Will you be my target?

Am I Your Target?

B1A4-Beautiful Target


Gongchan's POV:
It's been almost a year since I have known Kwangsoo and I feel like it's the right time to tell her that I like her. But how should I tell her that? I don't really know yet but I do want to tell her. I don't want to go on to strong and I don't want to be so strange. I really have no clue. Why is that? Aish whatever we'll see what happens.

Baro's POV:
It's been almost a year since I have known Krystal. I like talking to her and she has gotten use to telling me things. I feel like being stuck in the friends zone but she talks to me everyday. It feels great for her to talk to me. I don't really mind it's just I want to be the boy she is falling for. I want to be the one to protect her. I want to let her know that I'm a friend and a boyfriend to her. I just don't know what to do anymore.

Krystal's POV:
Because of Baro Oppa I feel so much better. I get to talk to him about my feelings and he is always there to listen to me. He is a great friend and sometimes I can't go running to Kwanggie to tell her about things because I can't let her know. I'm just glad that I talked to Baro Oppa that day. I'm really grateful for having him around.

Narrator's POV:
Kwangsoo and Krystal were both walking to the gates. The end of the day came by fast. No one really kept their attention of them. There was no fans around them. Krystal and Kwangsoo smiled and kept walking. They knew that today it was one of the Queenkas birthday so no guys will be around them. B1A4 was also left alone. All the girls went to go celebrate or tired to with the Queenka. It was a day of no fans. They all loved it.

As they walked out the gates they walked together. They all went to a cafe to get drink and hang out. Krystal was next to Baro, Kwangsoo was next to Sanduel. Everything was fine but soon Jinyoung CNU and Sanduel left. Everything wasn't really awkward but it was pretty awkward. They talked normally around each other but there was this awkwardness floating in the air. Then all of a sudden Baro said something that shock both Krystal and Gongchan.

"Krystal you are my target"
"Bowh?" Krystal was confused.
"Unnie he likes you", Kwangsoo whispered.
"Hyung chinja?" Gongchan smiled.
"Ne you are my target"
"Unnie this is a confession", Kwangsoo whispered.
"Ah araso Baro Oppa I will be your girlfriend"
"Chinja? You really will?"
"Ne I really will be your girlfriend"
"WAH Hyung daebaek", Gongchan said loudly.
"Channie shh", Kwangsoo smiled.

"Your turn Channie", Baro git Gongchan's arm.
"What do you mean?"
"Don't lie Channie", Krystal smiled.
"I don't get it", Gongchan tilte his head.
Kwangsoo blinked and question them.
"Hyung will just tell her", Baro smirked.
"Ah anni I got it"
"Got what?" Kwangsoo tilted her head.
"The target", Krystal smiled.
"Oh I have no target", Kwangsoo shook her head.
"Well I do", Gongchan smiled.
"Chinja? Who?"
"You Noona", Minsoo smiled.
"Minmin-ah when did you get here?" Kwangsoo looked at him.
"Ah Hyung came to pick me up", Minsoo pointed to Jinyoung.

"Ah you guys did thanks Oppa", Kwangsoo smiled.
"Noona Hyung likes you", Minsoo sat next to Kwangsoo.
"I thought you wanted me and Aron Oppa to go out?"
"Anni not anymore I like Gongchan Hyung better"
"So when did you change your mind?"
"Long time ago Noona I just never told you"
"Your such a brat", Kwangsoo ruffled Minsoo's hair.
"So Noona what's the answer?" Minsoo smiled.
"Umm", Kwangsoo looked around, "Ne?"

"Are you not sure?" Sanduel asked.
"Ne I'm not sure"
"Wae?" Jinyoung was lost.
"Because I never got a question"
"CHAN!" Everyone hit his head.
"Mianhae mianhae", Gongchan rubbed his head.
Kwangsoo giggled.
"Kwangsoo-ah will you be my target?"
"Ne I will", Kwangsoo smiled.

"Wah how cute", Jinyoung teased.
"So I was your target from the start?"Kwangsoo asked.
"Ne ever since I laid eyes on you", Gongchan blushed.
"How cute", Kwangsoo giggled.
"Now Noona let's eat", Minsoo stood up.
"Ok I'll order just sit here", Kwangsoo stood up and left.

After the cheesy confession everything stayed the same. They were all still friends and hung out a lot. They were always together and got use to walking to school. Many guys or girls would look at them and become jealous of their relationship or would want to be that person. After about 3 month of going out Jinyoung, CNU, and Sanduel got their target picked out as well and worked on it. They were just friends for a while then things changed and they finally got themselves girlfriends.

A/N Ok so this one was weird and very cheesy. I laughed when I was trying to write because it sounded weird. Well now I will start updating the next store thanks for reading this story. I hope you enjoyed it kind of.  

Date:09/15/13    Time:01:18pm


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Chapter 20: hahahaha so cute . i love how the end up together . aigoo can't stop smiling hehe :
Chapter 16: Waaaaah!! Your gonna end this story already!! T_T
I like how its going so far!! There is like a love pentagon here!!
Chapter 13: Awwh poor Krystal! :(
Im finally caught up with your updates now lol
Poor Gongchan! :( ppl get in the way of things always lol
Chapter 9: updateeee~~
Chapter 1: OOOOOOOH interesting!!! I like it so far!!
Now Im not really a fan of B1A4 but I play this ranking game on my phone and I saw them around and I cant help but looking at Gong Chan and CNU hehe ;)
Kaismyseoulmate #6
Good idea, Updatee! ;u;
mariamolekun #7
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^