Chapter six - Oh Sehun

The Special Class
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Baekhyun already left for his class and I'm already outside mine, the only thing stopping me from entering is my nature to be scared.

But I mustered up all my courage and knocked on the door


"Ah Ms Kim, hurry to your seat."
thats weird, I thought she was gonna lecture me or something


"I take it that your injury is healed?" oh so she knew.


"Yes I am fine, Thank you" I replied with a smile, she returned it and went right back to teaching, took me long enough to find this damn classroom that's located at what seemed like a hidden corner. This is chemistry, one of my favourites like english and Art, but it's hard to concentrate when there's people whispering about you so loudly.


"Yah, do you think she's nice?"


"I don't know! I haven't talk to her yet, you ?"


"well judging on how she beat the other new student up I wouldn't say she's very merciful.."


"But the others said she only defended most of the time, the only attack was to force the new girls ability away."


"She can do that?!"


"I know, scary! Well she is a special, nothing less is expected."


"I always thought there's only 12 specials.."


"me t-"

Their conversation got interrupted as the teacher namely Mrs Goo, shushed them up.
I'm not scary, I just rage easily ...


"I'm going to repeat myself since two little birds were tweeting to each other, (hehe see what I did there) the class will be going on a field trip 2 days after to jeju island for a well known teacher of mine there ." Ms Goo said excitedly with a huge grin on


" He would be a great lecturer during your stay there, not only that, the field trip is also for training, all of your abilitie

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Omg I found this awesome story called predator turned prey and the lead female of that story's name is Bak Hanmi. Like holy shat that's friggin awesome XD


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fayepopper #1
Chapter 66: Wahhhhhhhh I'm so excited for the end....... although it's already 2017
Chapter 66: i don't get it.. how did that happen? I thought Chen died or sth..??????
Chapter 31: my little heart is shattering
avisdawn #4
Chapter 66: I'm still patiently waiting ^^ just don't give up this story
SairoKate #5
Chapter 55: Is it just me (I think so) but when I keep reading this fanfic it kinda reminds me of Fairytail the anime cuz
First was Filia like HeartFilia but yep
Second was when Hanmi turned into a bird form like Lisanna
Third I think its because Im a fan of the anime xD
Chapter 66: Yayayayyaya update soon please
Sugardreamx #7
Chapter 66: Wait. what? Why is there xiumin? I'm confused
Sugardreamx #8

*off to continue read the story*
Amandaling #9
Chapter 41: Omg.. it's like hunger games???
Amandaling #10
Chapter 22: Omomonomomomomomom!!!! Feeeeellllssss