Chapter thirty-six - Soo un

The Special Class
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Sooja remained oblivious to whatever was going outside since the walls are sound proofed.

She gazed at her friend looking ever so pale, the two filias grew so close they were like mother and daughter. It was as if the jealousy of her real daughter errupted at their friendship and brought her into this state. Partially true yes, just not the jealousy part.

She materialised herself back into the afterworld hoping to find her daughter, her only daughter she left behind and hidden before her death, nobody knew she had a child with a bearer of wind. The father doesn't know either, or rather, Jacob doesn't know.

There was a familiar silhouette by a nearby stream, Soo un.

A giggle was heard.

"I finally can show myself to you, mother." Soo un was a real beauty just like her mother except she ressembles the father more.


" child.." Sooja's legs went weaker and weaker as she slowly made her way towards her only daughter.

"I have searched so hard in the afterlife for you after I heard you passed, I..I..-"


"Mother." She looked deep into her mother's eyes.


"I missed you..Mommy.."

No words were exchanged anymore as they embraced tightly.



"Oh don't worry she'll wake up."


"I don't know mom.."

"The will's date is nearing."


"Don't tell me, this

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Omg I found this awesome story called predator turned prey and the lead female of that story's name is Bak Hanmi. Like holy shat that's friggin awesome XD


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fayepopper #1
Chapter 66: Wahhhhhhhh I'm so excited for the end....... although it's already 2017
Chapter 66: i don't get it.. how did that happen? I thought Chen died or sth..??????
Chapter 31: my little heart is shattering
avisdawn #4
Chapter 66: I'm still patiently waiting ^^ just don't give up this story
SairoKate #5
Chapter 55: Is it just me (I think so) but when I keep reading this fanfic it kinda reminds me of Fairytail the anime cuz
First was Filia like HeartFilia but yep
Second was when Hanmi turned into a bird form like Lisanna
Third I think its because Im a fan of the anime xD
Chapter 66: Yayayayyaya update soon please
Sugardreamx #7
Chapter 66: Wait. what? Why is there xiumin? I'm confused
Sugardreamx #8

*off to continue read the story*
Amandaling #9
Chapter 41: Omg.. it's like hunger games???
Amandaling #10
Chapter 22: Omomonomomomomomom!!!! Feeeeellllssss