
Am I Your Target?

F(x)-Beautiful Goodbye


A/N English would be in the color of red.

6 years ago:
Kwangsoo was only 10. Krystal was 11 and Aron was 12. Being friends they went to school together. They went every where together. They took care of each other and watched after each other. They all made sure that each and everyone had food or money with them so that when they were hungry they could eat or buy something. It was always like that. They were all neighbors. All their parents worked together side-by-side.

Even though they all just met it felt like they have been friends for ever. They were always together. They all had dinner together and they all went to school together. Because of their parents they were like brother and sisters. Soon came along Aron's little sister and Kwangsoo's little brother. They both are the same age but born different months. Soon the two younger ones started to follow all of them around and they all became like a family.

They would go to the park and stay there until dinner time. They always played together. They had things to find and things to hide. They even went to Han River to watch the sunset. At school they would all go and mess around. They never had classes together but they had break together. They were always together during break and lunch they even walked to school and back home together. Aron had gotten so close to them that he would pull pranks on them.

There was this one time when Aron had asked Kwangsoo to come out to the front of the gate. She went as told but didn't see Aron there. When he saw her walk to the gate he followed behind her and scared her. Kwangsoo screamed but ended up laughing knowing that it was only Aron. She playfully hit Aron and he acted like it hurt. They looked like a young couple but they were never a couple. Kwagsoo giggled a little more but ended getting Arong back. She had poked his side and he yelled. Kwangsoo laughed because it sounded like a girl. She was laughing so much her stomach was hurting already.  

Aron also pulled a prank on Krystal. He had told her to meet him at the back. He was there waiting for her. When she arrived he turned her around and popped something. Krystal jumped in shock and turned around to see Aron laughing. He was already squatting down holding his stomach laughing. Krystal hit Aron's arm and it hurt him but he was still laughing about it. Krystal smiled but she was still mad that he had scared her.

Five years ago:
It was the year that Aron realized that he had grew feelings for Kwangsoo. He told Krystal and as a good friend she never told Kwangsoo. But this year was also the year that Krystal knew she like Aron. When Aron told her that he like Kwangsoo she was so hurt. That night she went home and cried herself to sleep. Being so young and already crying because of a boy. Is it because she knew Aron so well that it hurt her as well?

The next day they all walked to school together. Krystal was the last one they had to wait for to go to school. When she came out they notice that her eyes were puffy. Kwangsoo went up to Krystal and hugged her. Kwangsoo even asked if Krystal was ok. All Krystal said was that she was fine and her eyes just hurt. Aron knew something was wrong but never asked Krystal because he knew that she wouldn't tell him either. That day Krystal was quite she didn't talk as mush as she usually does. Kwangsoo was worried but didn't want to ask anymore and play if off because she didn't want Krystal to get mad.

Four Years ago:
This year was the year Aron knew he was leaving soon. He didn't want to tell Kwangsoo or Krystal yet because he wasn't leaving yet. It was also the year that Kwangsoo got bullied at school. Krystal was at her last year of elementary school and Kwangsoo had 2 more years. During lunch Kwangsoo was walking not paying attention. She had bump into Mikki and her food spilled on her. Mikki didn't get as mad but Joo was pissed off. Joo took Sumin's milk and poured it on Kwangsoo. Kwangsoo stood there with tears running down her face. Joo was and Hana were the only ones laughing. Mikki didn't know what to do. Sumin gave Kwangsoo an apologizing look. Kwangsoo ran out to the rose garden crying.

The whole school was out and watching what just happen. It made a big scene. Aron had told them to not buy lunch. He wanted to go there during their lunch and give them home made jajang myun (black bean noodles). When Aron walked into the lunch room everyone was quite. He walked to Krystal with a weird look on his face. He knew that something happen with the queenkas and everyone shuts up. He looked around to find Kwangsoo but she wasn't around. He couldn't find her.

"Krystal where is Kwangsoo?"
"I don't know when I came in here she wasn't here"
"You guys didn't meet up?"

"Anni we never do"
Aron looked at a student, "Where did Kwangsoo go?"
"The top student?" he asked.
"Ne the top student"
"Oh I saw her run out"
"Why did she run out?"
"Joo poured milk on her because she ran into Mikki"
"The queenkas?"
"Ok thanks", Aron bowed and ran off.

