", Kwangsoo sniffled.
"Then why are you wet?"
"I just ran into something"
"Don't lie to me Kwanggie I know something else happen"
"How would you know? You didn't see anything", Kwangsoo got mad.
Aron hugged Kwangsoo, "Everyone was quite of course I remember this"
"Am I that open?"
"What do you mean?"
"Can you read me just by looking at me?"
"No I can't but I know from what happen last time"

Kwangsoo didn't say nothing further but cried in Aron's arms. Aron hugged Kwangsoo tightly. Right when that happen Gongchan came running out from getting away from his Hyungs. He saw Kwangsoo in someone else's arms. Gongchan was panting and turned away. Seeing that made his heart hurt more. First seeing her cry and now seeing her in another guy's arm. That was suppose to be him not someone else.

Gongchan's POV:
Finally away from the Hyungs. I need to find Kwangsoo quick. Where could she be hiding at? Is she up on the roof top? Nope she can't be there. Maybe in the bathroom. I knocked on the door but no answer. She must be by the rose garden then. Is that her? Let me run closer. Oh that is her. And she is with some other guy. Who is that guy? Is he just a friend? Or is he her boyfriend? I guess it doesn't matter anymore she has someone else to comfort her instead of me.

Krystal's POV:
Why does this always happen? It's always Kwangsoo who gets the most attention from Aron Oppa. I might not like Oppa but I'm an only child and I just need an older brother. Aron is the closest to a brother and he can't be there for me. I already told him that she won't like him back but he is still trying. Why can't Oppa at least help me? I have been so busy I just need an older brother to help me with something.

Kwangsoo is the girl Aron Oppa is running to. But why can't he understand that I'm trying to run to him? I can't hide it anymore. I love him and I just want him. I know I can't have him and that is wrong. I just can't forget the days we were left together to just hang out. I miss those days I just wish we could still have those days. My heart is only looking at him. I don't want to be friends but lovers and this just hurts me. Seeing him go for someone else is just growing bigger and I'm hurting a lot. I guess the love of a friend won't work after all.  

Narrator's POV:
Soon the bell rung. Lunch time was over. Krystal stood up and went to the rose garden. As always she Knew that Kwangsoo like the rose garden the most and would run there. She brought out the food with her. She saw Aron's bright red shoes and stood behind the bushes for a while before walking to see the scene. Krystal stood there and placed the food on the floor. She saw Kwangsoo in Aron's arms with puffy eyes. As always Krystal felt bad but she also wanted to be in her place.

"Oppa here is the food. I'll go tell Kwangsoo's teachers"
"Ok thanks kiddo", Aron smiled.
"No problem", Krystal bowed and left.
When Krystal was far enough she said out loud,"I wish you just knew"

Krystal had told the teachers. They understood right away and didn't mind. Gongchan went to class gloomy. The scene just kept running through his mind. He couldn't get it out of his head. It was bothering him the most. Not knowing how to feel because he doesn't know if he is falling in love or just having a crush. Falling in love this may be the first time but having a crush happens every time. Gongchan doesn't know his heart anymore and it's hurting him a lot.

A/N Umm was this sad or not? I don't really know because I'm writting this. So tell me how did you feel while reading this. And just to let you know Joo, Hana, Mikki, and Sumin are all Ulzzang so if you want go look them up. And Aron is from Nu'Est. Nu'Est just had their comeback which is Sleep Talking so go check it out. And yesterday and today is KCON so to all the people that went I hope you guys had fun and tell me about it. I wanna know I didn't get to see my L.Joe =_=.

                      Joo                                                    Hana                                  

                       Mikki                                               Sumin


Date:08/25/13      Time:06:02pm


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Chapter 20: hahahaha so cute . i love how the end up together . aigoo can't stop smiling hehe :
Chapter 16: Waaaaah!! Your gonna end this story already!! T_T
I like how its going so far!! There is like a love pentagon here!!
Chapter 13: Awwh poor Krystal! :(
Im finally caught up with your updates now lol
Poor Gongchan! :( ppl get in the way of things always lol
Chapter 9: updateeee~~
Chapter 1: OOOOOOOH interesting!!! I like it so far!!
Now Im not really a fan of B1A4 but I play this ranking game on my phone and I saw them around and I cant help but looking at Gong Chan and CNU hehe ;)
Kaismyseoulmate #6
Good idea, Updatee! ;u;
mariamolekun #7
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^