Chapter twenty-three - Reconciliation

The Special Class
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You can't run away from reality, Your Majesty..


The museum..


Twelve will die.


The museum..


Along with their betrothed.


The museum..


The twenty-sixth will also die in shame..hehe-




The same nightmare for countless nights sleep away from Jaekyung as if it wasn't hard enough for her to sleep already.

She did what she usually does after waking up so horridly, study.

Ever since the 'confession' from Sehun, she's been keeping a fields safe distance from him. Each time he tries to talk to her she would run like she never ran before, Jaekyung fears nothing more than love.

After all, anybody would after all her crushes literally insults her in her face, some even spat. (Hanmi's work.)


I studied this already..


She closed the book and took another from her shelf.


This too...and this... and this!


Sighing in frustration, the Special decided to take a walk around the neighbourhood instead.


I haven't had the time to do that, it's 4am. I don't think anyone will be up this early.


Jaekyung nodded to herself and left with her phone and cardigan.


Aish I should've changed into something longer..


Instead of a nice breezy walk to take her mind off everything, she's walking around getting panic attacks from the floating ball of lights, birds the size of a dog, securities that looked a hell lot like mannequins and lets not forget the floating trees. 

How pleasant, I come out to calm my nightmares but I'm living in one myself.


Welllll, if the Princess has nightmares, the prince should have them too, right?

Sehun was jogging in the park after that nightmare, yes the same nightmare as Jaekyung but the boy doesn't know.

[A/N: Blue Italics are Sehun's thoughts from here on!]


He's been in the park jogging non-stop for around an hour, thinking about the unpleasant re-occurring dreams.

What it could mean, Why was it happening to him, Was the other specials having it too.

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Omg I found this awesome story called predator turned prey and the lead female of that story's name is Bak Hanmi. Like holy shat that's friggin awesome XD


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fayepopper #1
Chapter 66: Wahhhhhhhh I'm so excited for the end....... although it's already 2017
Chapter 66: i don't get it.. how did that happen? I thought Chen died or sth..??????
Chapter 31: my little heart is shattering
avisdawn #4
Chapter 66: I'm still patiently waiting ^^ just don't give up this story
SairoKate #5
Chapter 55: Is it just me (I think so) but when I keep reading this fanfic it kinda reminds me of Fairytail the anime cuz
First was Filia like HeartFilia but yep
Second was when Hanmi turned into a bird form like Lisanna
Third I think its because Im a fan of the anime xD
Chapter 66: Yayayayyaya update soon please
Sugardreamx #7
Chapter 66: Wait. what? Why is there xiumin? I'm confused
Sugardreamx #8

*off to continue read the story*
Amandaling #9
Chapter 41: Omg.. it's like hunger games???
Amandaling #10
Chapter 22: Omomonomomomomomom!!!! Feeeeellllssss