Krystal followed behind with the food in her hands. Aron knew were to look at. It was Kwangsoo's favorite place to go and relax. If there were any rose garden around Kwangsoo would go and sit buy them and talk to the flowers. Aron found the rose garden but couldn't see Kwangsoo sitting. Krystal was far behind trying to catch up to Aron. She was a little worried as well not knowing what happened to Kwangsoo.

"I didn't mean to do that Mikki minhae", Kwangsoo whispered.
"For what?" Aron asked.
"Oh Oppa well I umm"
"Aren't you cold?" Aron took off his jacket and wrapped it around Kwangsoo.
"Anni it's ok Oppa", Kwangsoo stood up and gave Aron back his jacket.
"No take it it's cold out here", Aron put it on Kwangsoo.
"Oppa it's going to smell", tears ran down Kwangsoo's face.
"Please don't cry", Aron hugged Kwangsoo.
"Kwanggie it wasn't your fault", Krystal tried to consol Kwangsoo.
"It was my fault I ran into Mikki", tears flowed faster down her face.
"Shh...Everything will be fine", Aron hugged Kwangsoo.
"Oppa I don't wanna go to class anymore", Kwangsoo sniffled.
"Then don't I'll tell your teachers", Krystal said taking the food out.
"Let's eat", Aron sat down with Kwangsoo in his arms.

Krystal felt like crying so much. She just wanted to be in Aron's arms the most. She wanted to be in Kwangsoo's place. Kwangsoo was crying very little while they were eating. The bell had rung and they weren't done eating Krystal was full already but Kwangsoo still wanted to eat more. Krystal patted Kwangsoo's head and left to class. Kwangsoo got up a little bit upset but Krystal called out and told her to stay with Aron. She did as told and stayed with Aron. Aron had packed the food and got ready to leave. Aron had text Krystal telling her that they will be leaving. Krystal texted back saying it was fine. Aron had helped Kwangsoo jump over the fence and they left to his house.

His mom was home and she help wash Kwangsoo. Kwangsoo felt a little weird but Aron's mom was like her mom as well so she wasn't so awkward. After bathing Aron gave Kwangsoo his sweats and a large shirt to wear. Kwangsoo wore it as her clothes were still washing. Kwangsoo sat down on the couch and fell asleep. Mrs.Kwak had got a blanket for Kwangsoo and covered her. Aron sat next to Kwangsoo and looked at her. He was so worried she was going to catch a cold. He ran to get a steamer and put it near Kwangsoo. Mrs.Kwak looked at Aron and smiled. She didn't say anything but kept on cooking dinner.

3 years ago:
It was the year Aron had to leave. His family had left January while he waited till May to leave. He didn't know how to tell Krystal and Kwangsoo. He wanted to write a letter but he didn't want to be like that so he asked them on March 31 to meet them at the front gates during lunch. Aron had everything down and what he wanted to say. He knew that they would be mad but it was the only way he could tell them. It was the only thing that he thought would really be the best way to tell them. He didn't want to just leave and they have to find out on their own.

March 31 came around fast. Aron was scared and didn't know what to do. He was nervous and didn't really know how to start off the conversation. He knew that Krystal would be very hurt by that he is going to tell. He didn't know how Kwangsoo would act since he is the youngest and she is always smiling no matter if it's hard for her. Aron turned around and took a breath before turning back around to see Krystal and Kwangsoo right in front of him.

"Oppa what did you want to tell us?" Kwangsoo asked.
"Umm well", Aron looked down.
"Don't be like that just tell us", Krystal was smiling.
"You guys will be mad", Aron looked at them.
"Oppa just tell us", Kwangsoo moved Aron's arm back and forth.
"I moving", Aron said quietly.
"Moving? Where?" Krystal asked.
"To the states", Aron looked down.
"BOWH?!?!? Where? The states?" Krystal blurted out.
"Ne the states it will only be a year", Aon looked at Krystal.
Kwangsoo just stood there quietly not saying a word.

"You guys I'm sorry but my parents want me to go too", Aron looked down.
Tears fell down Krystal's face,"And you didn't tell us earlier?"
"Mianhae chinja I didn't mean to", Aron looked at Krystal.
"Oppa have fun. I'll miss you", Kwangsoo said as tears fell down her face.
"Kwangsoo I'm sorry please don't cry don't be like that", Aron took a step closer to Kwangsoo.
Kwangsoo took a step back,"There's no need to say sorry I umm have to go now", Kwangsoo turned around and walked away.

