The Man and His Wife


Journey 42

"Hey, what's with the frown, huh?" Kyungsoo bumped shoulders with Jinri as he sat down beside her.

Instinctively, Jinri leaned her head on Kyungsoo's shoulder and sighed.

"I'm scared Kyungsoo. Really really scared."

Kyungsoo has absolutely no idea what Jinri was talking about. But then he knew her for 29 years... isn't that enough for him to guess who the reason was?

"Hmm... Can you still remember how you were able to overcome your fear of heights?" Kyungsoo asked.
"Of course. I was with Chanyeol by then."
"Then let me ask you something: what did you feel?"

Jinri remembered how her cheeks flushed red when Chanyeol back-hugged her on the Ferris Wheel. She also remembered how she shouted her heart out when they were on the Eiffel Tower. She did not feel the fear at all on those times... In fact, she felt...

"Happy." Jinri smiled. "I am always happy when I'm with him Kyungsoo."
"Then that's your answer, silly." Kyungsoo said, flicking her forehead. "You just have to think of happy thoughts to replace your fear. Is that too hard to do?"

Jinri shook her head, a small smile appearing on her lips.

"Feeling better now?" Kyungsoo asked, appreciating the fact that he was able to make Jinri nod her head. "Well, let's go down there because Luna and I did not hold a house blessing if I'll only lock myself inside a room with you as company."
"What's so wrong with that?" Jinri pouted, standing up.
"What's wrong is, Chanyeol might be looking for you right now."

And right on cue, Chanyeol's loud voice rang downstairs.

"Hahaha! I told you!" Kyungsoo wriggled his eyebrows. He opened the door for Jinri and together, the two of them went downstairs.
"Oh there you are! I've been looking for you." Chanyeol beamed the moment he saw Jinri.
"And so we've heard." she muttered, chuckling under her breath.
"Kyungsoo! Help me here, please?" Luna called out.
"Coming pumpkin!" Kyungsoo called back. He spared a glance at Chanyeol and Jinri and mouthed a quick, 'I'll be right back'.

When Kyungsoo was out of earshot, Chanyeol whispered to Jinri.

"Well even though he doesn't comes back, we don't mind, right princess?" Chanyeol grinned, earning himself satisfaction when he saw how Jinri's cheeks blushed red.

He guffawed, enjoying his cute princess in front of him. Then he felt someone watching them and so he snapped his head towards the left, and met eye-to-eye with Joonmyeon.

Joonmyeon, the same man he was so jealous of before.

Chanyeol doesn't know how he should react over this man whom he wrongly accused as Jinri's husband. But it seems that it was Joonmyeon who made the decision for him, for he gave Chanyeol the smallest, friendly smile he had ever offered to him since the day they met.

Which of course, Chanyeol gratefully returned.

"Hey, who are you looking at?" Jinri asked, turning her head towards Joonmyeon's direction - but he was already gone.
"Joonmyeon." Chanyeol answered, his smile not leaving his lips. "I think he just gave us his blessing, Jinri."

Jinri smiled appreciatively. Honestly, a part of her missed Joonmyeon. He was the most gentleman and kindest man she had ever met. Joonmyeon was everyone's dream man. Jinri herself felt really lucky for having such a man as her boyfriend before. But for her, Joonmyeon was almost perfect yet it wasn't enough to stop Jinri falling for the tall man beside her.

Maybe it was Chanyeol's imperfections that make him perfect in her eyes. Or the fact that she was treated differently by Chanyeol, seeing how immature this man was years ago, which makes her more interested on him. But then, that's why she loved him more. Because he was able to grow... and although she was beyond heartbroken when he left, she believed that he'd come back.

"Are you thinking of nasty thoughts on me right now? Because I swear, I'm always up to it." Chanyeol teased, realizing how Jinri stared intently at him.

Jinri's smile faded only to be replaced by a scowl to hide her embarrassment.

"As if I'm interested." she snorted.
"Well, I am." Chanyeol talked back, making him laugh more.

