Chapter Thirty - The Stranger.

The Special Class
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Thats all you little princesses do, give up.

Why not give up this fight too?.. 

Words of provoke played in Jaekyung's mind like a broken recorder, it comes at random timings saying things like it's no use, to give up, although it has been going on for quite a while already it wasn't that disturbing. However that day..


*Flashback during the arena fight with Sehun and Jaynie*

"I'll be making Sehun oppa mine tonight, he's still a man and guess what" Jaynie was speaking in a very hushed voice and she continued.

"he was the one who volunteered to visit me at my room." She let out a little chuckle.



What a shame..


The same mysterious voice barged into Jaekyung's thoughts, it's a pity Sooja couldn't hear it.


Don't even try unleashing those shadows to attack the girl, I am one of the bearers of your body, the one who had his shadows stolen and inserted into your of a body. I still have enough strength to make the shadows go haywire 


You.. have been bothering me for the past few days, what do you want.


Good to know that I have. Oh I don't want anything but the downfall of the humans, especially the Filias. If you do not wish for your prince to be hurt, you will be wise and leave the arena now.


The conversation up till here had the poor girl forget about the fight going on, not about the whole Jaynie thing though. Knowing the dark voice was not lying about what he claimed he would do, she forced the words 'I withdraw' out of , upon remembering she could not move, she broke the spell hurriedly and left the gym as fast as she could for the fountain where nobody should be for now since it's class. 


Good girl.. hehe


Just as the voice finished his 'praise', black smoke appeared in front of Jaekyung as it molds into a middle aged man that resembles a noble from the olden days, black pointy shoes, a black smart suit decorated with stripes, an eye glass hooked on with a chain, a long hat that could be worn by a magician and lastly a long cane that looked like anything but the standard cane used to support a elderly's walking.

The unknown man let out a smirk before removing his hat to his stomach and bowed a little.

"It is an honor, to finally meet the princess." he dusted his cap and placed it back on his head.


As you all know, Jaekyung is not someone who can take surprises really well..


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Omg I found this awesome story called predator turned prey and the lead female of that story's name is Bak Hanmi. Like holy shat that's friggin awesome XD


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fayepopper #1
Chapter 66: Wahhhhhhhh I'm so excited for the end....... although it's already 2017
Chapter 66: i don't get it.. how did that happen? I thought Chen died or sth..??????
Chapter 31: my little heart is shattering
avisdawn #4
Chapter 66: I'm still patiently waiting ^^ just don't give up this story
SairoKate #5
Chapter 55: Is it just me (I think so) but when I keep reading this fanfic it kinda reminds me of Fairytail the anime cuz
First was Filia like HeartFilia but yep
Second was when Hanmi turned into a bird form like Lisanna
Third I think its because Im a fan of the anime xD
Chapter 66: Yayayayyaya update soon please
Sugardreamx #7
Chapter 66: Wait. what? Why is there xiumin? I'm confused
Sugardreamx #8

*off to continue read the story*
Amandaling #9
Chapter 41: Omg.. it's like hunger games???
Amandaling #10
Chapter 22: Omomonomomomomomom!!!! Feeeeellllssss