"Aron why didn't you tell us earlier? You've hurt her it's going to take her a long time", Krystal looked down.
"Krystal I just didn't want you guys to wait"
"Maybe it was better to wait for you to leave"
"If I did so she wouldn't be like this?"
"No she wouldn't it takes her a long time to say goodbye and she's just not ready"
"I don't know what to do"
"Well when are you leaving?"
"May 10"
"And you didn't tell us when you knew?"
"No I was just....I could have thought more", Aron looked down.
"Oppa don't worry I will talk to her"
"Araso gomawo for being so sweet kiddo"
"No problem Oppa just know that it won't be easy for her"
"I know just go eat now", Aron turned around and left.
"I just wish you knew that it's hurting me so much more to know you care about her more"
, Krystal whispered as she walked away.

May 10 came around fast. Aron wasn't ready to leave. He hasn't really been talking to Kwangsoo but he has talked to Krystal. Kwangsoo never came out when ever Aron asked so they can hang out before he leaves. Kwangsoo was never in the mood to see Aron again. The day Aron had to leave Krystal and her parents went to drop him off that the airport. Kwangsoo's parents were busy and couldn't take her to go say goodbye.

Before Krystal and them left Minsoo ran over to their house and begged them to take him with them. They said it was fine but Kwangsoo had to go to. Their maids and butler were not home at the time. Kwangsoo had no choice but to go with them. She didn't talk to anyone. She just looked down the window and listen to Yurima. It was the only think she could do to not pay any attention to Aron and the others. Krystal's mom knew that Kwangsoo was having a hard time with this. She told the kids not to bother her and let her have sometime alone for now.

When they were at the airport waiting for Aron's plane to be ready Kwangsoo just sat there. They were all talking and having a great time before Aron left. Still Kwangsoo was getting over the main  point that he is leaving to the states. Some where she always wanted to go back to. It will always be her favorite place to visit in the summer but because her parents are always gone on business trips during the summer she never got to go again.

Soon Aron's plane was called and he was leaving. He gave everyone hugs except Kwangsoo. He felt really bad and hated the feeling that Kwangsoo was still mad at him. As Aron was waiting to enter the plane Kwangsoo had tears in her eyes. She finally cried again. It was tears that she didn't want to cry the whole time but she knew that it was the best thing to do. Aron was about to leave but before he could Kwangsoo backed hug him.

"Oppa why do you have to go so soon", Kwangsoo cried.
"Mianhae but my parents want to", Aron turned around and hugged Kwangsoo.
"I miss you already", Kwangsoo cried in Aron's arms.
"I will always call and text you so don't worry", Aron smiled at Kwangsoo.
Kwangsoo tried to smile, "Araso call when you get off the plane"
"I will don't worry", Aron winked.
"Be safe and don't be such a fool", Kwangsoo smiled and pecked Aron's check.
Aron smiled, "I will don't worry"
"Annyeong Oppa I'm sorry for acting like that"
"Don't worry just be happy so that I won't be sad as well"
"Araso I will always be happy"
"That's my girl well I have to go now", Aron ruffled Kwangsoo's hair and left.
"Annyeong", Kwangsoo waved.

From that day on Kwangsoo and Aron have kept in touch with each other. Even though the time was different they still found time to talk to each other. Aron was happy to know that Kwangsoo finally snapped out of it and said goodbye to him. It was the best and the last goodbye he wanted to hear before he left. Even though it was hard for him to leave he knew that it was because of family issue. It was because his family wanted to go back for a while.

After 3 years:
Aron finally came back to visit his childhood friends again.

A/N I hope this wasn't as boring even though I know it was boring to hear about their past and a little bit more about Aron but I needed someone for a song I liked and I thought that he would be good because Nu'Est just had their comeback.
Date:08/26/13         Time:09:31pm


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Chapter 20: hahahaha so cute . i love how the end up together . aigoo can't stop smiling hehe :
Chapter 16: Waaaaah!! Your gonna end this story already!! T_T
I like how its going so far!! There is like a love pentagon here!!
Chapter 13: Awwh poor Krystal! :(
Im finally caught up with your updates now lol
Poor Gongchan! :( ppl get in the way of things always lol
Chapter 9: updateeee~~
Chapter 1: OOOOOOOH interesting!!! I like it so far!!
Now Im not really a fan of B1A4 but I play this ranking game on my phone and I saw them around and I cant help but looking at Gong Chan and CNU hehe ;)
Kaismyseoulmate #6
Good idea, Updatee! ;u;
mariamolekun #7
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^