Jinri was about to retort when Luna and Kyungsoo grabbed the attention of all audience. The married couple looked inseparable when they entwined their hands together and looked each other in the eyes with much passion. Jinri recognized those stares as the same ones from her friends' wedding; the same ones when Joonmyeon holds his hand before; and the exact same ones whenever she and Chanyeol stared at each other.

"Why are you smiling?" Chanyeol whispered, completely not paying attention from Kyungsoo's speech.
"I'm just happy to see those two happy." Jinri whispered back. Then she discreetly hold Chanyeol's hand and squeezed them. "And happier because I was able to see how happy we are."

*Even if I'm scared Chanyeol. I will our every second worth it*

* * *

"I think we should go now Kyungsoo. We might not be able to catch the last bus." Jinri said, looking at the wall clock hung from behind.
"Then you can stay here overnight." Luna offered.
"Oh no. We won't spoil the fun for the two of you." Jinri grinned. "You know... privacy."

Kyungsoo and Luna both blushed from Jinri's second meaning and they both cleared their throats in unison

"I need to go to bathroom."
"I'm walking these two on the front door."

Kyungsoo and Luna said at the same time.

"Oh god, you guys are hopeless!" Jinri laughed, enjoying the little expressions from her friends.
"Let's go. Do you want to catch the bus or what?" Kyungsoo asked, standing up.
"Bye Luna." Jinri hugged Luna then gave a brief hug on Kyungsoo. "Bye Kyungsoo."
"You don't need to walk us on the front door Kyungsoo." Chanyeol smiled. "I'll take care of her." he puts a protective arm over Jinri's shoulder, making them appear couple-like.
"Well, I trust you bro. Good night!"

Chanyeol and Jinri waved one last time. When they were outside the front porch, they broke into a run.

"Why are we running?!" Jinri asked surprisedly.
"We're going to catch the bus!" Chanyeol hollered.
"Can't we just transport or something?"
"It's fun this way though! Faster Jinri!"

Jinri brought her long legs faster, trying to keep up with Chanyeol's longer strides. They saw the bus station's from afar and caught a glimpse of its tail disappearing on the corner, making the both of them shout "WAIT!!!"

"It... l-left... us..." Jinri panted, leaning on the wall for support.
"Y-yeah..." Chanyeol agreed, panting harder than Jinri. "But that was some exercise, huh?"

Jinri nodded and sat on the ground, her back leaning against the wall. She looked above her and admired the round, yellowish moon placed at the center of the scattered stars instead. She knew that it was the same moon when she met Chanyeol. She thought it was the most chaotic night of her life, the unluckiest one, but then she found out that it was the turning point of her journey. Even though she learned that Mei was a bad person, Jinri still thank Mei for giving her a chance to meet her prince.

Yes, her prince. She guessed she has to up with Chanyeol's endearment after all.

"Say Jinri... How about we get married?"

Jinri snapped her head towards Chanyeol so fast she thought her neck would crack. Her eyes bulged unbelievably, her ears turned sharper than before, and hang agape, trying to decipher if what she heard was right. Was he....?

"I know, my proposal was so unromantic, huh?" Chanyeol scratched his hair and grinned sheepishly. Then he reached for her hand, squeezed it, and the next thing Jinri knows, she was standing in front of their safe haven - the meadow.

"But then I wanted you to know that I don't care about how human usually propose to a girl. This is me - Chanyeol, the great alien from Exo - trying to seal my love for you with the sacred vows of marriage. Will you, Choi Jinri, accept this humble man's heart, and spend time with me until..."
"-Until the last second." Jinri filled in sadly. 

Chanyeol dropped his gaze, making Jinri sighed heavily.

She knew that they will never be together forever

Chanyeol told her that his last wish on Lay's black pearl was to lengthen his time in Earth. Since it has been nine years since he left, Chanyeol should have aged older than before, just like how the 40-year old Mei turned 60 when she landed on Earth. 

Jinri was scared of losing Chanyeol again. They have no idea when would he stay young. Furthermore, she had endured 9 years without him. How much longer would she endure more when Chanyeol's wish was done?

