How to get Krystal's Attention

Am I Your Target?

G.Na Ft.Rain-If I had a lover


Baro's POV:
Gosh why am I having such a hard time with this? I can't even get the guts to talk to Kwangsoo about Krystal. Why am I being like this? I don't know but I need to go talk to her right now. I need to talk to Kwangsoo about this because I really want this to happen. I don't want to see Krystal hurt anymore. I'm tired of seeing her get hurt by that guy. I don't want Krystal to cry every night. I know she does I can tell by just looking at her eyes.

Narrator's POV:
During lunch before Kwangsoo could even get her lunch Baro pulled her out of line to go outside. Kwangsoo didn't want to get mad so she took time and calmed down a little bit. Baro stopped walking when he had got to the rose garden. He knew it was the place Kwangsoo liked the best and also a great place to think about things.

"Baro Oppa why did you bring me here?"
"I need your help"
"About what?"
"What about Unnie"
"Well I can tell she is hurt"
"Chinja? Unnie is hurting?"
"You haven't notice"
"Anni she always looks like that"
"Well not to me"
"Oppa what did you want though?"
"I wanna ask her out"
"BOWH?!?! Ask her out?!?!" Kwangsoo yelled.
"Shhh not to loud ok?" Baro covered Kwangsoo's mouth and looked around.

Kwangsoo nodded her head.
"Yes I do because I don't want to see her hurt"
"Araso here is the thing she is very sweet and all she just needs someone to talk to"
"Why won't she talk to you?"
"Ah molla she's like that when it comes to boy problems"
"So you do know she is hurt?"
"Ne I do it's just I never bring it up"
"Ah your a good Dongsaeng"
"Yeah I know I am Oppa"
"Thanks kiddo. So when should I do this?"
"Umm maybe next week is the best"
"Ok I think that will work"
"Kk Oppa good luck make sure Unnie is not sad anymore"
"I know I will make sure"
"Ok thanks Oppa bye", Kwangsoo hugged Baro and ran back inside.
"Bye", Baro smiled and walked back in.

Baro's POV:
I guess this isn't so bad after all. I just have to be in the friends zone for a while then maybe just maybe she will say yes. I hope she does because seeing her get hurt by that guy really just hurts me as well. I don't want that to happen anymore I want to make her happy. I'm tired of seeing strong Krystal I want her to know it's ok to cry sometimes. I will be there for her. We are already friends I just need to ask her about her feelings. I need to know more about her.

Kwangsoo's POV:
Hehe Baro Oppa is so weird. Always asking about Krystal Unnie. He has such a big crush on her that it shows sometimes. Not even Krystal Unnie knows. I wonder if I'm the only one who notices these kind of things. Sometimes I find it cute when Baro Oppa stutters when Krystal Unnie asks him something. He knows the answer he just gets so nervous. He is so funny and cute Krystal Unnie will love him so much. I can already tell you that right now. This will be so good they will make a good and cute couple.

A/N Sorry my chapters have been short lately. I haven't had any good ideas. They seem to not work since I'm in school. But we will see on my next story how it goes. I wonder how it will go. Maybe down hill like this story.
Date:09/03/13   Time:08:54pm


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Chapter 20: hahahaha so cute . i love how the end up together . aigoo can't stop smiling hehe :
Chapter 16: Waaaaah!! Your gonna end this story already!! T_T
I like how its going so far!! There is like a love pentagon here!!
Chapter 13: Awwh poor Krystal! :(
Im finally caught up with your updates now lol
Poor Gongchan! :( ppl get in the way of things always lol
Chapter 9: updateeee~~
Chapter 1: OOOOOOOH interesting!!! I like it so far!!
Now Im not really a fan of B1A4 but I play this ranking game on my phone and I saw them around and I cant help but looking at Gong Chan and CNU hehe ;)
Kaismyseoulmate #6
Good idea, Updatee! ;u;
mariamolekun #7
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^