What would she do when Chanyeol became a mere ash and memory, just like any other exotics in Exo?

"I'm scared Chanyeol." Jinri said. "I'm scared of being alone again."
"Jinri -"
"But then..." Jinri cut in. "I can't dwell with my fears any longer. I wanted to be happy. And you know... you're my happiness." She lightly touched Chanyeol's cheeks and caressed it, like her life depended on it.
"I know. You are my happiness too."
"And that's why I want you to spend every second of your life with me. Even if you turned wrinkly and looked like my grandfather, I don't care. For me, you will always be Chanyeol." 
"Even if I turned into ash?" Chanyeol challenged.

Jinri smiled, undaunted by his possible threat.

"Even if you turn into ash, you will always be my Chanyeol."

Chanyeol let the words linger on his ears more. He smiled, his heart warming up.

*Please, black pearl. Let my years be longer with her. Please...*

"And you will always be my bride, Jinri. My wife."

Hi~ :)

Just like what Sehun said on Chapter 39, the EMs were locked down the cellar. Luhan was one of them. And since he was also the one who gave up in the middle of his battle against Chanyeol, he was on the process of trying to figure things out, because he has acknowledged Chanyeol's brotherly love. 

I did not specify that on my chapters though. Hehe. 

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04/14/18 [3.6.5.]: Almost 4 years since I wrote the ending of this story and 3.6.5 is still my favorite. <3 Hi, subbies! See you on my other fanfics! Hello, my new subbies, welcome!! <3


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this fanfiction is great, i spent 2 sleepless nights to digest everything. authornim, you made me laugh and you made me shed tears.

there were a couple of grammatical mistakes here and there, and sometimes, i wonder if the place you're describing is still Seoul lol but i loved every chapter of this fanfiction. it's nice to see a good straight fanfiction for a change, straight fanfictions don't usually give my lacrimal glands a reason to be worked up, they usually shed only for the bl fanfictions, but i didn't regret reading this. i didn't regret reading chanyeol grow in all aspects. good job authornim, you just made a work of art : )

btw, i wonder what happened to Kai and the others...ESPECIALLY LUHAN OUO how about another epilogue? or a oneshot? OuO
Chapter 37: isn't it ironic, to have kristaolu as the antagonists? lol
Chapter 46: And Joonmyeon, no words can describe how I feel about him... Well, he was incredible! His love for Jinri... Wow...
Let me say it again, this is beautiful story!
Thank you, Authornim!
And now, let Jinri & Yeol fly to their neverland... To the place where their dreams come true, where there is never ending happiness, and where they can cherish & love each other with no limited time!
Chapter 45: I must say, this is sooo beautiful...
Thank you, Authornim... For creating such an amazing Chanlli's love story...
I am hardly writing my comments right now for my eyes go blurry and so teary...
I just can't stop crying...
This is beautiful! Chanlli's love story didn't end up in a "happy ending" situation, but I have no worries since I believe Chanlli's love story has no end! :)
Wait for your Princess Jinri ne, Prince Yeol!
I'm happy for both of you!
Lamprocapnos spectabilis! :)
Thank you again, Authornim!
Please make more Chanlli's love stories! :)
See you soon!

Your reader. ❣
Chapter 44: Emergency type Z... Ah, I'm beyond glad that Jinri & Kyungsoo are the best of best friends for years... For the whole time of their life... :)
Jinri... Oh, please... I wish Chanlli happiness and more blessings... :')
Did I miss something?
Chapter 43: Let's see how much they love each other...
Had Jinri been pregnant with Yeol's baby yet?
I want a Chanlli Junior! ❣
Chapter 42: I was about to ask you about Luhan... And then, I found the answer...
I don't want them to be separated ever again! No! It's painful...
They are each other's happiness... Oh, please...
Chapter 41: Pumpkin and Muffin? Sweet!
Exo is full of mistery...
Ah ya, they were assummed as cousins... LOL
How bout Kry and Vic?
Chapter 40: 9 years??? Oh, Jinri...
What did Yeol miss???
Aw! I'm nervous...
And what happened at the church earlier?